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07 March 2025 | 12:00

Industry >> Micro Irrigation Systems

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ISIN No INE175A01038 BSE Code / NSE Code 500219 / JISLJALEQS Book Value (Rs.) 81.08 Face Value 2.00
Bookclosure 16/08/2024 52Week High 84 EPS 0.67 P/E 91.83
Market Cap. 4154.56 Cr. 52Week Low 44 P/BV / Div Yield (%) 0.76 / 0.00 Market Lot 1.00
Security Type Other


You can view the entire text of Accounting Policy of the company for the latest year.
Year End :2024-03 

2 d) Material Accounting Policies

The material accounting policies adopted in preparation of standalone financial statements has been disclosed in the pertinent note along with other information. All accounting policies has been consistently applied to all the periods presented in the standalone financial statements unless otherwise stated.

2 e) Key accounting estimates and judgements

The preparation of the Company's standalone financial statements requires the management to make judgments, estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of revenues, expenses, assets and liabilities, and the accompanying disclosures, and the disclosure of contingent liabilities. Estimates and underlying assumptions are reviewed on an ongoing basis. Uncertainty about these assumptions and estimates could result in outcomes that require a material adjustment to the carrying amount of assets or liabilities affected in future periods.

Revisions to accounting estimates are recognised prospectively. The changes in the estimates are reflected in the Standalone financial statements in the period in which changes are made and, if material, their effects are disclosed in the notes to the Standalone financial statements.

The key assumptions concerning the future and other key sources of estimation uncertainty at the reporting date, that have a significant risk of causing a material adjustment to the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities within the next financial year, are described below:

Critical accounting estimates and key sources of estimation uncertainty: Key assumptions

Revenue Recognition: Revenue is recognised upon transfer of control of promised products or services to customers in an amount that reflects the consideration which the Company expects to receive in exchange for those products or services. Revenue is measured based on the transaction price, which is the consideration, adjusted for volume discounts, price concessions and incentives, if any, as specified in the contract with the customer. The Company exercises judgment in determining whether the performance obligation is satisfied at a point in time or over a period of time.

Employee retirement plans: The Company provides defined benefit employee retirement plans. Measurement of obligations under such plans require numerous assumptions and estimates that can have a significant impact on the recognized costs and obligation, such as future salary level, discount rate, attrition rate and mortality etc.

Recognition of current tax and deferred tax (including MAT credit entitlements)

The Company uses judgements based on the relevant rulings in the areas of allocation of revenue, costs, allowances, and disallowances which is exercised while determining the provision for income tax. Deferred income tax expense is

calculated based on the differences between the carrying value of assets and liabilities for financial reporting purposes and their respective tax basis that are considered temporary in nature. Valuation of deferred tax assets (including MAT credit entitlement) is dependent on management's assessment of future recoverability of the deferred benefit. Expected recoverability may result from expected taxable income in the future, planned transactions or planned tax optimizing measures. Economic conditions may change and lead to a different conclusion regarding recoverability.

Useful lives of depreciable/ amortisable assets (tangible and intangible): The Company uses its technical expertise along with historical and industry trends for determining the economic life of an asset/component of an asset. The useful lives are reviewed by management periodically and revised, if appropriate. In case of a revision, the unmortised depreciable amount is charged over the remaining useful life of the assets. Uncertainties in these estimates relate to technical and economic obsolescence that may change the utility of certain software, customer relationships, IT equipment and other plant and equipment.

• F-if value mea 'ments: When the fair values of financial assets and financial liabilities recorded in the balance sheet cannot be measured based on quoted prices in active markets, their fair value is measured using certain valuation techniques. The inputs to these models are taken from observable market data where possible, but where this is not feasible, a degree of judgement is required in establishing fair values. Judgements include considerations of inputs such as volatility risk and credit risk. Estimated fair values may vary from the actual prices that would be achieved in an arm's length transaction at the reporting date.

Recognition and measurement of provisions and contingencies

The Company estimates the provisions that have present obligations as a result of past events and it is probable that outflow of resources will be required to settle the obligations. These provisions are reviewed at the end of each reporting period and are adjusted to reflect the current best estimates.

The Company uses significant judgements to assess contingent liabilities.

The Company does not recognize contingent liability but discloses its existence in the Standalone financial statements. Refer note 28 for details

• Loss allowance on trade receivables

The Company determines the allowance for credit losses based on historical loss experience adjusted to reflect current and estimated future economic conditions. The Company considered current and anticipated future economic conditions relating to industries the Company deals with, and the countries where it operates. The identification of credit impaired balances of trade receivable requires use of judgments and estimates. Where the expectation is different from the original estimate, such difference will impact the carrying value of the trade and other receivables, and credit impaired expenses in the period in which such estimate has been changed. Refer note 8 (b) for details.

Biological Assets

Tissue culture plantations: Estimates and judgements in determining the fair value of tissue cultured plants relate to market prices, quality of plants, and mortality rates. The impact of discounting is not considered material as the transformation cycle is less than 6 months. Refer Note No.12 (b) for details.

