The financial statements of the Company have been prepared in
accordance with the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles in India
(Indian GAAP) to comply with the Accounting Standards notified under
the Companies (Accounting Standards) Rules, 2006 (as amended) and the
relevant provisions of the Companies Act, 2013. The accounts of the
company are prepared under the historical cost convention and in
accordance with the applicable accounting standards. For reorganization
of Profit & Loss, mercantile system of accounting is followed except
Rebate & Discount on Sales/Purchases, where accounting is done on
payment/ receipt basis..
The Preparation of financial Statements in conformity with generally
accepted accounting principles ("GAAP") requires management to make
estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets
and liabilities and the disclosure of contingent liabilities on the
date of the financial statements. Actual results could differ from
those estimates. Any revision to accounting estimates is recognized
prospectively in current and future periods.
Inventories are valued on the following basis: Traded Goods : At Cost
Shares : At Cost
Depreciation on Fixed Assets has been provided on Straight Line Method
based on useful life of the assets as prescribed in Schedule II to the
Companies Act, 2013. Depreciation on additions is charged for full year
irrespective of period of use and no depreciation has been charged on
Sale of goods
Sales are recognized, net of returns and trade discounts, on transfer
of significant risks and rewards of ownership to the buyer, which
generally coincides with the delivery of goods to customers. Sales
include excise duty but exclude sales tax and value added tax.
Export incentives receivable are accrued for when the right to receive
the credit is established and there is no significant uncertainty
regarding the ultimate collection of export proceeds.
Interest income is accounted on accrual basis. Dividend income is
accounted for when the right to receive it is established.
1.7 Tangible Assets :
Fixed assets, are carried at cost less accumulated depreciation and
impairment losses, if any. The cost of fixed assets includes interest
on borrowings attributable to acquisition of qualifying fixed assets up
to the date the asset is ready for its intended use and other
incidental expenses incurred up to that date. Exchange differences
arising on restatement / settlement of long-term foreign currency
borrowings relating to acquisition of depreciable fixed assets are
adjusted to the cost of the respective assets and depreciated over the
remaining useful life of such assets. Machinery spares which can be
used only in connection with an item of fixed asset and whose use is
expected to be irregular are capitalized and depreciated over the
useful life of the principal item of the relevant assets. Subsequent
expenditure relating to fixed assets is capitalized only if such
expenditure results in an increase in the future benefits from such
asset beyond its previously assessed standard of performance.
Transactions denominated in foreign currency are recorded at the
exchange rate prevailing on the date of transactions. Exchange
differences arising on foreign exchange transactions settled during the
year are recognized in the Profit and Loss account of the year.
Monetary assets and liabilities in foreign currency, which are
outstanding as at the year - end, are translated at the closing
exchange rate and the resultant exchange differences are recognized in
the profit and loss account.
The premium or the discount on forward exchange contracts not relating
to firm commitments or highly probable forecast transactions and not
intended for trading or speculation purpose is amortized as expense or
income over the life of the contract.
Long-term investments (excluding investment properties), are carried
individually at cost less provision for diminution, other than
temporary, in the value of such investments. Current investments are
carried individually, at the lower of cost and fair value. Cost of
investments include acquisition charges such as brokerage, fees and
Investment properties are carried individually at cost less accumulated
depreciation and impairment, if any. Investment properties are
capitalized and depreciated (where applicable) in accordance with the
policy stated for Tangible Fixed Assets.
Employee benefits include provident fund, superannuation fund, gratuity
fund, compensated absences, long service awards and post-employment
medical benefits. Defined contribution plans
The Company's contribution to provident fund and superannuation fund
are considered as defined contribution plans and are charged as an
expense as they fall due based on the amount of contribution required
to be made.
Borrowing costs include interest, amortization of ancillary costs
incurred and exchange differences arising from foreign currency
borrowings to the extent they are regarded as an adjustment to the
interest cost. Costs in connection with the borrowing of funds to the
extent not directly related to the acquisition of qualifying assets are
charged to the Statement of Profit and Loss over the tenure of the
loan. Borrowing costs, allocated to and utilized for qualifying assets,
pertaining to the period from commencement of activities relating to
construction / development of the qualifying asset upto the date of
capitalization of such asset is added to the cost of the assets.
Capitalization of borrowing costs is suspended and charged to the
Statement of Profit and Loss during extended periods when active
development activity on the qualifying assets is interrupted.
