The Company was incorporated on 23rd December 1974 as a private limited company and converted into a public limited company on 29th September 1975. The Company is engaged in producing industrial gases(i.e.) Oxygen.
The factories are situated at Trichy Pundukkottai Road, Mathur Village in Tamilnadu and Pondy Villupuram Road, Thiruvandarkoil,Pondichery. In order to maximise the utilisation of the installed capacity of the Oxygen plant,the company had planned for shifting one of the oxygen plant at Mathur (Trichy) to Pondichery. The plant is now shifted to Pondichery. By 1985, the subscribed capital was Rs.32,00,000. During October,1985 the Company issued 71,8850 equity shares of Rs.10/- each (inclusive of excess subscription retained by the company). Of the above 2,18,600 shares were subscribed for by business associates, relatives,employees and the balance were offered to the public for subscription. The objects of the public issues was to meet past of the finance required for capital expenditure and also for enlisting the shares on the stock exchange.
-National Oxygen has recommended 10 % dividend
-National Oxygen has recommended 20 % dividend
-National Oxygen has declared Interim dividend at 20%
-National Oxygen has declared dividend at 20%
-National Oxygen has recommended dividend @ 10%
-National Oxygen has recommended dividend @ 10%
-National Oxygen has recommended dividend @ 10%
-National Oxygen Ltd Issues Rights in the Ratio of 3:5.
-National Oxygen has recommended dividend @ 10%