We haw; audited the accompanying finant al sf.afmrvnts of Uravi T & Wedge Lamps h’mfteeL |'the Companywhich cumpfise the bsfance sheet as at 31 Manh the slate merit of
profit and loss [Jncludlnfl other comprehensive income )j state-ment of changes In equity,, statement t>F cash Rows for Ehe year then erected, umJ limes <Dl:.nanria' statements including a summary of the jjgqifirant accounting pclioes and oth.^r ^stplanstory informarion [heremafter collectively referred to as "the fjr.arn:i&[ tticernent^').
In our opinion qnd lothe b(?il of Oui nformarion and arec-rning tot hi? f?rfplanat:oriS giuen To 0t. the aforess.c financial statements fiivc the nformation required by thp CttApanlv* Ac^ 2013 (“the Act") .r the ramer So required anq £h e a tree wit; fair view in Lce’.iormity with ihe fndian Ac«junt-ng Standards prescribed under section i!33 of the Act read with the Companies (Indian Acxountrng Standards) Met, 20i5. stnended. ("hvJ AS ) and other acoounrtjjiyg prinCFples Ebnerglly accepted in ?ndla, of the state of affaire of the Company as at SI March 2024, and Its profit, toref comprehensive- -Acotne, change* tn equity and its cash flows for the year theft ended.
2. Claris for cpinicn
We conducted out nudlt ol the fhr>c-nciijl &tatemfir#i In istorcance with the Stapdor-ds on Auditing (SAs) pratcr^bed under Section i-i3(i0) of the Act. Our rE^fjrjns'tiitir.-e; underthose S-tirndarcs. are Further ascribed ir^ the rUd'tor’s ftetpcnsibiEltie* For tne Audit of the Eiranrid 5t?Ee merits a«ptlon of our report. We are nttependam of the tump^y in accordance with the- todir of F-thic* issued by the Institute of Chartered A^cuun rants of rndia !ICAi together with the eth c?F 'equipments that are relevant tc OUr JUifrL of the- fi^anCiil statements under ih? passions of the Act and the rules tFsere under, and we have fulfilled our other ethFcal r«poH5(Mlit$s; in accordance WEth these requirements and the Code of ithiev We billets that the audit evidence* we have obtained is sufficient and spprepn^te to provide e basis forodiropinioiionthe financial stqtemei’ts
3. Key Audit Matters
Key audit matters are those matters that, In our professional judgment, were uf rrost sljr.i 'canc? in our audit of the financial stntemqnls oi the year, niese maitecfi were addressed in the context of our au-dil of the financial statements as a whole, and informing, our opinion thereon, and we do not provide a sipareta opinion on the>e matters. We have determ ined lho matters deCrrib^d hFlflw ^o bt llie key aud'l matters to be commun cated In our report
Sr, No.
Key Audit Mar ter
How the matter was addressed in OUT audit
Fnistence and Valuation of
Our euait procedures included:
*Ý U nd £ rS tiu d MAnag^mpn t'^ control ever
At Indicated -r> Note Z, th? vjhte of thp Company's inventories at year erd WSl Rs.l&20.ie la-khs, represenrlng 53.3% of the Company's total a&s«s. Valuation of Inventory a key audit matter due to hiph risk involved in value per unit and ?bsotBscence.
TTVOTsrTmanTflr? cccir^ a u vdiujpyn--
* CvjfLiatltn Of The design and teiLing the operating RfferiivehEii of the internal oonfoons rotating to physical inventory counts at the stores and :he warehouse, In testing this control, we observed she inventory cycle count pTOrtii on d sample basis, inspected the rtsuhs of the inventory cycle count and ' con^rmed that the valances spprcvetf anr? appropriately aCcOuntcti fOf.
Ý Euelu^tton of the dos^n and TEsting -.Kb operating eFfoctiveness of the internal controls reeling to purchases, sales and inventories including soi£nna:ed controls.
