BSE Code / NSE Code
Book Value (Rs.)
Face Value
52Week High
Market Cap.
11039.54 Cr.
52Week Low
P/BV / Div Yield (%)
14.61 / 0.44
Market Lot
Security Type
The company history sections lists out major chronological events that happened to the company.
Shakti Pumps (India) Ltd. was originally established in January 1982 as a Partnership Firm in the name of M/s. Shakti Electrical Industries by Shri Manoharlal Patidar, Shri Chandrasekhar Patidar and 5 members of
Chaudhary Family headed by Ramchandra Chaudhary. In 1986, Chaudhary Family retired from the partnership and Shri Dinesh Patidar joined as partner. In April 1990 Shri Chandrasekhar Patidar retired and Shri Sunil Patidar joined as partner. The partnership firm was reconstituted
three times in 1986, 1990 and 1994 before being converted into Public Limited Company under the provision of Section 565, 566 and 567 of Part IX of the Companies Act, 1956. The Registrar of Companies, Madhya Pradesh at Gwalior, issued the Certificate of Incorporation dated 21st April, 1995. The Certificate of Commencement of Production was received on 14.06.1995.
The unit was initially set up as a Small Scale Unit in 1982 to manufacture submersible pumps with installed capacity of 1500 pumps p.a. per shift. The unit is under the exclusive ownership and control of Patidar Family since 1986. The unit received ISI mark for its product in 1991. M. P. Govt. (P.H.E.D. and Irrigation Dept) is the major consumer of the unit. The unit has been supplying to M. P. Govt. under rate contract arrangement through Madhya Pradesh Laghu Udyog Nigam Ltd. (MPLUN). During the last 3 years, the unit has developed good network of private dealers in M. P. and few districts of Rajasthan bordering M.P. The turnover of the unit went up from Rs. 124.99 lacs in 92-93 to Rs.449.27 lacs during 94-95. During 93-94 the unit has set up facility for manufacture of 800 Control Panels p.a. per shift. The sales to private dealers which was only Rs. 30.30 lacs during 93-94 (constituting only 13% of the total sales of Rs. 238.71 lacs) went upto Rs. 227.86 lacs during 1994-95 constituting just over 50% of the total sales of
Rs.449.27 lacs. Considering the long association with M. P. Govt and the increasing demand from private market, the promoters have contemplated the proposed expansion project with increased capacity of 10,000 pumps and 8000 control panels. The project also envisages to set up facility for manufacture of 10,000 monoblock pumps p.a.
-Shakti Pumps secures export orders worth Rs 40 mn
-Shakti Pumps secures order worth US $ 3 million from Vervent Inc , USA
-Shakti Pumps has successfully launched its first 4" Canned (Encapsulated) Raisin Cooled Energy Efficient Motor the Company is the only manufacturer in India of this type of product.
-Shakti Pumps secures order worth US $ 3 mn from Swiss Motor Company
-Shakti Pumps secures export order worth US $ 1 mn from Spain
-Shakti Pumps has decided to recommend for dividend @ 10%
-Shakti Pumps Commencement of commercial production of plant at SEZ, Pithampur, Indore, M.P.
-Shakti Pumps signs agreement with Water Supply Dept. of Andhra Pradesh Government
-Shakti Pumps has recommended Dividend @10%
-Shakti Pumps India has recommended Dividend @ 10%
-Shakti Pumps inaugurates New Office at Mumbai
-Shakti Pumps has given the Bonus in the Ratio of 1:1
-Shakti Pumps get status of Star Export House by Ministry of Commerce and Industry in accordance with the provision of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2004-2009.
-Shakti Pumps has entered into an agreement with Perfect Relation Pvt. Ltd. for providing media and public relations services.
-Shakti Pumps has bagged an order worth Rs 2.83 crore with Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Limited for 900 nos. of pumps for a solar project.
-Shakti Pumps India wins First Prize for "Best Display Award" by Madhya Pradesh Pavilion.
-Shakti Pumps wins award for Corporate Excellence
-Shakti Pumps enters into MoU with Ratnakar Bank Limited (RBL) for funding Solar Pump sets
-Water pump maker Shakti Pumps India Ltd it has received the regional export award for the outstanding export performance
-Shakti Pumps - Best Display Award India International Trade Fair
-Shakti Pumps bags ECGC - Dun & Bradstreet Award for Best Focus Product Exports
-Shakti Pumps launched first Indigenous Universal Drivefrom Raipur in the markets across country.
-"Company has launched new Product Simha Universal Drive which is one of the initiative of the Company towards Make in India Concept".
-The Company has received the prestigious 'The Machinist Shopfloor of the Year Award 2022'.
-Shakti Pumps (India) receives advance worth USD 6 mn from EXIM Bank.
-Shakti Pumps Bags Award For Its Micro Smart Pump Innovation Funded Under A Low Carbon Technology Project Mar 2022.
-Shakti Pumps Lanch 4 Inch Plug & Play Submersible Pump.
2022 -The Company has received the prestigious 'The Machinist Shopfloor of the Year Award 2022'.
2023 -Company received Star Performer Award in the product group category Miscellaneous Electrical Machinery and Apparatus.