2 f) Recent pronouncements

Ministry of Corporate Affairs ("MCA”) notifies new standards or amendments to the existing standards under Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Rules as issued from time to time. For the year ended March 31, 2024, MCA has not notified any new standards or amendments to the existing standards applicable to the Company.


Accounting Policy:

Property, plant and equipment held for use in the production or/and supply of goods or services, or for administrative purposes, are measured at cost / deemed cost, less accumulated depreciation and impairment losses, if any. Cost of Property, plant and equipment comprises its purchase price, including import duties and non-refundable purchase taxes, after deducting trade discounts and rebates, any directly attributable cost of bringing the item to its working condition for its intended use and estimated attributable costs of dismantling and removing the item and restoring the site on which it is located.

In case of self-constructed assets, cost includes the costs of all materials used in construction, direct labour, allocation of overheads, directly attributable borrowing costs.

Contd...3} Property, Plant and Equipment

Depreciation is provided on a pro rata basis using straight line method over the estimated useful life of the fixed assets taking into consideration their estimated residual values. All the assets have been provided depreciation based on life of assets taken on the basis of technical assessment by the management on Straight Line Method. Further, green house, shades and poly houses are depreciated at 10% and screw barrels used in moulding machines and PVC pipes are depreciated at 12.50% and 25% per annum. The Management believes that depreciation rates currently used fairly reflect its estimate of the useful life and residual values of fixed assets, though these rates in certain cases are different from lives prescribed under Schedule II.


The Company is engaged into orchard activities. The Orchards are regarded as bearer plant and presented as property, plant and equipment. The orchards are recognised at historical cost less depreciation. Depreciation is calculated using the straight-line method to allocate their cost, net of their residual values, over a period of 15 years commencing from the 6th year from the date of planting. Orchard mortality is charged to Statement of Profit and Loss.

Bearer plants are classified as immature until the produce can be commercially harvested. At that point they are reclassified and depreciation commences. Immature bearer plants are measured at accumulated cost. Generally the harvesting period is 6 years.

Capital work-in-progress

Capital work-in-progress assets in the course of construction for production or/and supply of goods or services or administrative purposes, or for purposes not yet determined, which are not ready for intended use as on the date of Balance Sheet are disclosed as Capital work-in-progress and are carried at cost, less any recognised impairment loss, if any. Directly attributable expenditure (including finance costs relating to borrowed funds/general borrowings for construction or acquisition of property, plant and equipment) incurred on project under implementation are treated as Pre-operative expenses pending allocation to the asset and are shown under CWIP

Intangible assets acquired are reported at cost less accumulated amortization and accumulated impairment losses, if any. The estimated useful life and amortization method are reviewed at the end of each annual reporting period, with the effect of any changes in estimate being accounted for on a prospective basis.

Intangible assets with indefinite useful lives and intangible assets not yet available for use are tested for impairment annually, and whenever there is an indication that the asset may be impaired.

The Company recognises right to use assets at the commencement date of the lease (i.e., the date the underlying asset is available for use). Right to use assets are measured at cost, less any accumulated depreciation and impairment losses, and adjusted for any remeasurement of lease liabilities. The cost to right to use assets includes the amount of lease liabilities recognised, initial direct costs incurred, and lease payments made at or before the commencement date. Right to use assets are depreciated on a straight-line basis over the shorter of the lease term and the estimated useful lives of the assets.

If ownership of the leased asset transfers to the Company at the end of the lease term or the cost reflects the exercise of a purchase option, depreciation is calculated using the estimated useful life of the asset.


Accounting Policy:

Investment property is property (land or a building or part of a building or both) held either to earn rental income or for capital appreciation or for both, but neither for sale in the ordinary course of business nor used in production or supply of goods or services or for administrative purposes. Investment properties are stated at cost net of accumulated depreciation and accumulated impairment losses, if any.

Depreciation on investment properties is provided on a pro rata basis using straight line method over the estimated useful life of the investment property taking into consideration their estimated residual values. These assets have been provided depreciation based on life of assets which is 10 years.

All financial assets are recognised on trade date when the purchase of a financial asset is under a contract whose term requires delivery of the financial asset within the timeframe established by the market concerned. Financial assets are initially measured at fair value, plus transaction costs, except for those financial assets which are classified at fair value through profit or loss (FVTPL) at inception. All recognised financial assets are subsequently measured in their entirety at either amortised cost or fair value.

Initial Recognition and Subsequent Recognition

i) Amortised Cost

Financial assets are subsequently measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method, if these financial assets are held within a business whose objective is to hold these assets in order to collect contractual cash flows and the contractual terms of the financial assets give rise on specified dates to cash flows that are solely payments of principal and interest on the principal amount outstanding.

Financial assets classified at amortised cost comprise trade receivables, loans, investments in debentures, government securities, interest and other receivables etc.

ii) Fair value through other comprehensive income (FVTOCI)

Financial assets are measured at fair value through other comprehensive income if these financial assets are held within a business whose objective is achieved by both collecting contractual cash flows on specified dates that are solely payments of principal and interest on the principal amount outstanding and selling financial assets.