Ý Assessed the &ey estimates used by the hfanjeemeo: tcs determine sht net realisable vatus and the consistency thereof with the Company's policy oh provision for non-rtroving Inventory and perforrrec a sensitivity analyse on the estimated jelling price and compared wiib the oast pet fleer
* 1 dentifyi hr obsolete Invent ry, ;f arty.
4. Other information
Ihc Comp-iny's ttoart; oF Directors are responsible Fur the oilier information. the other information comp'ites thp information Included m the Company's Anr-dal fiepcrt bu: does not inc:ude the fmancicl statements and out auditor's iepor: thereon- Ol:r tjp.nion on financial statements dyes oat cover tfs? other information and we do not express any form cf assurance conclusion thereon
in connection with oui audit of the financial statements, cur responsibility :-s to read the other in.tornaat:ort aro, in demg sos tu-nsider whether erm obier Intimation is mat^rialiy inconsistent with the financial sHftetnools w our knowledge obtained during the tcurse of cur audit or otherwise appears tc be ruateoaSly misstated. h. be sec on the work we have performed, we conclude that there is fl msTeriaJ misstatem-ent Of this ctnor itiformatKin we ?p0 Ttquited to report that ^id have npth.ngto report in this regard.
5. Man^gemerr; responsibility for the 1 inane Hi statements
The Competiy'i tfoard oF Uir<fCtors is resfxtnsibie tor the matters staled in section of the Act with resoec: to the preparation of these finance! state rttenTs foal give 3 true and f3-lf v ew of the Ý'nancia position, financial performance ^nr lud^i i g other comp rthepsivp income, cash ftowi and chants in equ :y of the Company -ft accordance With the Ire A5 prescribed under Section ct the Act and ether accounting principles £fcT;t<dllY accepted in India, *
tlv-5 resporl'sibitty also includes m^rVLenanca of ^CSeqL^te accounting regards in accordance with the; provisions uF lJie Ail For sategus^inp of the ass?:s of the tticniMny and for prtvent-ne and detecting frauds and other irregularities; selection and application pt appropriate accounting noliri^s; making judgments and estimates that are neatenable anc
prudent; and o^ssg/r, implementation a-nd f^ntfllliriCfc OF adequate infernal financial controls, that were operating effectively (or the accuracy and completeness of the
accounting records, reltfvani to the Ofeperat-pn gr:d pressmatron of the NiiiinciaJ statements that give a true and fair view and are fme from material nrsstatement, whether due tofr1ud or er^gr.
in propa.'.ng the financial statements, man^ement is responsible for assessFna the Company's ability to continue as a go rrg dulnutn, disclosing, as apj£l<aible, matters related to going concern and using the going concern basis of accounting unless management either intends to H^uiduie the Company or to cease operations, cu has no iuj|iit«c alternative but to do so. The 603rd of Guerra rs are also resjMns-ble for oversee-ng the Company's Pnanclel reporting ptipcess.
t. Auditor'5 responsibility (jar the audit of the financial statements
Our objectives are to obtain mason obfc assurance mjaut whether th1 financial statements as s-whcleere free from material misstatement, whetfic? vueto frsud y error, and to issue an auditor's report tbit includes our opinion. Me«oneble assurance .5 a high l eve. of assura-vo, but s not a guarantee that art audit conducted m ^coedahef ‘jwitb $,Al will always detect a material misstatement ^vh^n it exists tJ\iisfatedients tan arise from fraud or error and are eensicfercri material if. incividua'ly or in the aggregate, they couSd reasons tty be expected to influence the economic decisions of uje:'s taken on the basis cf these financial stntemonts.
As part an audit in accordance with 5As, we excise ? rofussturul Judgment and mqirrain professional scepticism throughout the audit- W# ^k&;
* Identify and asses1, the rkks o1 material misstatement of the financial statements, whether cue to fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive ic those risks, and Obtain audit evidence that Is sufficient end appjapr-ate to provide d basis for our opiriem. The r^k of r-Oi detecting a; material m is statement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud rT.ay involve collusion, forgery,
1c ont tonal om-ssions, misrppmipnratians. or the aver ride of internal contra?
