1) Method of Accounting :
The Financial Statements are prepared as per Historical Cost Convention
on "Accrual Concept" and in compliance, in all material aspects, of
accountancy in accordance with the Generally Accepted Accounting
Principles in India, applicable provisions of the Companies Act 1956,
the applicable Accounting Standards notified under the Companies
(Accounting Standards) Rules, 2006 by the Central Government or any
other relevant provisions of the Companies Act, 1956. All Income and
Expenditures having material bearing on the Financial Statements are
recognized on accrual basis.
Based on the nature of the products and the time between the
acquisition of assets for processing and their realization in cash and
cash equivalent, the company has ascertained its operating cycle to be
less than 12 months.
2) Use of Estimates :
The preparation of the Financial Statements in conformity of Accounting
Standard generally accepted in India requires, the management to make
estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amount of Assets and
Liabilities and disclosure of Contingent Liabilities as on the date of
the financial statements and the reported amount of revenues and
expenses during the reporting period. Difference between the actual
results and estimates are recognized in the period in which the results
are known / materialized.
3) Revenue Recognition :
A. Revenue from sale of goods is recognized when significant risks and
rewards of ownership of the goods have been passed to the buyer. Sales
are stated inclusive of Excise and Sales Tax and net of rebate and
trade discount.
B. Service income is recognized as per the terms of contracts with the
customers when the related services are performed or the agreed
milestones are achieved and are net of service tax wherever applicable.
C. Dividend income is recognized when the unconditional right to
receive the income is established.
D. Interest income is recognized on time proportionate method taking
into accounts the amount outstanding and rate applicable.
E. Revenue in respect of other income is recognized when no
significant uncertainty as to its determination or realization exists.
4) Fixed Assets :
A. Fixed Assets are stated at historical cost of
acquisition/construction less accumulated depreciation (except free
hold land, where no depreciation is charged) and impairment loss. Cost
includes the purchase price (Net of Input tax credit received/
receivable or refundable taxes), and expenses directly attributable to
assets to bring it to the factory and in the working condition for its
intended use and pre-operative and project expenses for the period up
to completion of construction/assets are put to use.
B. The loss or gain on exchange rates on long term foreign currency
loans attributable to fixed assets, effective from April 1,2007 is
adjusted to the cost of respective fixed assets.
C. Where the construction or development of any such asset requiring a
substantial period of time to set up for its intended use, is funded by
borrowings if any, the corresponding borrowing cost are capitalized up
to the date when the asset is ready for its intended use.
D. Intangible Assets are reported at acquisition value with deductions
for accumulated amortization and any impairment losses.
E. Capital work in progress includes cost of assets (Net of Input tax
credit received/ receivable or refundable taxes) at sites, construction
expenditure, advances made for acquisition of capital assets.
F. The expenditure incidental to the expansion/new projects are
allocated to fixed assets in the year of the commencement of commercial
5) Depreciation :
A. Depreciation is provided on "Straight Line Method" on all assets
(except freehold land, where no depreciation is provided) as per
Section 205 (2) (b) of the Companies Act, 1956 at the rates prescribed
in Schedule XIV thereto as amended from time to time.
B. Depreciation on impaired assets is calculated on its residual
value, if any, on a systematic basis over its remaining useful life.
C. Depreciation on additions/disposals of the fixed assets during the
year is provided on pro-rata basis according to the period during which
assets are put to use.
D. Fixed assets costing Rs. 5000/- or less are fully depreciated in
the year of acquisition.
6) Impairment of Assets :
The carrying value of assets of the Company's cash generating units are
reviewed for impairment annually at each Balance Sheet Date or more
often if there is an indication of decline in value. If any indication
of such impairment exists based on internal/external, the recoverable
amounts of those assets are estimated and impairment loss is
recognized, if the carrying amount of those assets exceeds their
recoverable amount. The recoverable amount is the greater of the net
selling price and their value in use. Value in use is arrived at by
discounting the estimated future cash flows to their present value
based on appropriate discount factor. The impairment loss recognized in
prior accounting period is reversed if there has been a change in
recoverable amount.
7) Investments :
Investments are classified as Long Term and Current Investments. Long
Term Investments are valued at cost less provision for diminution other
than temporary, in value, if any. Current Investments are valued at
cost or fair value whichever is lower.
8) Inventories :
A. Raw Materials, Stores and Spare Parts, Packing Materials, Finished
Goods and Works-in-Progress are valued at lower of cost and net
realizable value after providing for obsolescence, if any.
B. Cost [Net of Input tax credit availed] of Raw Materials, Stores and
Spare Parts, Packing Materials and Finished Goods are determined on
FIFO Method.
C. Cost of Finished Goods and Works-in-Progress is determined by
taking material cost [Net of Input tax credit availed], labour and
relevant appropriate overheads using the absorption costing method and
other costs incurred in bringing them to their respective present
location and condition.
9) Employee Benefit :
(a) Short Term :
Short Term employee benefits are recognized as an expense at the
undiscounted amount expected to be paid over the period of services
rendered by the employees to the company.
