Bigbloc Construction Limited was incorporated on 17th June, 2015 under the Companies Act, 2013 in the state of Gujarat.We are engaged in the business of manufacturing of building blocks and AAC (Aerated Autoclave Concrete) Bricks. Aerated autoclaved concrete (AAC) blocks are a high quality building material that offers a unique combination of strength, low weight, thermal insulation, sound absorption, unsurpassed fire resistance and unprecedented build ability. AAC is a natural and non-toxic construction material, saves energy, and is friendly to your environment.
These AAC Blocks of the company are marketed in the Brand name of NXTBLOC, which is a green Product for Construction Industry. Upto 31st March, 2015, the AAC (Aerated Autoclaved Concrete) Blocks business was conducted by Mohit Industries Limited. Consequent upon the demerger of AAC Block Division of Mohit Industries Limited effective from March 16, 2016, the AAC Block business is being conducted by Bigbloc Construction Limited.
A commitment towards producing green building products and solutions with an ultimate aim of helping the Construction and Infrastructure Industry to build green and sustainable habitats has been the vision followed by the Company consistently.
-"Acquisition of "Hiilltop Concrete Private limited" as wholly Owned Subsidiary of the Company".
-The Company has splits its face value from Rs. 10/- to Rs. 2/-.
-'Bigbloc Construction Limited' Has Received An Award Of 'Top Challengers 2021-22'
-The Company has issued Bonus Shares in the Ratio of 1:1.