-» Ev*lvarg ihe'agp^pV'ial^Vrflnigfgu^tLiVfe palmm tssg and in* u
srcnuotlt# estimates and related disclosures made by managE^c-nt.
» Conclude on the appropriateness of managerneftt's use of flf:r>E concern basis of accounting and. based on the audit evidence iibtaliwd, whetntr a msterE*! exists related to events or conditions that (may cast significant doubt on tlvs Company's ability to continue as a going concern. If we conclude that a menial uncertainty exists, we arty required to rfr^- attention In our zudiuiCs report to the nested disclosures in the fmantidi statements or, if such ditc|pwf*s are inadequate to modify our cpleion. Our conclusions are bitted on the audit evidence Attained up to tHg date of our auditor t report. However, fntUre events or conditions may cause the Company to twse to continue as a floins concern,
« fvfllua^e the overall presentation, structure and content of the finAntQ- statements, including the disclosures, and whether she friandW statements ^present the underlynfc tr^psactiotii and ev^nti in a manner that thieves fair presentaLion
W4j communicate with those charged with gflftemaiice regard ire, among nthcr mattery the planned scope and Slming of audit and sl&nlEicant eud t flndingi. indurfinR any Signlf cam deficiencies in nternal conholtnat *vc identify durng euraudit-
We also provide those charged with governance with a statement tM we have complied with relevant ethical requirements reEprfiif,E independence, and to communicate with ihcnr all relationships and other matter tflflt may reasonably be Thought to bear on oor Independence, and nobeie applet Able TtlsLec safcfiuai'd^
From the matters commLinfcftt*<i ftrllh those charged with governance, \'js determine .hcit matters thst were of most significants in the aud«t of the financial statements of the current year and Are therefore the key audit fnattfti We describe thee mat Iten In our auditor's resort ynloss law or regulation precludes public diseizure about the matter or when. in admtflefy rare clrtXiTnStanfcefc we determine that ft matter should not by communkatM in 0Uf report because the jdverse consequences of doing mi would reasonably be e)((n*L.tecl to outweigh the pLtolPC interest benefits of such ecnrmutlication.
? Repo rt on Other Legal and Reg Ulatory re qufremeots
I. As required by tfte Compan.es (Auditor's Report* Order, zazo ["the Qrde:' |, issued by th.f- Central Government of India in terms 0f Section Infill of The Act, we give In the "Anntxuce A", a statement on the rafter* specified In the paragraph 1 £hd 4 o‘ ths OrdHrr tn the extent applkabk
It. As requited by Section 1*3(3) of the Act, we rewrt thit:
a) \Ate Itave sought and obtained all the information and eKplqnatiuris which to the best Of our knowledge and ieke I were neteiHif!y for tbft purposes of OUT audh, _
—EJ In dJjr 35TRIWT pfuptfr W3ITF 0? ?CC^unT K rKJUl-Ut! tv fjw iMin? been hi.u. Lp -In. Company so faras it appean from our sxaminjcic-n uf Those b*ofcs;
r) ;ht balance sne^t, the star&m&nt of pro-fir and Eoss including other comprehensive income,, the statement of changes in equity and thfl statement of rash flow; dealt with by this ftepgrt are in agerennenr with the books or account,
d) 3n out ?pinion, the atpresjic flfl^rvcial statenewts comfiiy with the End Ai spatted under Seefon 133 oftIxi Act:
£) On the fcasis of allien representations received from the directors of the Oompeny and t alter on ^ecoml by tilt BounJ of Direttors, none pt the directors is disqualified as on 3^. Mirth 2024 from bema appointed as a director In terms of Sectisrr l$4f2\ cf the Act;
0 With respect to tbs adequacy of Uie IIlternel financial controls over financial reporting of jtha Company and the operating effectiveness of surh controls, refer to our separate Re pert in ’"Annexure 3J'r
y; hi itu? opinion and atcordmg co l^e informal!un arid expl«r>4tk)n5 Riven to us, the remyrcerATion paid by the Company to its directors during the current year .& in accordance with the provisions ot seoion $9/ of the Aa read with Schedule v of the Aet.
