1. Corporate information
Established in the year 1985, Calcom Vision Limited, an ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2001 and SA 8000 certified company, having registered office in Delhi and Manufacturing unit at Surajpur Industrial Area, Greater Noida (Uttar Pradesh) India. The Company is engaged in the manufacturing and selling of Lighting and Electronics Products.
2. Basis of preparation
The financial statements are prepared on accrual basis under the historical cost convention as supplemented by financial instruments which are measured at fair values in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 including schedule III and Ind AS as prescribed under section 133 & rules thereunder.
The Financial Statements are presented in INR and all values are rounded to the nearest to two decimals of Lakhs, unless stated otherwise.
3. Use of estimates
The preparation of financial statements in conformity with Ind AS requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported balances of assets and liabilites and the disclosure relating to contingent liabilities as at the date of financial statements and reported amount of income and expenses during the period. The estimates and assumptions used in the financial statements are based upon the Management's evaluation of the relevant facts and circumstances as on the date of financial statements. Management believes that the estimates used in the preparation of the financial statements are prudent and reasonable. Difference between the actual results and estimates are recognised in the year in which the results are known or materialized.
4. Global Health Pandemic Covid-19
The Covid-19 pandemic has already resulted in economic slowdown throughout the world including India. The operations of the Company have also been impacted due to lockdown by the Government of various states in India and supply chain distruption world over.
The Company has evaluated the impact of this pandemic on its business operations and financial position while preparing these financial statements and has considered internal and external information for making this evaluation. The Company's assessment is based on its current estimates while assessing the provision towards employee benefits and assessing the realizability of inventories, trade receivables, other financial assets etc. The Company has also assessed the impact of this whole situation on its capital and financial resources, profitability, liquidity position, internal financial reporting and controls etc.
However, the impact assessment of Covid-19 is a continuing process given the uncertainties associated with its nature and duration, and the actual impact on these financial statements may differ from that estimated due to unforeseen circumstances. The Company will continue to closely monitor any material changes to future economic conditions.
5. Significant Accounting Policies
(i) Revenue Recognition
Revenue from the sale of goods and services are measured at the fair value of the consideration received or receivable, net of returns and allowances, trade discounts, rebates and incentives etc. Sales figure are recognized excluding Goods and Service Tax.
All Other income and expenditure items having a material bearing on the financial statements where certainty of ultimate collection/payment exist, are recognized on accrual basis.
(ii) Property, Plant & Equipment
Property, plant and equipment are stated at cost except where assets are revalued, net of accumulated depreciation and accumulated impairment losses, if any. Cost comprises of the purchase price (net of GST / duty credits wherever applicable) and all direct costs attributable to bringing the asset to its working condition for intended use and includes the borrowing costs for qualifying assets and the initial estimate of restoration cost if the recognition criteria is met.
Wherever assets are revalued, Gross carrying amount is adjusted by the amount added on revaluation based on Govt. approved valuers’ report and disclosed separately as required under the Companies Act,2013. All other repair and maintenance costs are recognised in the statement of profit and loss as incurred. Software and licences which are integral part of the PPE are capitalised along with respective PPE.
An item of property, plant & equipment is de-recognised upon disposal or when no future economic benefits are expected from its use or disposal. The gain or loss arising on the disposal or retirement of an item of property, plant and equipment is determined as the difference between the sales proceeds and the carrying amount of the asset and is recognised in the Statement of Profit and Loss on the date of disposal or retirement.
Capital work-in-progress includes cost of property, plant and equipment under installation / under development as at the balance sheet date. Advances paid towards the acquisition of property, plant and equipment outstanding at each balance sheet date is classified as capital advances under other non-current assets and the cost of Property, Plant and Equipment not available for use before such date are disclosed under 'Capital work-in-progress'.
(iii) Amortization and Depreciation
(a) During the year, the company has provided depreciation on Straight Line Method, as determined on the basis of useful lives specified in Schedule II of the Companies, Act, 2013.