On initial recognition, the Company has an irrevocable option to present changes in the fair value of equity investments not held for trading in OCI. This option is made on an investment-by-investment basis.

Investments in equity instruments at FVTOCI are subsequently measured at fair value with gains and losses arising from changes in fair value recognised in other comprehensive income and accumulated in other Equity. Where the asset is disposed of, the cumulative gain or loss previously accumulated in the other Equity is directly reclassified to retained earnings.

iii) Fair value through other comprehensive income (FVTOCI)

Financial assets are measured at fair value through profit or loss unless they are measured at amortised cost or at fair value through other comprehensive income on initial recognition. The transaction costs directly attributable to the acquisition of financial assets and liabilities at fair value through profit or loss are immediately recognised in statement of profit and loss.

Refer Note 36 for disclosure related to Fair value measurement of financial instruments.

De-recognition of financial asset

The Company derecognises a financial asset only when the contractual rights to the cash flows from the asset expire, or when it transfers the financial asset and substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the asset to another entity.


The Company recognizes loss allowances using the expected credit loss (ECL) model for the financial assets and unbilled revenues which are not fair valued through profit or loss. Loss allowance for trade receivables and unbilled revenues with no significant financing component is measured at an amount equal to lifetime ECL. For all other financial assets, expected credit losses are measured at an amount equal to the 12-month ECL, unless there has been a significant increase in credit risk from initial recognition in which case those are measured at lifetime ECL.

The Company determines the allowance for credit losses based on historical loss experience adjusted to reflect current and estimated future economic conditions. The Company considers current and anticipated future economic conditions relating to industries the Company deals with and the countries where it operates.

The amount of ECLs (or reversal) that is required to adjust the loss allowance at the reporting date to the amount that is required to be recorded is recognized as an impairment loss or gain in statement of profit and loss

Investment in Subsidiaries and associates

The investments in subsidiaries and associates are carried in the financial statements at historical cost except when the investment, or a portion thereof, is classified as held for sale, in which case measured at lower of carrying amount and fair value less costs to sell. When the Company is committed to a sale plan involving disposal of an investment, or a portion of an investment, in any subsidiary or associate, the investment or the portion of the investment that will be disposed of is classified as held for sale when the criteria described above are met. Any retained portion of an investment in a subsidiary or a associate that has not been classified as held for sale continues to be accounted for at historical cost.

Investments in subsidiaries and associates carried at cost are tested for impairment in accordance with Ind AS 36 Impairment of Assets.


Accounting Policy:

Cash and cash equivalents in the Balance Sheet include cash on hand, cheques on hand, deposits held at call with financial institutions, other short-term, highly liquid investments with original maturities of three months or less that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and which are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value.


Accounting Policy:

Raw materials and stores, work in progress, traded and finished goods are stated at the lower of cost and net realisable value. Cost of raw materials and traded goods comprises cost of purchases and all other costs incurred in bringing the inventories to their present location and condition. Cost of work-in-progress and finished goods comprises direct materials, direct labour and an appropriate proportion of variable and fixed overhead expenditure, the latter being allocated on the basis of normal operating capacity..Costs are assigned to individual items of inventory arrived on weighted average basis. Costs of purchased inventory are determined after deducting rebates and discounts.

However, materials and other supplies held for use in the production of inventories (finished goods, work-in-progress) are not written down below the cost if the finished products in which they will be used are expected to sell at or below the cost.


Accounting Policy:

Tissue culture plants

The Company sells tissue cultures plants of banana, strawberry, pomegranate & others to its customers. Tissue culture is a process where, propagation of a plant by using a plant part or single cell or group cell is done in a test tube under very controlled and hygienic conditions.

The tissue culture plants are valued at their fair value less cost to sell at the end of each reporting period. Changes in fair value are recognised in the Statement of Profit and Loss. Farming costs such as manure, soil preparation, laboratory maintenance and poly-house maintenance expenses are expensed as incurred

i) Fair value information:

The fair value measurements of Tissue culture plantations have been categorised as Level 3 fair values based on the inputs to the valuation techniques used. The following table shows the gain or losses recognised in relation to level 3 fair values.


