Bothra Metals & Alloys Ltd. (referred to as “BMAL” or “the Company” hereinafter) was incorporated in the year 2001 headquartered in Mumbai. The Company is into manufacturing of Aluminum Section and Ingots through its manufacturing facility located at Sangli and Kala-Amb. The Company is also into trading Non-Ferrous Metals.
• These financial statements are prepared in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles in Bharat (GAAP) under historical cost convention on the accrual basis. GAAP comprises mandatory accounting standards as prescribed under Section 133 of the Companies Act, 2013 (‘Act') read with Rule 7 of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014, and the relevant provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 (“the 2013 Act”) / Companies Act, 1956 (“the 1956 Act”), as applicable.
• The financial statements are prepared under the historical cost convention and on the accounting principles of going concern. The Company follows the accrual system of accounting where income & expenditure are recognized on an accrual basis.
The preparation of financial statements requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect amounts in the financial statements and reported notes thereto. Actual results could differ from these estimates. Differences between the actual result and estimates are recognized in periods in which the results are known/ materialized.
Fixed assets are stated at the cost of acquisition or construction less accumulated depreciation and impairment loss, if any. The cost of an asset comprises of its purchase price (net of cenvat / duty credits availed wherever applicable) and any directly attributable cost of bringing the assets to working condition for its intended use. Expenditure on additions, improvements and renewals is capitalized and expenditure for maintenance and repairs is charged to the profit and loss account. Fixed assets depreciation was charged as on 31-03-2024 as per WDV on a Value basis on 31- 03-2023
The Company has provided for depreciation on fixed assets using written down value (WDV) over the useful life of the assets as prescribed in Schedule II to the Companies Act, 2013. Intangible assets are amortized over their estimated useful life on a straight-line basis. Depreciation on assets acquired/sold during the year is provided on a pro-rata basis with reference to the date of
nstallation / put to use in the books or disposal. Effective from 1st April 2014, the company has reassessed the useful lives of the fixed assets in line with the useful lives mentioned in Schedule II to the Companies Act, 2013.
• Investments that are readily realizable and intended to be held for not more than a year are classified as current investments. All other investments are classified as long-term investments.
• Current Investments are carried at lower of cost and fair value determined on an individual investment basis.
• Long-term investments are carried at cost. However, provision for diminution in value is made to recognize a decline other than temporary in the value of investments.
• Cost of inventory includes all costs of purchases and other costs incurred in bringing the inventories to their present location and condition.
• Closing Stock is valued as under:
° Raw Material: At cost or net realizable value whichever is less.
° Work in Progress: At cost or net realizable value whichever is less.
° Finished Goods: At cost or net realizable value whichever is less.
o Loose Tools: At cost.
° Consumable Store: At cost.
° Industrial Scrap (by-products): Estimated realizable value.
• Initial Recognition: Transactions denominated in foreign currencies are recorded at the exchange rates prevailing on the date of the transaction.
• Conversion: At the year-end, monetary items denominated in foreign currencies other than those covered by forward contracts are converted into rupee equivalents at the year-end exchange rates.
• Exchange Differences: All exchange differences arising on settlement/conversion of foreign currency transactions are recognized in the statement of profit and loss.
• Forward Exchange Contracts: In respect of transactions covered by forward contracts, the difference between the forward rate and the exchange rate at the date of the transaction is recognized as income or expense on the date of booking of the forward contract. The gain/loss on account of foreign currency translation in respect of foreign exchange contracts is spread over the term of the contract.
• The sale of goods is recognized on dispatches to customers, which coincides with the transfer of significant risks and rewards associated with ownership, Inclusive of excise duty and net of VAT & Discount.
• Interest income is recognized on a time proportion basis taking into account the amount outstanding and the rate applicable.
Borrowing costs that are attributable to the acquisition/construction of qualifying assets are capitalized as part of the cost of such fixed assets up to the date when such assets are ready for their intended use. All other borrowing costs are recognized as an expense in the period in which they are incurred.
• Short Term Employee Benefits: All employee benefits payable within twelve months of rendering of services are classified as short-term benefits. Benefits include salaries, wages, awards, exgratia, performance pay, etc. and are recognized in the period in which the employee renders the related service. Liability on account of encashment of leave, Bonus to the employee is considered as short-term compensated expense provided on actual.
• Post Employment Benefit:
o Defined Contribution Plan: A Provident fund is a defined contribution scheme established under a State Plan. The contributions to the scheme are charged to the profit & loss account in the year when the contributions to the fund are due.
o Defined Benefit Plan: The company's liability towards gratuity is determined using the projected unit credit method which considers each period of service as giving rise to an additional unit of benefit entitlement and measures each unit separately to build up the final obligation. The present value of the obligation under such defined benefit plans is determined based on the actuarial valuation at the date of the Balance Sheet.
Basic earnings per share is computed by dividing the net profit after tax for the year after prior period adjustments attributable to equity shareholders by the weighted average number of equity shares outstanding during the year.
Provision for Current Tax is made in accordance with the provision of the Income Tax Act, 1961. Deferred tax is recognized on timing differences between taxable & accounting income/expenditure that originates in one period and are capable of reversal in one or more subsequent period(s). for the F Y 2023-24 DTA of Amount Of Rs. -2,66,147.
The company assesses at each balance sheet date whether there is any indication due to external factors that an asset or group of assets comprising a cash-generating unit (CGU) may be impaired. If any such indication exists, the company estimates the recoverable amount of the asset. If such recoverable amount of the asset or the recoverable amount of the CGU, to which the asset belongs is less than the carrying amount of the asset or the CGU as the case may be, the carrying amount is reduced to its recoverable amount and the reduction is treated as impairment loss and is recognized in the statement of profit and loss. If at any subsequent balance sheet date, there is an indication that a previously assessed impairment loss no longer exists, the recoverable amount is reassessed and the asset is reflected at the recoverable amount subject to a maximum of depreciated historical cost and is accordingly reversed in the statement of profit and loss. Some of the Company assets realization value is Rs. NILL, so that we require to Impairment Amount Rs. NIL.