The Company was initially formed as a partnership firm under the Partnership Act, 1932 as "Ami Organics" with effect from January 3, 2004 at Surat, Gujarat, India pursuant to a deed of partnership dated January 3, 2004 executed amongst the Promoters, along with others, as partners. The firm converted into a private limited company under the Companies Act 1956, under the name of "Ami Organics Private Limited" with a certificate of incorporation dated June 12, 2007 issued by the Registrar of Companies, Gujarat, Dadra and Nagar Haveli. Subsequently, the Company was converted into a public limited company, following which the Company's name was changed to "Ami Organics Limited", and a fresh certificate of incorporation was issued by the RoC on April 18, 2018.
Major events and milestones of the Company : 2004 - Formation of partnership firm in the name of "Ami Organics"
2007 - Ami Organics changed its constitution into Ami Organics Private Limited
2011 - Implemented the Integrated Management System (IMS)
2015 - Achieved turnover of Rs. 1,000 million - Incorporated Ami Onco-Theranostics, LLC in USA along with Photolitec LLC
2016 - Established a tertiary effluent treatment plant to become zero liquid discharge plant - Received recognition from the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research for the in-house research and development ("R&D") unit.
2017 - Increased warehouse capacity by establishing a warehouse equipped with modern infrastructure including fire and safety and having a storage capacity of 1050 metric ton ("MT") of raw material - Achieved turnover of Rs. 1,500 million - Applied for process patents for five products in India
2018 - Completed assessment of and established a good manufacturing practice (GMP) compliant facility at the production site and warehouse in Surat, Gujarat. - Applied for process patents for three additional products in India - Converted Ami Organics Private Limited into a public limited company, Ami Organics Limited - Received first establishment inspection report ("EIR") from the United States Food and Drug Administration ("USFDA")
2020 - Received second EIR from USFDA for the manufacturing facility at Surat, Gujarat - Commencement of a new research and development laboratory at Sachin, Surat, Gujarat - Commencement of the new solvent recovery plant at Sachin, Surat, Gujarat
2021 - Acquisition of the Ankleshwar and Jhagadia units from Gujarat Organics Limited - Applied for process patents for three additional products in India
-Company name has changed to Ami Organics Ltd. from Ami Organics Pvt. Ltd..