Accounting Policy:

An equity instrument is any contract that evidences a residual interest in the assets of an entity after deducting all of its liabilities. Equity instruments issued by the Company are recognised at the proceeds received, net of direct issue costs.

i) The Company has converted 12,040,623 equity share warrants of ' 28.87 (Rupees Twenty Eight and Eighty Seven Paise Only) per share warrant into ordinary equity shares of face value of ' 2/- (Rupees Two Only) each at a premium of ' 26.87 per share in exercise of option availed by Promoter Group Company - Cosmos Investments and Trading Private Ltd. on 24th June, 2022 under Chapter V of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2018 ("The Regulation”) on preferential basis upon receipt of balance 75% of the amount. The equity shares so allotted on preferential basis shall be subject to lock-in for such period as may be prescribed under the ICDR Regulations.

ii) The Company has converted 60,000,000 equity share warrants of ' 28.87 (Rupees Twenty Eight and Eighty Seven Paise Only) per share warrant into ordinary equity shares of face value of ' 2/- (Rupees Two Only) each at a premium of ' 26.87 per share in exercise of option availed by Shantakaram Financial Advisory Services Pvt. Ltd. and Subhkam Ventures (I) Pvt. Ltd. during the period 2nd May 2023 to July 19, 2023 under Chapter V of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2018 ("The Regulation”) to the Investor group on preferential basis upon receipt of balance 75% of the amount. The equity shares so allotted on preferential basis shall be subject to lock-in for such period as may be prescribed under the ICDR Regulations.

i The Company has converted 2,822,877 equity share warrants of ' 28.87 (Rupees Twenty Eight and Eighty Seven ise Only) per share warrant into ordinary equity shares of face value of ' 2/- (Rupees Two Only) each at a prem^i c"' '>.87 pei share in exercise of option availed by Promoter Group Company - Cosmos Investments and Trading Private Ltd. on 13th July, 2023 under Chapter V of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2018 ("The Regulation”) on preferential basis upon receipt of balance 75% of the amount. The equity shares so allotted on preferential basis shall be subject to lock-in for such period as may be prescribed under the ICDR Regulations.

iv) The Company has issued and allotted 16,321,607 Equity Share Warrants of ' 46.64 each to Stocks & Securities (I) Pvt Ltd. (promoter group company) on 24th November, 2023.The Company has received 25% upfront money amounting to ' 190.31 against the allotment of 16,321,607 Equity Share Warrants, convertible into One (1) Equity Share and the conversion can be exercised at any time during the period of Eighteen (18) months from the date of allotment of Equity Share Warrants, as the case may be, on such terms and conditions as applicable.

v) The Company has issued and allotted 26,464,823 Equity Share Warrants of ' 46.64 each to Alpha Alternatives Funds (Alpha Alternatives Structured Credit Opportunities Fund, Pinkstone Ventures LLP and Tritiya Ventures LLP) on 24th November, 2023.The Company has received 25% upfront money amounting to ' 308.58 against the allotment of 26,464,823 Equity Share Warrants, convertible into One (1) Equity Share and the conversion can be exercised at any time during the period of Eighteen (18) months from the date of allotment of Equity Share Warrants, as the case may be, on such terms and conditions as applicable.

i) Terms / rights, preferences and restrictions attached to ordinary equity shares:

"Each holder of Ordinary Equity Shares is entitled to one vote per share. They have right to receive dividend proposed by the Board of Directors and approved by the Shareholders in the Annual General Meeting, right to receive annual report and other quarterly/half yearly/annually reports/notices and right to get new shares proportionately in case of issuance of additional shares by the Company. In the event of liquidation of the Company, the holders of Ordinary Equity Shares will be entitled to receive remaining assets of the Company, after distribution of all preferential amounts. The distribution will be in proportion to the number of Ordinary Equity Shares held by the Shareholders. The Company has a first and paramount lien upon all the Ordinary Equity Shares."

ii) Terms and conditions of differential voting rights (DVR):

"The DVR equity shareholders have the same rights as the Ordinary Equity Shares of the Company except voting rights. Every 10 DVR equity shares have one voting right on poll (on show of hands however, they carry 1 vote for every person voting). Any DVR holder holding less than 10 DVR equity shares holds fractional voting rights. The DVR equity shares have right to receive full dividend, to receive annual report, right to receive quarterly/ half yearly/ annually reports/notices and other information correspondence from time to time, to receive bonus and/or rights shares of the same class of shares as and when such an issue is made in respect of Ordinary Equity Shares and in the same ratio and terms. In case of buy back or reduction of capital of Ordinary Equity Shares, the DVR equity shares have right subject to buyback or reduction on the same terms as Ordinary Equity Shares. Further, in case of issue of Ordinary Equity Shares or any other securities or assets to ordinary equity shares in case of amalgamation/demerger/ re-organisation/reconstruction, the DVR Equity Shares have right to receive DVR Equity Shares and any other securities/assets as issued to Ordinary Equity Shares. They have right to hold separate class meeting if their rights are affected in any manner adversely."

iii) ESOP:

Board of Directors have on 31st March 2020 approved the grant/transfer to the selected employees 18,96,429 Equity Shares purchased by the ESOP Trust 2018, under the amended JISL ESOPs Scheme, 2011 to such persons and at an exercise price of ' 35 each to be vested in 5 years in equal number as per grant list placed before the Board as recommended by ESOP Trust 2018, as well as the NRC, initialed by the Chairman/Secretary for identification) to be administered by the NRC /JISL Esop Trust 2018 as per the pre approved JISL ESOPs Scheme 2011.