h| with respea w the oner matters to be included tn the Aupirnr's fteport in accordance with RUe ll of the Coir paries [Audit and Auditor? Rolei, 2014, lr our opinion and to th£ best of OLT information and accord rig to the eirplflh5Tion5fli^n to
i. Th$ Company does not have any pending litigations for which provision pave not been made yvh>chwov u imp^Liils-financial position;
Li. The Comp any d id no: have ? ny Ic rig-term contfltiJS including d e mative eon tra CtS For which there were any material funriesabe losses, end
hi, iThere has been no cMs£ in irdi-sf erring amounts, recuir^d to be transferred, to the investor Education and Protection f und by the Company.
Iv, lhe monagemem has rifprE^ntt'U to us, to the best of tn^ir knowledge that no furufs lwn?ch tire material either individual or in oeeregstf f heve advanced or looped or inuestee Neither from borrowed funds or ;hare premium or ary ether sources or lend ijf funds} hy the Cnfr.paoy to or In ory other person^) o* entityfres.h
imr.l-jdang foreign entities l-intefmediorles''], with the underhand I wg, whether recorded in writing or ot^erivis^, that the InterneCiary sh&E., whether directly or
-inpirgqtiy N IhVgH ?r. CtlHir m BIItWgT rJgnti^edÝ -in -**f manner
whatsoever by ur pr behalf of the Company (''Ultimate ficnel i: id r CS" > W provide ar>y guaranty, security or the I ks an behall of the U Hi mate Beneficiaries. Suscd qn reenable audrt procedures adopted by cs, nettle hss come <o our nonce that such reprfriantadnn contains any materia' riitstatement
v. The management has also represented to us, to the best oi their knuwtedfie, that no turds (which- an- material e ther individually cr in aggregate) have been received by the Company from any person^) or entity[l«L including foreign entitles ("funding Parties'^! with the understand ins, whether recerdec ir pricing or otnenvis-e titat the Company shall, whether, directly or ind1 reefy. lend or invest in ether persons or entities identified in any mirtnfir whatsoever by or OH behalf of the Funding Party (Ý^Ultimate eeneflcjattcs"' or prVTvide any guarantee, Security or the like on behalf of :hc Ult-matS iJtneFrdrfiies ?ased on reasuneb'e j yd it pr-pcetfurci adopted by os, nothing hus come to our notice that such representation contains any material misstatement.
vi. The Company has neither detli re C nor paid a ny (livid end durir>R t he yea r.
vii. 3asad on our examination wFiich included tost checks, rhe Company has used accounting software For miihtainmg booiks of account which ties a feature oF recurdii-B audit trail (edit log] faedity and the same has operated throughout the year For all relevant transactions recorded in the software. Further, dufinff the CO'jfmi of Our audit wc c-d not corre across any instant Q-t the audit frsit featurebeing tampered vnth.
^provisiontoKule Fl[l) ul the Companies (AKtJLintsj Rules^lAffifipplicabNifrom 1 April 2023, reporting under Rule 11l£| oF Fbrr Companies I Audit anu Auditors! ftulei, 3014 cm presef¥Stk>r of audit trail as per the statutory requirements for record retention is not applies*^ for Me financiaS year tPd*d FI I March 2014
For Harsh Gedhia St CO-
Chartere c Accou nta nty
pj^j^ fp3i
Harsh H. Dedhia
Proprietor (M No. -141494}
Place. Mam bat
Date: 13l:'august, 10 24
Obtain understanding ol internal control relevant 10 t^e aua-t iff order to design audit
procerturesth^t ere appropriate in the circumstances. Under section I43{3jfi] ol the Act, wp nr j idio responsible for wpfssslng our opinion cn whether the Company h-is aceaotftfl internal finencia'' controls system in place and the operating ef'PCt veness- pf such controls. _