Datasoft Application Software (India) Limitd was incorporated as a Public Limited Company in Bombay on 2nd day of June, 1992 and the Certificate of Commencement of Business was issued to the Company on 23rd day of June, 1992.
The main objects of the company as set out in the Memorandum of Association are :
To carry on the business of manufacture, buy, sell, licence, lease, rent, export, service and repair, carry on research and development work, computer education, to design, develop, improve and to deal in any manner in system software, application software and any software in India and abroad and also to process, generate, alter, delete, transfer, store data on computers and other electronics media and to provide consultancy services in India or abroad for manufacturing, management and marketing of computer software, computer education, electronics and other allied fields.
The Company has undertaken to develop packaged software for domestic market. In order to cut-down the gestation period, the company has acquired on lease the source codes of various commercial application software packages from Datasoft Consultants of Bombay of which all the partners or their relatives are directors of the Company.
The Company is promoted by an experienced team of qualified Engineers.
Mr. H.J. Shah (Chairman)
Mr. R.M. Bhuta (Executive Director)
Mr. R.N. Mankad - (Executive Director)
Mr. C.M. Buch
Mr. R.J. Shah
Mr. C.M. Parmar
2000 - City-based Datasoft Application Software India Ltd launched an integrated
business solution fo rlarge corporates and small and medium businesses.
-Datasoft Application Software - Temporary suspension of activities.
-The Company name has changed from Datasoft Application Software (India) Ltd. to Artificial Electronics Intelligent Material Ltd.