Accounting Policy:

Financial liabilities are recognised when the Company becomes a party to the contractual provisions of the instrument. Financial liabilities are initially measured at fair value through profit and loss or at amortised cost. Transaction costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition of financial liabilities (other than financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss) are deducted from the fair value measured on initial recognition of financial liability. They are measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method.

The Company derecognises financial liabilities when, and only when, the Company's obligations are discharged, cancelled, or have expired. When an existing financial liabilities are replaced by another from the same lender on substantially different terms, or the terms of an existing liability are substantially modified, such an exchange or modification is treated as the derecognition of the original liability and the recognition of a new liability. The difference in the respective carrying amounts is recognised in the statement of profit or loss.

Note 36 for disclosure related to Fair value measurement of financial instruments.


a) Working Capital Loans: (including Residual CC Facility, Bank Guarantee, Letter of Credit and Derivative/FC/CEL): CY-' 14,777.64 (PY-? 14,980.29)

Consortium of Banks (In Alphabetical order) led by State Bank of India, Commercial Branch, Fort, Mumbai and D N Road Branch, Mumbai; Asset Reconstruction Company (India) Limited (ARCIL), Mumbai; Bank of Bahrain and Kuwait, Mumbai; Bank of Baroda, Mumbai; Canara Bank, Mumbai; Export Import Bank of India, Mumbai; IDBI Bank Ltd, Mumbai; Punjab National Bank, Mumbai; Co-operative Centrale Raiffesen Boerenleen Bank, Mumbai; Standard Chartered Bank, Mumbai; Union Bank of India, Mumbai and Yes Bank Ltd., Mumbai.

The working capital facilities of an amount of ' 23,909.3 are secured by a first pari-passu charge created in favour of Security Trustee i.e. IDBI Trusteeship Services Ltd., Mumbai for the benefit of Working Capital Lenders by Deed of Hypothecation dated 21st February, 2022, on entire current assets of the Company present and future including stock, movables and receivables on pari - passu basis along with other working capital lenders in the WC Consortium, excluding, identified overdue receivables,

The Working Capital Facilities as above are further secured by a second charge ranking pari-passu created in favour of Security Trustee i.e. IDBI Trusteeship Services Ltd., Mumbai for the benefit of Working Capital Lenders by Indenture of Mortgage of immovable properties of the Company situated at Dist. Jalgaon, Solapur, Pune, Nashik in the State of Maharashtra and Dist. Bhavnagar in the State of Gujarat and by deposit of title deeds at Dist. Jabalpur in the State of Madhya Pradesh, Dist. Alwar, in the State of Rajasthan, Dist. Tirupur in the State of Tamil Nadu and Dist. Nalgonda in the State of Telangana, together with the buildings, structures standing thereon and all plant and machinery attached to earth. The working capital facilities are also secured by personal guarantee by the Vice Chairman and Managing Director and three other Directors of the Company in their personal capacity.

b) FITL 1: CY- ' 1,182.80 (PY- ' 1,712.99)

Consortium of Banks (in Alphabetical order) led by State Bank of India, Commercial Branch, Fort, Mumbai and D N Road Branch, Mumbai; Asset Reconstruction Company (India) Limited (ARCIL), Mumbai; Bank of Baroda, Mumbai; Canara Bank, Mumbai; Export Import Bank of India, Mumbai; IDBI Bank Ltd, Mumbai; Punjab National Bank, Mumbai; Cooperative Centrale Raiffesen Boerenleen Bank, Mumbai; Standard Chartered Bank, Mumbai; Union Bank of India, Mumbai and Yes Bank Ltd., Mumbai.

The FITL 1 facilities of an amount of ' 2,842.70 are secured by a first pari-passu charge created in favour of Security Trustee i.e. IDBI Trusteeship Services Ltd, Mumbai for the benefit of FITL 1 Lenders by Deed of Hypothecation dated 21st

February, 2022 on entire current assets of the Company present and future including stock, movables and receivables on pari - passu basis excluding identified overdue receivables.

The FITL 1 Facilities as above are further secured by a second charge ranking pari-passu created in favour of Security Trustee i.e. IDBI Trusteeship Services Ltd., Mumbai for the benefit of FITL 1 Lenders by Indenture of Mortgage of Dist. Jalgaon, Solapur, Pune, Nashik in the State of Maharashtra, Dist. Bhavnagar in the State of Gujarat, and by deposits of title deeds of immovable properties of the Company situated at Dist. Jabalpur in the State of Madhya Pradesh, Dist. Alwar in the State of Rajasthan, Dist. Tirupur in the State of Tamil Nadu and Dist. Nalgonda in the State of Telangana, together with the buildings, structures standing thereon and all plant and machinery attached to earth.

c) 0.01% Secured Redeemable Non-Convertible Debentures Series A (Series I as per Debenture Trust Deed) of ' 1,000 each : CY- ' 6,606.72 (PY- '7,660.32)

Consortium of Banks (in Alphabetical order) led by State Bank of India, Commercial Branch, Fort, Mumbai and D N Road Branch, Mumbai; Asset Reconstruction Company (India) Limited (ARCIL), Mumbai; Bank of Bahrain and Kuwait, Mumbai; Bank of Baroda, Mumbai; Canara Bank, Mumbai; Export Import Bank of India, Mumbai; IDBI Bank Ltd, Mumbai; Punjab National Bank, Mumbai; Co-operative Centrale Raiffesen Boerenleen Bank, Mumbai; Standard Chartered Bank, Mumbai; Union Bank of India, Mumbai and Yes Bank Ltd., Mumbai.