Basic earnings per share is computed by dividing the profit / (loss)
after tax (including the post tax effect of extraordinary items, if
any) by the weighted average number of equity shares outstanding during
the year. Diluted earnings per share is computed by dividing the
profit / (loss) after tax (including the post tax effect of
extraordinary items, if any) as adjusted for dividend, interest and
other charges to expense or income relating to the dilutive potential
equity shares, by the weighted average number of equity shares
considered for deriving basic earnings per share and the weighted
average number of equity shares which could have been issued on the
conversion of all dilutive potential equity shares. Potential equity
shares are deemed to be dilutive only if their conversion to equity
shares would decrease the net profit per share from continuing ordinary
operations. Potential dilutive equity shares are deemed to be converted
as at the beginning of the period, unless they have been issued at a
later date. The dilutive potential equity shares are adjusted for the
proceeds receivable had the shares been actually issued at fair value
(i.e. average market value of the outstanding shares). Dilutive
potential equity shares are determined independently for each period
presented. The number of equity shares and potentially dilutive equity
shares are adjusted for share splits / reverse share splits and bonus
shares, as appropriate.
Current tax is the amount of tax payable on the taxable income for the
year as determined in accordance with the provisions of the Income Tax
Act, 1961.
Deferred tax is recognized on timing differences, being the differences
between the taxable income and the accounting income that originate in
one period and are capable of reversal in one or more subsequent
periods. Deferred tax is measured using the tax rates and the tax laws
enacted or substantially enacted as at the reporting date. Deferred tax
liabilities are recognized for all timing differences. Deferred tax
assets in respect of unabsorbed depreciation and carry forward of
losses are recognized only if there is virtual certainty that there
will be sufficient future taxable income available to realise such
assets. Deferred tax assets are recognized for timing differences of
other items only to the extent that reasonable certainty exists that
sufficient future taxable income will be available against which these
can be realized. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset if such
items relate to taxes on income levied by the same governing tax laws
and the Company has a legally enforceable right for such set off.
Deferred tax assets are reviewed at each Balance Sheet date for their
Current and deferred tax relating to items directly recognized in
equity are recognized in equity and not in the Statement of Profit and
The carrying values of assets / cash generating units at each Balance
Sheet date are reviewed for impairment. If any indication of impairment
exists, the recoverable amount of such assets is estimated and
impairment is recognized, if the carrying amount of these assets
exceeds their recoverable amount. The recoverable amount is the greater
of the net selling price and their value in use. Value in use is
arrived at by discounting the future cash flows to their present value
based on an appropriate discount factor. When there is indication that
an impairment loss recognized for an asset in earlier accounting
periods no longer exists or may have decreased, such reversal of
impairment loss is recognized in the Statement of Profit and Loss,
except in case of revalued assets.
A provision is recognized when the Company has a present obligation as
a result of past events and it is probable that an outflow of resources
will be required to settle the obligation in respect of which a
reliable estimate can be made. Provisions (excluding retirement
benefits) are not discounted to their present value and are determined
based on the best estimate required to settle the obligation at the
Balance Sheet date. These are reviewed at each Balance Sheet date and
adjusted to reflect the current best estimates. Contingent liabilities
are disclosed in the Notes.
Expenditure on research phase is recognized as an expense when it is
incurred. Expenditure on development phase is recognized as an
intangible asset if it is likely to generate probable future economic
Current tax is the amount of tax payable on the taxable income for the
year as determined in accordance with the provisions of the Income Tax
Act, 1961.
Deferred tax is recognized on timing differences, being the differences
between the taxable income and the accounting income that originate in
one period and are capable of reversal in one or more subsequent
periods. Deferred tax is measured using the tax rates and the tax laws
enacted or substantially enacted as at the reporting date. Deferred tax
liabilities are recognized for all timing differences. Deferred tax
assets in respect of unabsorbed depreciation and carry forward of
losses are recognized only if there is virtual certainty that there
will be sufficient future taxable income available to realize such
assets. Deferred tax assets are recognized for timing differences of
other items only to the extent that reasonable certainty exists that
sufficient future taxable income will be available against which these
can be realized. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset if such
items relate to taxes on income levied by the same governing tax laws
and the Company has a legally enforceable right for such set off.
Deferred tax assets are reviewed at each Balance Sheet date for their
reliability. Current and deferred tax relating to items directly
recognized in equity are recognized in equity and not in
c) The Company has one only class of shares referred to as equity
shares having a par value of Re.1/-. Each holder of equity shares is
entitled to one vote per share. In the event of liquidation of the
Company, the holders of equity shares will be entitled to receive any
of the remaining assets of the Company, after distribution of all
preferential amount. The distribution will be proportional to the
number of equity shares held by the shareholders