BSE Code / NSE Code
530133 / AMCOIND
Book Value (Rs.)
Face Value
52Week High
Market Cap.
29.67 Cr.
52Week Low
P/BV / Div Yield (%)
0.83 / 0.00
Market Lot
Security Type
The company history sections lists out major chronological events that happened to the company.
AMCO VINYL LTD. was in corporated on 27th August 1987 as a private Limited company, and was converted into a public limited company on 30th day of August 1993, Fresh certificate of conversion into public limited company was issued on 7th day of February 1994.
The company started its business activities by setting up a plant for the manufacturing of PVC films and sheeting with an installed capacity of 4000 M.T. per annum at plot No. C-54 sector 57 Noida U.P. The project was appraised by PICUP and the same was financed by PICUP & UPFC to the tune of Rs.108.45 lakhs and Rs.33.00 lakhs respectively. The company started its manufacturing activities from August 1991.
Simultaneously in 1991-92, steps were initiated to setup another unit at its adjoining plot no.C-53 sector 57 Nodia for the manufacturing of his quality PVC flooring, with an installed capacity of 12 Lakh mtrs. per annum on the basis of 3 shifts per day & 300 working days per annum. The unit (no.II) has also started its commercial production from October 1994. This project was also appraised by PICUP and has been financed by
PICUP to the tune of Rs.114.95 lakhs against its sanctioned loan of Rs.122.50 lakhs.
After successful commissioning the PVC Flooring Plant (Unit II) the company decided to setup a "METALLIZED FILM" unit at C-67 sector 57 Noida U.P. the land was acquired from Noida Authority in the year 1993. The company has already acquired the main plant & machinery imported from Germany. The constant & smooth running of the Unit (I) resulted in
improved working result every year. The company reinvested the complete earnings into the business, and therefore no dividend was declared.
-The Company has recommended a dividend of Rs 1/- per share.
-Amco India gets nod to expand operations at Noida unit