The Secured Redeemable Non-Convertible Debentures Series A (Series I as per Debenture Trust Deed) facilities of an amount of ' 10,207.30 are secured by a first pari-passu charge created in favour of Security Trustee i.e. IDBI Trusteeship Services Ltd, Mumbai for the benefit of Secured Redeemable Non-Convertible Debentures Series A (Series I as per Debenture Trust Deed) Holders by Deed of Hypothecation dated 21st February, 2022 on entire current assets of the Company present and future including stock, movables and receivables on pari - passu basis excluding identified overdue receivables.

The Secured Redeemable Non-Convertible Debentures Series A (Series I as per Debenture Trust Deed) Facilities as above are further secured by a second charge ranking pari-passu created in favour of Security Trustee i.e. IDBI Trusteeship Services Ltd., Mumbai for the benefit of NCD Series A Lenders by Indenture of Mortgage of Dist. Jalgaon, in the State of Maharashtra and Dist. Bhavnagar in the State of Gujarat and by deposits of title deeds of immovable properties of the Company situated at Dist. Tirupur in the State of Tamil Nadu and Dist. Nalgonda in the State of Telangana together with the buildings, structures standing thereon and all plant and machinery attached to earth however.

The Secured Redeemable Non-Convertible Debentures Series A (Series I as per Debenture Trust Deed) facilities are further secured by a first pari-passu charge by Indenture of Mortgage of Dist. Jalgaon, Solapur, Nashik and Pune in the State of Maharashtra and by deposit of title deeds of immovable properties of the Company situated at Dist. Jabalpur in the State of Madhya Pradesh and Dist. Alwar in the State of Rajasthan, together with the buildings, structures standing thereon and all plant and machinery attached to earth.

d) (i) Rupee Term Loan (Canara Bank): CY- ' 152.14 (PY- ' 226.17)

The loan of an amount of ' 1,901.70 together with interest, commitment charges, liquidated damages, costs expenses and all other monies payable to Canara Bank is secured by a second charge on entire current assets of the Company present and future including stock, movables and receivables on pari-passu basis, excluding, identified overdue receivables.

The loan is further secured by first charge ranking pari passu by way of equitable mortgage created in favour of security trustee i.e. IDBI Trusteeship Services Ltd., Mumbai on behalf of Exim Bank and Canara Bank by Indenture of Mortgage of immovable properties of the Company situated at Village Bambhori & Kusumbe, Dist. Jalgaon in the state of Maharashtra together with all buildings, Structure thereon and all plant and machinery attached to earth.

(ii) Rupee Term Loan (EXIM Bank): CY- ' 703.62 (PY- ' 1,047.48)

The loan of an amount of ' 1,563.60 together with interest, commitment charges, liquidated damages, costs expenses and all other monies payable to EXIM Bank is secured by a second charge on entire current assets of the Company present and future including stock, movables and receivables on pari-passu basis, excluding, identified overdue receivables.

The loan is further secured by first charge ranking pari passu by way of equitable mortgage created in favour of security trustee i.e. IDBI Trusteeship Services Ltd., Mumbai on behalf of Exim Bank by Indenture of Mortgage of selected immovable properties of the Company situated at Village Bambhori, Shirsoli & Kusumbe, Dist. Jalgaon in the state of Maharashtra and by deposit of title deeds at Dist. Alwar in the State of Rajasthan together with all buildings, Structure thereon and all plant and machinery attached to earth.

e) (i) 0.01% Secured Redeemable Non-Convertible Debentures Series B (Series II as per Debenture Trust Deed) of ' 1,000 each : CY- '690.90 (PY- ' 798.12)

The Secured Redeemable Non-Convertible Debentures Series B (EXIM Bank) facilities of an amount of ' 1,036.40 are secured by a second pari-passu charge created in favour of Security Trustee i.e. IDBI Trusteeship Services Ltd, Mumbai for the benefit of NCD Series B Holders (EXIM Bank) by Deed of Hypothecation dated 21st February, 2022, on entire current assets of the Company present and future including stock, movables and receivables on pari - passu basis and on identified overdue receivables.

