Sea Gold Aqua Farms Limited, a public limited company registered under Companies Act, 1956 was incorporated on 5th October, 1993. The company obtained the Certificate of Commencement of Business on 19th November, 1993. The registered office of the Company was initially situated at Vishakapatnam and later shifted to Hyderabad with effect from 25.06.94 vide resolution passed in an Extraordinary General Meeting of even date. The site is located in Korlam Village of Gara mandal in Srikakulam District, Andhra Pradesh.
The main objects of the company as set out in its Memorandum of
Association are as follows:
1. To promote, establish, improve, develop, administer, own and run aquacultural ponds for culturing all types of shell fish, fin fish, sea water foods and other crustacea.
2. To manufacture, aid, assist, promote and develop Hatcheries required for shell fish, fin fish, seas water foods and other curstacea.
3. To construct, build equip, own and maintain and to carry on business as keepers of cold storage chambers, ice-plants, godowns, warehouses, refrigerators, freezing houses and room coolers for storing prawns, fish seafoods marine products and processed fish, seafoods and marine products and to act as transports of aforesaid sea food, substances and products.
4. To carry on the business of exporters, barters, sellers, suppliers, stockists, agents, merchants, distributors and dealers in sea water foods, river water foods and catch or arrange for the catch of all types if shell fish, fin and other crustacean sea water foods and to manufacture or procure any substances or articles wholly or partially from shell, fin fish, sea water foods or other crustacean for human or animal consumption.
The Company does not have any subsidiary Company.
- Mr. Krishna Reddy Chintam has been appointed as Additional Director of the Company.
-Company has changed its name from Sea Gold Aqua Farms Ltd to Sea Gold Infrastructure Ltd.
-Company name has changed to Prabhhans Industries Ltd. from Sea Gold Aqua Farms Ltd..