The Company was originally incorporated as Mangalam Alloys Private Limited on August 01, 1988 under the Companies Act, 1956 vide certificate of incorporation issued by the Registrar of Companies, Gujarat, Dadra and Nagar Havelli. the Company was subsequently converted in to a public company and consequently name was changed to Mangalam Alloys Limited (MAL) vide fresh certificate of incorporation dated April 20, 1995 issued by Registrar of Companies, Gujarat, Dadra and Nagar Havelli. The CIN of the Company is U27109GJ1988PLC011051. MAJOR EVENTS AND MILESTONES OF THE COMPANY : 1988 - Incorporation of the Company in the name of `Mangalam Alloys Private Limited' 1995 - Conversion of Company from Private to Public Limited Company 2003 - Established 16 rolling mill 2007 - Investment in Joint Venture at Vietnam & established annealing department & bright bar unit. Recognized as ISO 9001 2008 - Investment in Wind Mill of 1.25MW for Green Power 2009 - Developed Fastener Division in MAL 2014 - Development of New Products i.e. SS Bright Square, Hexagonal Bar, Angles, Flat Bar. 2016 - Certified as an ISO 18001:2007 Company - Got recognisation of in house R & D centre which is first in india in the sector of stainless steel and higher alloys process. 2017 - Establishment of 20 inch, 17 inch and 12 inch Rolling Mill. 2019 - Fully automated imported peeling and reeling machine for brightbar