The NCD Series B (EXIM Bank) facilities as above are further secured by a second charge ranking pari-passu created in favour of Security Trustee i.e. IDBI Trusteeship Services Ltd., Mumbai for the benefit of NCD Series B (EXIM Bank) Lenders by deposits of title deeds of immovable properties of the Company situated in Village Bambhori, Takarkheda and Shirsoli, Dist. Jalgaon in the State of Maharashtra, Dist. Bhavnagar in the State of Gujarat, Dist. Nalgonda, in the State of Telangana, Dist. Tirupur in the state of Tamil Nadu and Dist. Alwar in the State of Rajasthan, together with the buildings, structures standing thereon and all plant and machinery attached to earth.

(ii) NCD Series B (Canara Bank): CY- ' 149.42 (PY- ' 172.67)

The NCD Series B (Canara Bank) facilities are secured by a second pari-passu charge created in favour of Security Trustee i.e. IDBI Trusteeship Services Ltd, Mumbai for the benefit of NCD Series B Holders (Canara Bank) on entire current assets of the Company present and future including stock, movables and receivables on pari - passu basis and on identified overdue receivables.

The NCD Series B (Canara Bank) facilities as above are further secured by a second charge ranking pari-passu created in favour of Security Trustee i.e. IDBI Trusteeship Services Ltd., Mumbai for the benefit of NCD Series B (Canara Bank) Lenders by deposits of title deeds of immovable properties of the Company situated in Village Bambhori and Kusumbe, Dist. Jalgaon in the State of Maharashtra, together with the buildings, structures standing thereon and all plant and machinery attached to earth.

f) FITL 2: CY- '157.72 (PY- ' 234.82)

The FITL 2 facilities of an amount of ' 351.00 are secured by a second pari-passu charge created in favour of Security Trustee i.e. IDBI Trusteeship Services Ltd, Mumbai for the benefit of FITL 2 Holders by Deed of Hypothecation dated 21st February, 2022 on entire current assets of the Company present and future including stock, movables and receivables on pari - passu basis and on identified overdue receivables.

The FITL 2 facilities as above are further secured by a second charge ranking pari-passu created in favour of Security Trustee i.e. IDBI Trusteeship Services Ltd., Mumbai for the benefit of FITL 2 Lenders by Indenture of Mortgage of immovable properties of the Company situated in Village Bambhori, Shirsoli and Kusumbe, Dist. Jalgaon in the State of Maharashtra, Dist, Bhavnagar in the State of Gujarat and by deposits of title deeds at Dist. Alwar in the State of Rajasthan, Dist. Nalgonda in the State of Telangana and Dist. Udumalpet in the State of Tamil Nadu together with the buildings, structures standing thereon and all plant and machinery attached to earth.

g) IFC (RTL) : CY- ' 703.70 (PY- ' 1,047.70)

The IFC (RTL) facilities of an amount of ' 1,563.60 are secured by a first pari-passu charge created in favour of Security Trustee i.e. IDBI Trusteeship Services Ltd, Mumbai for the benefit of IFC (Non-ICA Lenders) by Deed of Hypothecation dated 23rd March, 2022 on Identified fixed assets to be charged on first charge basis on specific movable assets of the Borrowers.

The IFC (RTL) facilities as above are further secured by a first charge ranking pari-passu created in favour of Security Trustee i.e. IDBI Trusteeship Services Ltd., Mumbai for the benefit of IFC (Non-ICA Lenders) by Indenture of Mortgage of immovable properties of the Company situated in Village Bambhori, Eklangna and Shirsoli, Dist. Jalgaon, in the State of Maharashtra, Dist. Bhavnagar in the State of Gujarat and by deposits of title deeds at Dist. Nalgonda in the State of Telangana and Dist. Udumalpet in the state of Tamil Nadu together with the buildings, structures standing thereon and all plant and machinery attached to earth.

h) IFC (FITL 2): CY- ' 129.68 (PY - ' 193.28)

The IFC (FITL 2) facilities of an amount of ' 288.60 are secured by a first pari-passu charge created in favour of Security Trustee i.e. IDBI Trusteeship Services Ltd, Mumbai for the benefit of IFC (Non-ICA Lenders) by Deed of Hypothecation dated 23rs March, 2022, on Identified fixed assets to be charged on first charge basis on specific movable assets of the Borrowers.

The IFC (FITL 2) facilities as above are further secured by a first charge ranking pari-passu created in favour of Security Trustee i.e. IDBI Trusteeship Services Ltd., Mumbai for the benefit of IFC (Non-ICA Lenders) by Indenture of Mortgage of immovable properties of the Company situated in Village Bambhori, Takarkheda and Shirsoli, Dist. Jalgaon in the State of Maharashtra, Dist. Bhavnagar in the State of Gujarat and by deposits of title deeds at Dist. Alwar in the State of Rajasthan, Dist. Nalgonda in the State of Telangana and Dist. Udumalpet in the State of Tamil Nadu together with the buildings, structures standing thereon and all plant and machinery attached to earth.

i) IFC (NCD Series 2): CY- ' 690.92 (PY - ' 798.47)

The IFC (NCD Series 2) facilities of an amount of ' 1,036.40 are secured by a first pari-passu charge created in favour of Security Trustee i.e. IDBI Trusteeship Services Ltd, Mumbai for the benefit of IFC (Non-ICA Lenders) by Deed of Hypothecation dated 23rd March, 2022, on Identified fixed assets to be charged on first charge basis on specific movable assets of the Borrowers.

