The company was incorporated on 19th Sept. 1977 at Baroda as a Private Ltd Company and converted into a Public Limited Co, on 13th Sept, 1981.
It manufactures petrochemicals, particularly polybufyenes. The product are sold under the brand name "PETROVIS".
The Company was originally registered under the name Petrosynthese Pvt Ltd., which was subsequently changed in Guj Petrosynthese Ltd. It was promoted by Dr R M Thakkar & Dr (Mrs) Sharayu . R Thakkar jointly with Guj Industrial Investment Corporation Ltd (GIIC) in the Associate sector.
The Company entered into a technical collaboration agreement with Cosdesn Technology Inc of U S A, who were to provide detailed process know-how, basic engineering details & drawings. The collaborators were also to depute its engineers during the design & initial operations of the plant.
The Co introduced two new grades of polybutenes for use in caulking & sealing compounds & in the adhesives industry on March 28, 1991, the Co, took over a sick unit Fur Fur Chemicals Ltd.
On 27th June 1990, a new Co Karnataka Petrosynthese Ltd was set up to manufacture specialised grades of polybutenes like Polyacetal. The Co also proposed to manufacture plastic alloys & blends.
-The Company recommended Dividend @ 10%.