(b) Depreciation on Plant & Machinery of AI/SMT Division and Automatic Assembly Division has been been provided on Double Shift Basis.
(c) Property, plant and equipment (PPE) which are added/ disposed- of during the year, depreciation is provided on pro-rata basis from (up- to) the date on which the PPE is available for use (disposed-off).
(d) Leasehold Land is re-classified with Right to Use and amortized over the period of lease as per the Ind AS-116.
(iv) Employee Benefits
Expenses and liabilities in respect of employee benefits are recorded in accordance with Ind-AS 19 - Employee Benefits.
(a) Defined contribution plan
Provident Fund & ESI Fund: Contribution to the provident fund & ESI Fund with the government at pre-determined rates is a defined contribution scheme and is charged to the statement of Profit and Loss. There are no other obligations other than contribution to PF & ESI Schemes.
(b) Defined benefit plan
Gratuity: The Company provides for gratuity, a defined benefit retirement plan ('the Gratuity Plan') covering eligible employees. The Gratuity Plan provides a lumpsum payment to vested employees at retirement, death, or termination of employment, of an amount based on the respective employee's salary and the tenure of employment with the Company. Provision for gratuity is made as per the provision of payment of gratuity act, as calculated by the independent actuary.
(c) Other Short-term employee benefits:
All employee benefits payable wholly within twelve months rendering services are classified as short term employee benefits. Benefits such as salaries, wages, short-term compensated absences, performance incentives etc. and the expected cost of bonus, ex-gratia are recognised during the period in which the employee renders related service. Liabilities in respect of encashment of accumulated leaves by the employees is estimated by the management and charged to Profit & Loss account.
(V) Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets
Provisions involving substantial degree of estimation in measurement are recognized (other than employees benefits) when there is present obligation as a result of past events and it is possible that there will be an outflow of resources.
Contingent Liabilities are not recognized in the financial statements but are disclosed in the notes to accounts.Contingent Assets are neither recognized and nor disclosed in financial statements.
(Vi) Share Based Payments
Share-based compensation benefits are provided to employees via the Company's Employee Stock Option Scheme. The fair value of options granted under the Employee Stock Option Scheme of the Company is recognised as an employee benefit expense with a corresponding increase in equity. The total expense is recognised over the vesting period, which is the period over which all of the specified vesting conditions are to be satisfied. At the end of each period, the entity revises its estimates of the number of options that are expected to vest based on service conditions. It recognises the impact of the revision to original estimates, if any, in profit or loss, with a corresponding adjustment to equity.
(vii) Foreign currency reinstatement and translation
(a) Functional and presentation currency
These financial statements have been presented in Indian Rupees (INR), which is the Company's functional and presentation currency
(b) Transactions and balances
Transactions in currencies other than the entity's functional currency (foreign currencies) are recognised at the rates of exchange prevailing at the dates of the transactions. At the end of each reporting period, monetary items denominated in foreign currencies are retranslated at the rates prevailing at that date. Nonmonetary items are measured in terms of historical cost in foreign currencies and are therefore not retranslated.
(c) Any income or loss on account of exchange fluctuation on settlement / year end, is recognised in the profit & loss account except in cases where they relate to acquisition of Property, Plant & Equipments in which case they are adjusted to the carrying cost of such asset as per guidelines and Ind AS-21 issued by Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.
(viii) Income Taxes
(a) Provision for Income Tax is made at the amount expected to be paid to the Tax Authorities in accordance with the Income Tax Act, 1961 and Income Compuation & Disclosure Standards using the tax rates as per the Tax Law that have been enacted or substantively enacted as on the date of the Balance Sheet.
(b) Deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognised for the future tax consequences of temporary differences between the carrying values of assets and liabilities and their respective tax bases, and unutilised business loss and depreciation carry-forwards and tax credits.Deferred tax assets are recognised to the extent it is probable that future taxable income will be available against which the deductible temporary differences, unused tax losses, depreciation carry-forwards and unused tax credits could be utilised.
