Our Company was originally incorporated as Ambience Fincap Private Limited on September 5, 1994 at New Delhi, India as a private limited company under the Companies Act, 1956, as amended. On January 9, 2003, the RBI granted a certificate of registration bearing registration no. B-14.02857 to our Company, for the registration of our Company as a non-deposit accepting non-banking financial company ("NBFC") under Section 45IA of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934. Subsequently, the name of our Company was changed to `Fusion Micro Finance Private Limited' and a fresh certificate of incorporation, dated April 19, 2010 was issued by the RoC to describe the business of the Company, post which the RBI granted a certificate of registration dated May 19, 2010 reflecting the change of name. Our Company was granted NBFC - Microfinance Institution ("NBFC-MFI") status by the RBI with effect from January 28, 2014 and a modified certificate of registration bearing registration no. B-14.02857 was issued by the RBI to this effect. The name of our Company was further changed to Fusion Micro Finance Limited upon conversion to a public limited company and a fresh certificate of incorporation was issued by the RoC on July 20, 2021, post which a fresh certificate of registration as an NBFC (not accepting public deposits) dated October 1, 2021, was issued by the RBI reflecting the change in name of our Company.
Major events and milestones 1994 The Company was incorporated as Ambience Fincap Private Limited
2010 -Started operating under the brand name `Fusion' -First investment by RIF North 2 in our Company
2013 First investment by NMI Frontier Fund and the other foreign shareholder of the Company at that time
2014 Issuance of first Listed Non-Convertible Debentures
2015 -Expanded operation in up to five states -First investment by Oikocredit Ecumenical Development Cooperative Society U.A. and Belgian Investment Company in our Company
2016 First investment by Creation I and Global Impact Funds, S.C.A., SICAR and certain existing shareholders, in our Company
2017 Achieved AUM of over INR 1,000 Crore
2018 -Expanded operations up to 18 states -First investment by Honey Rose, which is directly owned by certain private equity funds managed by Warburg Pincus LLC and follow-on round by Creation I in our Company -Issuance of market-linked debentures
2019 Follow-on round from Honey Rose, which is directly owned by certain private equity funds managed by Warburg Pincus LLC and Creation II
2021 Reached 2,200,000 active loan clients through 725 branches across 18 states
-Company has received 'Microfinance Organization of the Year (Large)' Award 2022.
-Company name has changed to Fusion Finance Ltd. from Fusion Micro Finance Ltd.