Tantia Constructions Limited, initially promoted by Late Govardhan Prasad Tantia was incorporated on 4th December, 1964 having its registered office in the State of West Bengal in the name and style of Tantia Constructions Company Private Limited. The company became a Public Limited Company on 27th May, 1982 and acquired a fresh Certificate of Incorporation on that date. The name of the company was further changed to Tantia Constructions Limited with
effect from 29th December 2005.
TCL's credentials are reflected in its project portfolio - diverse and successful. The company posses special expertise in constructing Bridges, Rail Roads, Roads & Flyovers and have a strong presence in all the major construction activities.
Important events in the History of the Company are as follows:
Year Events
Since 1964 We started with Earthwork, Rock excavation with machineries
including mechanical compaction
Since 1968 We ventured into construction of Bridges on Well foundation
Since 1976 We acquired expertise in Boring piles of large diameter for bridge
and building foundation
Since 1978 We also started constructing High Rise buildings
Since 1978 We were able to start work on our first Concrete Bridge with Prestressed
1982 Our company came out with its maiden public issue of 1,44,000 equity
shares and was listed on the Calcutta Stock Exchange Association Limited.
1983 The Shares of the Company were Listed on The Delhi Stock Exchange
Association Limited.
1986 Our Company got Listed on the Gauhati Stock Exchange Limited.
Since 1990 We started work on making roads on specifications provided by Ministry of
Surface Transport.
1996 Rights Issue of shares to the existing shareholders of the Company
Since 1996 We received tenders for construction of Coastal Embankments, Hydraulic
structures, Marine Infrastructure, Jetties
-Voluntarily Delisted from the Gauhati Stock Exchange Limited on 19 February 2003.
Since 2005
-We started setting up of Transmission Lines and Airport Terminals: Aviation Infrastructure
-Tantia Constructions Ltd has appointed Sri Shaleen Khemani, industrialist, as Additional Director of the Company. He is non executive, independent director of the company.
- Tantia Constructions receives prestigious projects.
- Tantia Constructions Ltd has received a project from Brahmaputra Cracker and Polymer Ltd. for Civil and Structural Works of ECU Unit for Brahmaputra Petrochemicals Complex at Lapatkata, Assam for worth Rs. 47,18,88,553.65 (Rupees Forty Seven Crore Eighteen Lakh Eighty Eight Thousand Five Hundred Fifty Three & Paisa Sixty Five Only).
-Tantia Constructions bags around Rs 26 cr order for the constructional work from Municipal Corporation of Gwalior.
-Tantia Constructions has received a project from Eastern Railway, Construction Department, Kolkata
-Tantia Constructions has received a project from Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd., Noida
-Tantia Constructions has won order worth Rs. 46 Crores
-Tantia Constructions has received a project from South Eastern Railway, Kolkata worth Rs. 31 Crores
-Tantia Constructions secures 2 projects worth Rs 165 crore
-The Company has received a project from IRCON International Limited worth Rs. 38 Crores
-Tantia Constructions appointed Sri Tarun Chaturvedi as an Additional Director.