1986 - The Company was incorporated in March mainly for undertaking
Computer related activity and to cater to inhouse requirements.
The company was promoted by Sunder Iyer, J. Chandramouli and
E.Y. Rangoonwala.
- The Company is engaged in the business of computer related
consultancy services, financial services related activities and
merchant banking, etc.
1991 - The Company Undertook to diversify into other financial services
and became category III Merchant Banker.
1992 - On 12th August, it was upgraded to category III merchant a dealer
in OTC Exchange and obtained membership of National Stock
Exchange in May 1994 for capital markets.
- The Company got itself upgraded at OTC Exchange from dealership
to Sponsorship in June 1994. The Company has a publication
- 1,00,000 shares issued to promoters, directors etc.
1993 - The Company became a sponsor in the OTC by upgrading itself from
dealership to membership. Also became a member of the NSE in
wholesale and debt market.
- In July, a fullfledged Corporate finance department was formed to
provide various financial services like leasing, hire purchase,
ICDS, bill discounting etc.
1994 - 35,00,000 No. of equity shares issued by promoters, directors
etc. 40,00,000 No. of equity shares of Rs 10 each were issued
at a premium of Rs 60 per share during February 1995 of which the
following were allotted on a firm basis: (i) 10,50,000 shares to
promoters, directors etc., (ii) 11,82,000 shares to NRIs/OCBs on
repatriation basis, (iii) 9,85,000 shares to Indian Mutual Funds,
(iv) 1,33,000 shares to Indian Financial Institution.
- Out of the balance 26,50,000 shares, 7,800 shares issued to
employees (only 6,200 shares taken up). Balance 26,42,200 shares
along with 1,600 shares not taken up by employees issued to the
-The Company Recommended a dividend @ 9%.
-The Company has recommended final dividend of 9% (Re 0.90 per share), in addition to the interim dividend of 12% (Rs 1.20 per share).
-The Company designated Email ID of the grievance redressal division is exclusively for the purpose of registering complaints by
-Twentyfirst Century Management Services change of Registered office from 158, I Floor Eldams Road, Alwarpet, Chennai- 600018 to 67, Door No. G-3, Eldams Road, Alwarpet, Chennai - 600018.