BSE Code / NSE Code
513337 / GUJTLRM
Book Value (Rs.)
Face Value
52Week High
Market Cap.
132.06 Cr.
52Week Low
P/BV / Div Yield (%)
0.77 / 0.00
Market Lot
Security Type
The company history sections lists out major chronological events that happened to the company.
The Company was incorporated on 25th March 1983, under the Companies Act 1956 in the State of Gujarat originally under the name and style of Pirnmatic Engineering Private Ltd. Pursuant to a scheme of amalgamation as approved by Hon,ble Gujarat High Court on 9th October, 1990 M/s Kunal Fabricators Private Limited incorporated in the State of Gujarat in the year 1971 was merged with the Company. The name of the Company was changed to Kunal Fabrications Private Limited and a fresh certificate of incorporation consequent upon change of name was issued by the Registrar of Companies, Gujarat on 31st December 1990. The name of the company was further changed from Kunal Fabricators Private Limited to Gujarat ToolRoom Private Limited and the company was converted into a Public Limited Company by passing a special resolution on 5th September 1991. Fresh certificates of incorporation, consequent upon conversion and change of name were issued by the said Registrar on 11th September 1991. As the company was originally incorporated as a private limited company it could commence business on incorporation and no separate certificate was required. Pirnmatic Engineering Pvt Ltd was incorporated for development and manufacture of an import substitute textile machine in 1983. The machine was developed and marketed with considerable success. But due to severe recession in textile industry that followed during 1984, 1985 and 1986 the major textile mills postponed their ongoing modernisation programmes. Many mills also downed their shutters. Slowly the demand picked up but due to technological change the good mills did no longer require the machine that was developed. At the time the company decided to slowly phase out the manufacture of machine and searched for a better business. From then onwards till 1989 the company was engaged in investment activities. During 1990-91, it was decided that the company should enter the fast growing plastic industry. Accordingly the company acquired a factory along with machines know-how and stock of materials from a company during 1989-90 in which Shri Saurabh N Kinariwala and Shri Natverlal P Kinariwala were interested. The price of the machine was the depreciated value of the machine. The price of material was fixed at cost or market price whichever was lower. The factory was located in premises owned by Kunal Fabricators Private Limited another company in which Shri Saurabh N Kinariwala and Shri N P Kinariwala were interested Kunal Fabricators Pvt Ltd was in search of good business and had identified manufacture of Moulds & Dies, plastic moulding articles as a prospective business. Kunal Fabricators Pvt Ltd was already negotiating with the foreign companies for availability of know how Since Pirnmatic Engineering Pvt Ltd was also engaged in moulding of plastic articles and as there was synergy in business it was decided to amalgamanets Kunal Fabricators Pvt Ltd with Pirnmatic Engineering Pvt Ltd. The scheme of amalgamation is duly a approved by Honourable Gujarat High Court vide order dated 09/10/90. The name of the company was further changed from Kunal Fabricators Pvt Ltd and a fresh certificate of incorporation was obtained on 31/12/90. The name of the Company was further changed from Kunal Fabricators Pvt Limited to Gujarat Toolroom Pvt Limited by passing a special resolution on 5th September 1991 for change of name and conversions of Company into a Public Limited Company. Further certificates of incorporation viz,
Kunal Fabricators Pvt Limited to Gujarat Toolroom Pvt Limited and Gujarat Toolroom Pvt Ltd to Gujarat Toolroom Limited was issued by the Registrar of Companies, Gujarat at Ahmedabad on 11th September 1991.
The company had acquired on 17-02-1990 as an ongoing N P K Polymers (division of N P Kinariwala Pvt Ltd ) consisting of plant & machinery know how stock etc worth Rs 8,93,757/- from N P Kinariwala Pvt Ltd a company in which Shri Saurabh N Kinariwala Managing Director and Shri N P Kinariwala Alternate Director may be deemed to be interested.
-Gujarat Toolroom Ltd has created an E-mail ID for Investor's Complaints -
-The Company has splits its face value from Rs. 10/- to Rs. 1/-.