The carrying amount of deferred tax assets is reviewed at each reporting date and reduced to the extent that it is no longer probable that sufficient taxable profits will be available to allow all or part of the asset to be recovered.Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured based on the tax rates that are expected to apply in the period when the asset is realised or the liability is settled, based on the tax rates and tax laws that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the balance sheet date. Current and deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset when there is a legally enforceable right to set off current tax assets against current tax liabilities and when they relate to income taxes leviedby the same taxation authority and the Company intends to settle its current tax assets and liabilities on a net basis.
(ix) Cash Flow Statement
Cash and cash equivalents includes cash on hand and at bank, deposits held at call with banks, other short-term highly liquid investments with original maturities of three months or less that are readily convertible to a known amount of cash and are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value and are held for the purpose of meeting short-term cash commitments. The cash flow statement has been prepared under the indirect method as set out in Indian Accounting Standard (IND AS ) 7 statement of cash flows.
(x) Impairment of Assets
Property, Plant & Equipments are assesed annually on the balance sheet date havings regards to the internal & external source of information so as to analyze whether any impairment of the asset has taken place. If the recoverable amount, represented by the higher of Net Selling Price or the Value in use, is lesser than carrying amount of Cash-generating unit, then the difference is recognized as Impairment Loss and is debited to Profit and Loss Account. Further Suitable reversals are made in the books of accounts as and when the impairment loss ceases to exist or shows a decrease.
(xi) Financial Instruments
Financial instruments are recognised on the balance sheet when the Company becomes a party to the contractual provisions of the instrument. Initially, a financial instrument is recognised at its fair value. Transaction costs directly attributable to the acquisition or issue of financial instruments are recognised in determining the carrying amount, if it is not classified as at fair value through profit or loss.Transaction costs of financial instruments carried at fair value through profit or loss are expensed in profit or loss.Subsequently, financial instruments are measured according to the category in which they are classified.
Classification of financial assets is based on the business model in which the instruments are held as well as the characteristics of their contractual cashflows. The business model is based on management's intentions and past pattern of transactions.The Company reclassifies financial assets when and only when its business model for managing those assets changes.
Financial liabilities are classified as subsequently measured at amortised cost unless they meet the specific criteria to be recognised at fair value through profit or loss.Other financial liabilities are measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method. Subsequent to initial recognition, these are measured at fair value with gains or losses being recognised in profit or loss.
(xii) Borrowing Cost
Borrowing cost that are directly attributable to acquisition or construction of qualifying assets has been capitalized as part of such asset as per Ind AS-23 on Borrowing Costs issued by the ICAI. All other borrowing cost are charged to revenue in the period when they are incurred.
(xiii) Earning Per Share
Earning Per Share is calculated by dividing the net profit for the year attributable to equity shareholders by the weighted average no. of equity shares outstanding during the year as per Ind AS-33 issued by the ICAI.
Diluted earnings per equity share is computed by dividing the net profit attributable to the equity holders of the company by the weighted average number of equity shares considered for deriving basic earnings per equity share and also the weighted average number of equity shares that could have been issued upon conversion of all dilutive potential equity shares.
(xiv) Government Grants/Assistance
Government grants/Assistance recognised where there is reasonable assurance that the same will be received and all elegibility criterias are met out If the grants/assistance are related to subvention of a particular expense, it is deducted form that expense in the year of recognition of government grant / Assistance.
(xv) Leases
The Company assesses at contract inception whether a contract is, or contains, a lease. That is, if the contract conveys the right to control the use of an identified asset for a period of time in exchange for consideration. Company as a lessee
The Company applies a single recognition and measurement approach for all leases, except for short-term leases and leases of low-value assets. The Company recognises lease liabilities to make lease payments and right-of-use assets representing the right to use the underlying assets.
i) Right-of-use assets
The Company recognises right-of-use assets at the commencement date of the lease (i.e., the date the underlying asset is available for use). Right-of-use assets are measured at cost, less any accumulated depreciation and impairment losses, and adjusted for any re-measurement of lease liabilities. The cost of right-of-use assets includes the amount of lease liabilities recognised, initial direct costs incurred, and lease payments made at or before the commencement date less any lease incentives received. Right-of-use assets are depreciated on a straight-line basis over the shorter of the lease term and the estimated useful lives of the assets.
