Midpoint Software and Electro Systems Ltd. was incorporated on
4th August, 1992 and obtained the Certificate for Commencement of
Business on the 12th of August, 1992 from the Registrar of
Companies, Maharashtra at Bombay. The main objects of the Company
are fully set out inthe Memorandum and Articles of Association
of the Company relevant abstract is given in the Prospectus.
The immediate object of the Compoany is the expansion of existing
capacity for manufacturing and development of 24000 Software
Packages per annum and to set up a project with an installed
capacity for 300 computers Hardware and peripherals per annum
at M.I.D.C., T.T.C., Thane, Maharashtra.
The Company had started within its existing set up, Commercial
production on 1st January, 1993. The Companmy has recorded a
turnover of Rs. 6.10 lacs for three operative months ended 31st
March, 1993 and recorded a pofit after tax of Rs. 0.55 laxs.
The turnover for the year ending 31st March, 1994 has been Rs.
24.31 lacs and a profit after tax of Rs. 4.79 lacs has been
achieved. The full fledged commercial production is expected to
commence by July, 1995.
-Company has changed its name from Midpoint Software & Electro Systems Ltd. to NHC Foods Ltd.
-Registered Office of the Company has been shifted To NHC House', 2/13, Anand Nagar,Santacruz (East),Mumbai - 400 055.
-NHC Foods Ltd has been launched new product of Masala (Spices) range in the Indian Markets under the brand name of "NHC's Saaz".
-NHC Foods Ltd has received an order of Rs. 100 million from Global Int. Dev. Ltd., China.
-NHC Foods Ltd has won "Excellence in Export of Spices & Spices products Award".
-"NHC Foods Ltd - Launched "SAAZ" range of exotic blended spices in the international market of Malaysia and South Africa".
-"NHC Foods bagged order from Central Police Canteens".
-NHC Foods bagged order worth Rs.50crore from China.
-NHC Foods Ltd has been entered into a joint venture with BIGBASKET.COM
-NHC Foods Award for Excellence in Export of Spices & Spices Products for the year 2013-14
-NHC has own ISO 22000: 2005 for ( Food Safety Management System )