The company was incorporated on 14th July 1983.
The company manufactures plastic synthetic, Resins, Synthetic rubber & Synthetic fibres of all kinds.
The Company was promotd by Hindustan Organic Chemicals, Ltd (HOC) & Andhra Pradesh Industrial Development Corporation.
The company entered into an agreement with Autochem of France who granted a licence to use the process developed by them through the technical collaboration.
The company set up a plant for manufacture of 500 tonnes p.a. of polytetra fluoro Etyhlene and the first Section of the plant was commissioned for trail production of CFM-22 in March 1987. Trial production of PTFE was started during first week of JUly 1987, The PTFE manufactured was to be marketed under the trade name `HIFLON'.
--Registered Office of the Company has been shifted from 1402, Babukhan Estates, Basheerbagh, Hyderabad-500001 to 303, Babukhan Estates, Basheerbagh, Hyderabad - 500001
-Hindustan Flurocarbons-Smt. Anita Rajendra, Vice Chairman & Managing Director, APIDC, appointed as a Director on the Board of the Company.
-Hindustan Flurocarbons appointed Dr. N. J. Gaikwad as Independent Director of the Company