If ownership of the leased asset transfers to the Company at the end of the lease term or the cost reflects the exercise of a purchase option, depreciation is calculated using the estimated useful life of the asset.
The right-of-use assets are also subject to impairment. Refer to the above mentioned accounting policy for impairment of non-financial assets.
ii) Lease liabilities
At the commencement date of the lease, the Company recognises lease liabilities measured at the present value of lease payments to be made over the lease term. The lease payments include fixed payments (including in substance fixed payments) less any lease incentives receivable, variable lease payments that depend on an index or a rate, and amounts expected to be paid under residual value guarantees. The lease payments also include the exercise price of a purchase option reasonably certain to be exercised by the Company and payments of penalties for terminating the lease, if the lease term reflects the Company exercising the option to terminate. Variable lease payments that do not depend on an index or a rate are recognised as expenses (unless they are incurred to produce inventories) in the period in which the event or condition that triggers the payment occurs.
In calculating the present value of lease payments, the Company uses its incremental borrowing rate at the lease commencement date because the interest rate implicit in the lease is not readily determinable. After the commencement date, the amount of lease liabilities is increased to reflect the accretion of interest and reduced for the lease payments made. In addition, the carrying amount of lease liabilities is re-measured if there is a
modification, a change in the lease term, a change in the lease payments (e.g., changes to future payments resulting from a change in an index or rate used to determine such lease payments) or a change in the assessment of an option to purchase the underlying asset.
The Company’s lease liabilities are included in financial liability.
iii) Short-term leases and leases of low-value assets
The Company applies the short-term lease recognition exemption to its short-term leases contracts including lease of guest houses (i.e., those leases that have a lease term of 12 months or less from the commencement date and do not contain a purchase option). It also applies the lease of low-value assets recognition exemption to leases of office equipment that are considered to be low value. Lease payments on short-term leases and leases of low-value assets are recognised as expense on a straight-line basis over the lease term.
(xvi) Inventories
Raw Material At cost or net realisable value which ever is lower
Work in Process At cost or net realisable value whichever is lower
Finished Goods At cost or net realisable value whichever is lower
Goods in Transit At cost
* Cost of inventories are derived by using FIFO method and it includes the costs incurred in bringing the items of inventories to there present location and condition.
Net realisable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business, less estimated costs of completion and the estimated costs necessary to make the sale.
(xvii) Application of New Accounting Pronouncements effective from April 1, 2023
Ministry of Corporate Affairs ("MCA") notifies new standards or amendments to the existing standards under Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Rules as issued from time to time. On March 31,2023, MCA amended the Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Amendment Rules, 2023, as below:
Ind AS 1: Presentation of Financial Statements - This amendment requires the entities to disclose their material accounting policies rather than their significant accounting policies. The effective date for adoption of this amendment is annual periods beginning on or after April 1,2023. The Company has evaluated the amendment and the impact of the amendment is insignificant in the financial statements
Ind AS 8: Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors - This amendment has introduced a definition of ‘accounting estimates' and included amendments to Ind AS 8 to help entities distinguish changes in accounting policies from changes in accounting estimates. The effective date for adoption of this amendment is annual periods beginning on or after April 1,2023. The Company has evaluated the amendment and there is no impact on its financial statements
Ind AS 12: This amendment has narrowed the scope of the initial recognition exemption so that it does not apply to transactions that give rise to equal and offsetting temporary differences. The effective date for adoption of this amendment is annual periods beginning on or after April 1, 2023. The Company has evaluated the amendment and there is no impact on its financial statements