(b) Long Term :
The Company has both defined contribution and defined benefit plans.
These plans are financed by the Company in the case of defined
contribution plans.
(c) Defined Contribution Plans :
These are plans in which the Company pays pre-defined amounts to
separate funds and does not have any legal or informal obligation to
pay additional sums. These comprise of contributions to Employees
Provident Fund. The Company's payments to the defined contribution
plans are reported as expenses during the period in which the employees
perform the services that the payment covers.
(d) Defined Benefit Plans :
Expenses for defined benefit i.e. gratuity payment plans are calculated
as at the balance sheet date by independent actuaries in the manner
that distributes expenses over the employees working life. These
commitments are valued at the present value of the expected future
payments, with consideration for calculated future salary increases,
using a discounted rate corresponding to the interest rate estimated by
the actuary having regard to the interest rate on Government Bonds with
a remaining term i.e. almost equivalent to the average balance working
period of employees.
(e) Leave Liability :
The employees of the company are entitled to leave as per the leave
policy of the company. The liability on account of accumulated leave as
on last day of the accounting year is recognized as at the balance
sheet date.
(f) Termination Benefits/Other Long Term Benefits :
Termination benefits are recognized as and when incurred. Other long
term employee benefits are recognized in the same manner as defined
benefit plans.
10) Central Excise Duty :
A. Excise duty is accounted gross of Cenvat benefit availed on inputs,
fixed assets and eligible services.
B. Excise duty is accounted on the basis of both, payments made in
respect of goods cleared as also provision made for goods lying in
stock/bonded warehouses.
11) Foreign Currency Transactions :
A. The transactions in foreign currencies on revenue accounts are
stated at the rates of exchange prevailing on the dates of
B. Assets and liabilities (monetary items) in foreign currencies
outstanding at the close of year are, converted in Indian currency at
the appropriate rate of exchange prevailing on the date of the balance
sheet. The resultant gain or loss is accounted during the year.
C. The net gain or loss on account of exchange differences either on
settlement or on translation of short term monetary items is recognized
in the Profit and Loss Account.
D. The net gain or loss on account of exchange differences either on
settlement or on translation of short term monetary.
E. The net gain or loss on account of exchange differences either on
settlement or on translation of long term monetary items including long
term forward contracts is recognised under "Foreign Currency Monetary
Items Translation Difference Account" [FCMITDA], except in case of
foreign currency loans taken for funding of fixed assets, where such
difference is adjusted to the cost of respective fixed assets. The
FCMITDA is amortized during the tenure of loans but not beyond March
F. Investments in foreign subsidiaries are recorded in Indian Currency
at the rates of exchange prevailing at the time when the investments
were made.
G. The foreign currency assets and liabilities including forward
contracts are restated at the prevailing exchange rates at the year
end. The premium in respect of forward contracts is accounted over the
period of the contract.
12) Borrowing Cost :
A. Borrowing costs that are attributable to the acquisition or
construction of qualifying assets are capitalized as part of the cost
of such assets. A qualifying asset is one that necessarily takes
substantial period of time to get ready for its intended use.
B. All other borrowing costs are charged to Profit and Loss Account in
which they are incurred.
13) Earning per Share :
A. Basic earnings per share are calculated by dividing the net profit
after tax for the year attributable to Equity Shareholders of the
Company by the weighted average number of Equity Shares in issue during
the year.
B. Diluted earnings per Share is calculated by dividing net profit
attributable to equity Shareholders (after adjustment for diluted
earnings) by average number of weighted equity shares outstanding
during the year.
14) Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets :
Provision is recognized when the Company has a present legal or
constructive obligation as a result of past event and it is probable
that an outflow of resources will be required to settle the obligation,
in respect of which reliable estimate can be made. Provisions
(excluding long term benefits) are not discounted to its present value
and are determined based on best estimate required to settle the
obligation at the balance sheet date. These are reviewed at each
balance sheet date and adjusted to reflect the current best estimates.
Contingent liabilities are not recognized but are disclosed in the
notes to the Financial Statements. A contingent asset is neither
recognized nor disclosed.
15) Taxation :
Current Tax :
Current tax is the amount of tax payable on the taxable income for the
year as determined in accordance with the provisions of Income Tax Act,
Deferred Tax :
Deferred Tax is recognized on timing differences being the difference
between taxable income and accounting income that originate in one
period and are capable of reversal in one or more subsequent periods.
Deferred tax assets are not recognized on unabsorbed depreciation and
carry forward of losses unless there is virtual certainly that
sufficient future taxable income will be available against which such
deferred tax assets can be realized.
16) Cash Flow Statement :
A. The Cash Flow Statement is prepared by the "Indirect Method" set
out in Accounting Standard 3 on "Cash Flow Statements and presents the
cash flows by operating, investing and financing activities of the
B. Cash and Cash equivalents presented in the Cash Flow Statement
consist of cash on hand and demand deposits with banks.