A. Sales:
There are no Sale during the year
B. Fixed Assets ;
To state Fixed Assets at cost or acquisition inclusive of duties, taxes
and erection expenses.
C. Depreciation :
For the assets acquired installed during the current year under report
pro-rata / depreciation at the rates specified in the Schedule XIV of
the Companies Act, 1956 has been charged to straight line method on
each asset according to the period of their use. For the asset
acquired/installed in the earlier years, the depreciation has been
charged on straight line method at the rates applicable at the time of
acquisition / installation of the said asset
D. Valuation of Stocks :
There is no stock in trade.
E. Incentives / subsidies :
To account for Central / State Incentives, Subsidies on accrual basis.
F. Foreign Currency Transaction :
To account for Export Sales in foreign currency at the exchange rate
prevailing at the time of negotiation or export documents or at the
rate prevailing on the day amount received against documents sent for
G. Other Accounting Policies :
Any Accounting Policy other than what is referred above are in
consistency with the Accepted Accounting Principles.