BSE Code / NSE Code
531812 / SGNTE
Book Value (Rs.)
Face Value
52Week High
Market Cap.
7.11 Cr.
52Week Low
P/BV / Div Yield (%)
0.00 / 0.00
Market Lot
Security Type
The company history sections lists out major chronological events that happened to the company.
SGN Cable Industries Limited (SGN) is an existing profit
making company incorporated on 16.4.1986 with Registrar of
Companies (ROC), Punjab. H.P. and Chandigarh at Jalandhar
vide registration No.6087 of 1986 as a private limited
company under the name and style of SGN Cable Industries
Private Ltd. The company was converted into a public
limited company by deleting the word private wef. 2.1.1993
vide ROC orders dated 1.2.1993.
The company has availed a term loan of Rs. 37.70 lacs from
Punjab Financial Corporation (PFC), Chandigarh for the
financing of unit which was to be repaid in 15 instalments.
At the request of the company PFC has rescheduled the term
loan which will be repaid in monthly instalments and the
last instalment is due on 15.03.1998.
In May, 1987, the company started manufacturing of ACSP
conductors with an installed capacity of 1000 Kms p.a. in
various diameters. The Company setup the manufacturing
facilities with the financial assistance from Punjab
Financial Corporation, Chandigarh. On 1st August, 1993,
the company became Partner in SGN Industries, a partnership
firm, which is engaged in the manufacture of PVC power and
control cables with an installed capacity of 1500 KMs per
annum. On 25th March, 1994, the other partners i.e. Mr.
Devinder Singh and Mr. Surinder Singh have resigned from
the firm and the partnership firm was taken over by the
company. The Company becomes the proprietor of the firm on
the retirement of the other two partners. The Company has
taken over the firm as a running and on going concern and
the company has alloted 971800 Equity Shares of Rs. 10/-
each as consideration of the capital account standing in
the name of the outgoing partners.
- Company has splits its Face value of Shares from Rs 10 to Re 1