The Company was incorporated at Mumbai on March 22, 1995 as Hitkari Finvest Private Limited, a private limited company under the Companies Act, 1956.
Major events and milestones : 2002 - ARFSL received the certificate of registration from the Association of Mutual Funds in India with respect to its mutual fund distribution business.
2008 - The Company entered into contractual arrangement with ARFSL to use their premises to commence overseas operations in Dubai; and expanded wealth operations in India by setting up office in Delhi.
2015 - AuM of wealth management business of ARFSL crossed Rs. 50,000 million.
2017 - The Subsidiary, AR Wealth Management Private Limited, acquired Freedom Wealth Solutions Private Limited (involved in investment advisory business) and Ffreedom Intermediary Infrastructure Private Limited. - The Company acquired the mutual fund distribution business of ARAL which ARAL had acquired from ARFSL. - The Company acquired the private wealth management business from Religare Wealth Management Limited.
2018 - The Company expanded wealth operations in eastern India by setting up office in Kolkata. - AuM of the Company crossed Rs. 150,000 million.
2019 - AuM of the Company crossed Rs. 200,000 million.
2021 - AuM of the Company crossed Rs. 250,000 million.