The company was incorporated on 13th January, 1986. The company obtained a certificate of Commencement of Business from the Registrar of companies, Bombay on 21st May, 1986.
The company manufactures silicon carbide crucibles and Waluj, Aurangabad District, Maharashtra.
The company has been promoted by Greaves Cotton & Company Limited and Morganite Crucible Limited, U.K.
In terms of an agreement, Greaves Cotton & Co. Limited would hold 24% and morganite crucible Ltd., would hold 28% of the issued share capital of the company.
The company entered into a technical know how agreement with Morganite Crucible Ltd in which it was to provide engineering assistance and help to enable the company to fully absorb the exclusive technology. It also trained qualified personnel from the company at its works and was to provide information on the methods and techniques used by it in the manufacture of silicon carbide crucibles further Morganite Crucible Ltd was to send its technologists to the company's plant for consultation as required. It would also give advice for setting up R & D unit in the company. The technical assistance provided by Morganite Crucible Limited would be free of any royalty or fee.
-The Greaves Morganite Crucible Ltd has informed that Mr W. Liphardt a Director of the Company has resigned and Mr P Davies has been appointed as a Director to fill the casual vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr W Liphardt.
-Greaves Morganite Crucible Ltd has informed BSE that the following changes have taken place in the Board of Directors of the company.
S N Talwar as an Alternate Director for Didier Finck
D Ramesh Kumar appointed as Director to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr S K Roy.
- Company name has been changed from Greaves Morganite Crucible Ltd. to Morganite Crucible (India) Ltd.
-The Board has agreed the expansion of its existing manufacturing unit located at B-11, Waluj, Aurangabad.
-The Company has appointed Mr. Hitesh Saiwal as Country Manager and Executive Director.
-The Company has decided to recommend final dividend at the rate of 10% on face value of share.
-Board has recommended a final dividend at the rate of 10% on face value of share for the year 2013.
-Board has recommended a final dividend at the rate of 10% on face value of share.
-Unrivalled Performance in Ferrous Applications from New Morgan Stopper Rods
-New coatings will help limit contamination in crucibles
-Morgan Advanced Materials offers High Quality Gold Assay Furnaces, Crucibles and Cupels
-Morgan Advanced Materials Announces Prototype Capability for Custom Piezoceramic Microtubes
-Morgan Announces Slip Ring System for the Construction Industry
-Morgan Advanced Materials Launches New Ultra-Lightweight Level III Standalone Ballistic Insert
-Morgan Advanced Materials Launches Endless Rotating Axis for Automotive Industry
-Morgan Advanced Materials Develops New Alumina Sensor to Withstand Extreme Temperatures
-Morgan Advanced Materials Awarded œ1.1m Ballistic Shields UK MoD Contract
-Morgan Molten Metal Systems launches a next generation, `game-changing' crucible for holding molten Aluminium - VAluStar.
-Company has splits its face value from Rs. 10/- to Rs. 5/-.
-Morgan achieves AAA ESG rating.