i. Basis of Accounting
The financial statement of the company have been prepared in accordance
with Generally Accepted Accounting Principle in India (Indian GAAP).
The company has prepared these financial statement to comply in all
material aspects with the accounting standards notified under the
Companies (Accounting Standards), Rules 2006, (as amended) and the
relevant provisions of the Companies Act, 1956. The financial
statements have been prepared on an accrual basis and under the
historical cost convention
ii. Presentation and Disclosure of Financial Statements
The Company has reclassified the previous year figures in accordance
with the requirements applicable for the current year.
iii. Revenue Recognition
Revenues and expenses are recognized on the accrual basis with the
exception insurance claims, interest on calls in arrears and interest
on overdue receivables which are accounted on cash basis sales are net
of taxes and duties, trade discounts and rebates.
iv. Fixed Assets
Fixed Assets are stated at cost (Net of Cenvat, wherever applicable)
less depreciation. Cost includes freight, duties and taxes and other
expenses related to acquisitions and installation. Depreciation on
Fixed Assets has been provided on the Straight Line Method and at rates
and in the manner specified in Schedule XIV to the companies Act, 1956.
Intangible Asset constitutes Brand Name acquired for valuable
consideration. It is being amortized over a period of 10 years.
v. Borrowing Cost
Borrowing costs are directly attributable to the acquisition,
construction or production of an asset that necessarily takes a
substantial period of time to get ready for its intended use or sale
are Capitalized as part of the cost of the respective asset. All other
borrowing costs are expensed in the period they occur.
vi. Inventory
Raw materials and stores and spares have been valued at weighted
average price. Cost includes Taxes and duties, freight and other direct
vii. Investments
LongTerm Investments are stated at cost, and Short Term Investments are
valued at cost or Net Realizable Value whichever is less.
viii. Taxation
There is no need to make provision for income tax, since the company
has incurred a Loss during the current financial year. In our opinion
the deferred (Asset) appearing in the Balance sheet is adequate. As
such no further provision has been made towards deferred tax.
ix. Employee Benefits
Shortterm Employee benefits, in respect of leave salary and reimburse
of medical expenses, the liability has been fully provided on
undiscounted basis, in accordance with the schemes in force. The
contribution to Provident Fund (defined contribution plan), as per the
provisions of the Employee's provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provision
Act, 1952, is recognized as expense and remitted to the Provident Fund
Commissioner. Expense and income of this year include amounts below Rs.
1000/- in relation to earlier years, which are accounted on cash basis.
x. Foreign Exchange Transaction
Transactions in foreign exchange are accounts at the exchange rates
prevailing at the time of Real ization/ payment of bills.
xi. Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets
Provisions are recognized when the company has a legal and constructive
obligation as a result of a past event, for which it is probable that a
cash outflow will be required and a reliable estimate can be made of
the amount of the obligation. Contingent Liabilities are disclosed when
the company has possible obligation or a present obligation and it is
probable that a cash outflow will not be required to settle the
xii. Confirmation of a balances has not been received from creditors
and debtors as on 31 /03/2014
xiii. In the absence of adequate profits the remuneration paid to
Managing Director is within the limits prescribed as minimum
remuneration in Schedule XIII of the Companies Act, 1956.
xiv. The company has made a Circular Resolution in February 2012 in
which the company has arrived the amount due to Mr. Kamal Babbar was
Rs. 1243.72 Lakhs. Which includes the interest, managerial remuneration
& advances received from his group company.
There is no amount due to SSI units pending more than 30 days and above
Rs. 1 Lakh.
xv. The company has revalued the Land, Buildings during the year based
on valuation made by the approved valuer D Parthasarathy Associates as
on 22/02/2011. The company has taken the estimates and taken in to
account the valuation provided by them of land and hotel building.
Resultant Appreciation aggregating to Rs.8748.66Lakhs has been added to
the gross block of fixed assets and credited to Revaluation reserve.
There is an additional charge of depreciation of Rs.39. 18 Lakhs on
revaluation of hotel building and an equivalent amount has withdrawn
from revaluation reserve created.
xvi. The term loan from Punjab National Bank availed for refurbishing
of the hotel, etc. has been secured by first charge and Mortgage on all
immovable and movable properties of the company both present and
future, and guaranteed by the Managing Direcior, Joint Managing
Director and Executive Director.
xvii. The Board of directors of the company in their meeting resolved
to write off the advances and debtors which are not realizable.
Therefore the amount of Rs.857.63Lakhs is not recoverable treated as
Bad hence written off during the year under consideration and show
under other expenses.
xviii. The company is in the process of appointing a full time company
secretary by the provision of section 383 A of the companies Act 1956.
In the absence of the company secretary, these financial statements
have not been authenticated by a whole time company secretary under
section 215 of the companies Act 1956.
xix. The minority shareholders have field a petition vide C.P No. 15 of
2014 & C.P No. 11 of 2014 under section 235.237( b). 397. 398.402. and
403 under the companies act 1956 with company Law Board Chennai.
Further, the Minority share holders have filed memorandum of compromise
vide C P nol 6 of 2014 with honorable company law board Chennai. The
decision of the above said petitions are awaited. This may materially
impact the affairs of the company.
xx. The Company and Present Management has filed vide C S No.751/2013
before the. Honorable high court, Chennai, challenging the notices
issued by Mr. Kamal Babbar for convening the Extraordinary General
Meeting of the members of the company and in O.A.No.870/2013 the
Hon'ble High court, by order dated 8.11.2013, directed Mr. Kamal Babbar
and other shareholders not to implement the resolution of the meting
dated 09.11.2013 until further orders. The said suit is still pending
for adjudication before the Hon'ble High Court of Chennai.
xxi. Interest provided:
During the year the management has measured the liabilities, which
includes unsecured loans, advance share capital & short term
borrowings. The total interest provision has been made on the above
mentioned borrowings at the rates prescribed in the agreements made
with parties. This includes both the interest for current year &Earlier
years from when the amount is received by the company.
The liability of interest for earlier years has been accounted to the
tune of Rs. 1282.67 Lakhs as at date of Balance sheet.
xxii. Segment Reporting:
The company has business in two segments and the revenue from both is
taken on consolidated basis in the financials, the bifurcations are
show on individual segment as below:
Hotel & Restaurant Business : 784,66 Lakhs
Rental Income : 142.21 Lakhs
xxiii. The company has provided interest on various liabilities (which
includes - Unsecured Loans, liabilities arise due to supplies or
commitments of managements as per the agreements & understanding
entered with the lenders & investors. The company has provided interest
on share application monies pending allotment due to long pendency of
allotment as per the agreement, Memorandum of Understanding & Circular
resolution passed between the companies & investors.
xxiv. The company's hotel operations are discontinues from 31.03.2014
& advance booking monies are payable.
xxvi. Preference shares, which have fallen due for redemption long ago
could not be redeemed due to inadequate profits and non issuance of
additional share and not created preference share redemption reserve
due to inadequate profits.