The IFC (NCD Series 2) facilities as above are further secured by a first charge ranking pari-passu created in favour of Security Trustee i.e. IDBI Trusteeship Services Ltd., Mumbai for the benefit of IFC (Non-ICA Lenders) by Indenture of Mortgage of immovable properties of the Company situated in Village Bambhori, Takarkheda and Shirsoli, Dist. Jalgaon, in the State of Maharashtra, Dist. Bhavnagar in the State of Gujarat and by deposits of title deeds at Dist. Alwar in the State of Rajasthan, Dist. Nalgonda, in the State of Telangana and Dist. Udumalpet in the State of Tamil Nadu together with the buildings, structures standing thereon and all plant and machinery attached to earth.

j) ECB 1 Lender : CY- ' 481.21 (PY ' 706.54)

The ECB Lenders for ECB 1 facilities of an amount of ' 887.10 (USD 12.82 mn) is secured by first Charge by Deed of Hypothecation dated 23rd March, 2022, over identified movable properties such as plant and machineries at Jain Plastic Park, Bambhori, Jalgaon and further secured by way of first ranking charge over the land and other immovable properties together with all building and structure thereon and all other plant and machinery at both the plants of the Company at Village Bambhori, Eklagna and Shirsoli Dist. Jalgaon in the State of Maharashtra, Dist. Bhavnagar in the State of Gujarat, Dist. Nalgonda, in the State of Telangana and Dist. Udumalpet in the State of Tamil Nadu.

k) ECB 2 Lender : CY- ' 415.58 (PY ' 553.37)

The ECB Lenders for ECB 2 facilities of an amount of ' 588.00 (USD 8.50 mn) is secured by first charge over the same assets charged in favour of the ECB Lenders for the ECB 1 Facility and over the Identified Overdue Receivables along with the Lenders of the NCDs by Deed of Hypothecation dated 23rd March, 2022 and further secured by way of first ranking charge over the land and other immovable properties together with all building and structure thereon and all other plant and machinery at both the plants of the Company at Village Bambhori, Eklagna and Shirsoli Dist. Jalgaon in the State of Maharashtra, Dist. Bhavnagar in the State of Gujarat, Dist. Nalgonda, in the State of Telangana and Dist. Udumalpet in the State of Tamil Nadu.

l) ECB (FITL) Lender : CY- ' 54.08 (PY- ' 79.38)

The ECB Lenders for ECB (FITL) facilities of an amount of ' 99.60 (USD 1.44 mn) is secured by first charge over the same assets charged in favour of the ECB Lenders for the ECB 1 Facility and over the Identified Overdue Receivables along with the Lenders of the NCDs and further secured by way of first ranking charge over the land and other immovable properties together with all building and structure thereon and all other plant and machinery at both the plants of the Company at Village Bambhori, Eklagna and Shirsoli Dist. Jalgaon in the State of Maharashtra, Dist. Bhavnagar in the State of Gujarat, Dist. Nalgonda in the State of Telangana and Dist. Udumalpet in the State of Tamil Nadu.

m) ECB loan-UBS Switzerland AG of Euro 3.09 Million CY: ' 167.22 (PY- ' 174.77)

The above ECB loan is secured by way of first and exclusive charge on Excursion Line for the production of HDPE pipes in diameter range upto 2,500 mm including efficient air cooling (EAC) with standard accessories (movable Assets),along with all right ,title, interest, benefits, claim and demands both present and future, whatsoever ,of JISL in, to under or in respect of, the Movable Assets, and to secure for the repayment of the Loan and payment of other monies including all interest at the agreed rates ,costs, charges, expenses and all other monies due to UBS.

The registration of charge in favour of UBS in process.

n) Vehicle Loan: CY ' 3.75 (PY - ' 0.29)

The loan is secured by exclusive charge on specific vehicle to specified lenders. Details of Loan fully repaid but Satisfaction of Charge form is yet to be filed


Accounting Policy:

Trade payables represent liabilities for goods and services provided to the Company and are unpaid at the reporting period. The amounts are unsecured and usually paid within time limits as contracted. Trade and other payables are presented as current liabilities unless the payment is not due within 12 months after the reporting period.

They are recognised initially at their transactional value which represents the fair value and subsequently measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method wherever applicable.


Accounting Policy:

The Company assesses whether a contract is or contains a lease, at inception of the contract. The Company recognises a right-of-use asset and a corresponding lease liability with respect to all lease arrangements in which it is the lessee, except for short-term leases (defined as leases with a lease term of 12 months or less) and leases of low value assets. For these leases, the Company recognises the lease payments as an operating expense on a straightline basis over the lease term, unless another systematic basis is more representative of the time pattern in which economic benefits from the leased assets are consumed. Contingent and variable rentals are recognized as expense in the periods in which they are incurred.