The Company was incorporated as a private Company in the name of Tips and Toes Cosmetics (Gujarat) Private Limited.
By special Resolutions passed by the Members at the Extra-Ordinary General Meeting held on 10th March, 1986 the Company was converted into a Public Limited Company and its name changed to Tips and Toes Cosmetics (India) Limited.
The Company obtained the fresh certificates of incorporation on conversion into a public company on 18th April, 1986 and for change of its name to the present name on 21st April, 1986.
The main objects of incorporation of the Company is to carry on the business of manufacturing/distributing cosmetics and toileteries and other related products.
The Company has been promoted by Shri B D Topiwala who heads the "SHINGAR" group of concerns.
Shri B D Topiwala has, for the past two decades, sucessfully steered the group to great heights and has established a major market share for various cosmetic products under their brand names such as "SHINGAR" and "TIPS AND TOES".
-Unveiled its new products under the umbrella brand of Tips and Toes in the Kerala market. The products included lipsticks, nail polish, mascara, eyeliners, eye shadow, compacts and blush ons..
-Mr. Atul H Mehta and Mr. NavinChandra K Bhuta are appointed as the Additional Directors of the Company .
- Email ID for Investor Grievances:
-The company has recommended a dividend of Rs. 0.50 per share i.e. at the rate of 5%.
-The company has recommended a dividend of Rs. 0.50 per share i.e. at the rate of 5%.