The Company was incorporated as Varun Beverages Limited on June 16, 1995 at New Delhi as a public limited company under the Companies Act, 1956. the Company obtained a certificate of commencement of business on July 4, 1995. We have been associated with PepsiCo since the 1990s and have over two and half decades consolidated the business association with PepsiCo, increasing the number of licensed territories and sub-territories covered by us, producing and distributing a wider range of PepsiCo beverages, introducing various SKUs in the portfolio, and expanding the distribution network. As of the date of this Red Herring Prospectus, the Company has 53 Equity Shareholders.
Major events and milestones of the Company :
The table below sets forth the key events in the history of the Company:
-Incorporation of the Company as public limited company
-Started operation at Jaipur
-Started operations in Alwar, Jodhpur and Kosi
-Merger of DBL with the Company pursuant to the order of High Cthet of Delhi dated October 6, 2004
-Merger of VBIL with the Company pursuant to the order of High Cthet of Delhi dated March 12, 2013
-The Company acquired the business of manufacturing and marketing of soft drink beverages and syrup mix in Delhi, India
-Business transfer agreement through which the Company acquired PepsiCo India's business of manufacturing, marketing, selling and distributing soft drink beverages and syrup mix in the Indian states of Uttar Pradesh (excluding certain territories), Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana (excluding certain territories) and the Union Territory of Chandigarh
-Business transfer agreement through which the Company acquired PepsiCo India's business of manufacturing, marketing, selling and distributing soft drink beverages and syrup mix in Bazpur, Jainpur, Satharia and Panipat
-The Company acquired the business of selling and distribution of soft drinks beverages and syrup mix in one district undertaking situated in Punjab
-The Company acquired entire shareholding of Arctic International Private Limited in Varun Beverages Mozambique, Limited.
-The Company acquired entire shareholding of Arctic International Private Limited in Varun Beverages (Zambia) Limited
-Incorporation of Varun Beverages (Zimbabwe) (Private) Limited
-Acquisition of 85% of the shareholding of VBZPL
Awards and certifications received by the Company :
The table below sets forth the key awards and certifications received by the Company:
-The Company received BU Best Quality Plant Team Award for the production facility at Kosi.
-The Company received PepsiCo Amea Bronze Food Safety Award for the production facility at Greater Noida I.
-The Company received ISO 14001: 2004 certificate for the production facility at Jainpur.
-The Company received PepsiCo Amea Silver Food Safety Award for the production facility at Greater Noida I.
-The Company received PepsiCo Quality Excellence Bronze Award for the production facility at Kosi.
-The Company received ISO 14001:2004 certificate for the production facility at Bhiwadi.
-The Company received PepsiCo Amea Gold Food Safety Award for the production facility at Greater Noida I.
-The Company received ISO 14001:2004 certificate for the production facility at Kolkata.
-The Company received FSSC 22000:2010 certificate for the production facility at Greater Noida I.
-The Company received OHSAS 18001:2007 certificate for the production facility at Nuh.
-The Company received ISO 14001: 2004 certificate for the production facility at Nuh.
-The Company received CII National Award for Food Safety for the production facility at Nuh.
-The Company received FSSC 22000 certificate for the production facilities at Goa, Greater Noida II and Kolkata.
-The Company received ISO 14001:2004, OHSAS 18001:2007 and ISO 9001:2008 certificates for the backward integration facility at Alwar.
-The Company received ISO 22000:2005 and ISO 9001:2008 certificates for the backward integration facility at Jaipur.
-The Company received AIB International certificate for the production facilities at Bhiwadi, Goa, Jainpur, Bazpur, Greater Noida II, Kolkata, Satharia, Kosi and Greater Noida I
-VBL was successfully listed on Indian Stock Exchanges - NSE & BSE
-Varun Beverages are listed and admitted to dealings on the Exchange in the list of 'B' Group Securities
-Varun Beverages acquired entire shareholding of Arctic International Private Limited in Varun Beverages Mozambique Limitada
-Varun Beverages acquired entire shareholding of Arctic International Private Limited in Varun Beverages (Zambia) Limited
-Varun Beverages Increased stake in Zambia subsidiary, Varun Beverages (Zambia) Limited, to 90% from 60%
-Varun Beverages Concluded the acquisition of PepsiCo India's previously franchised territories of the State of Odisha and parts of Madhya Pradesh along with two manufacturing units at Bargarh (Odisha) and Mandideep (MP)
-Varun Beverages Concluded the acquisition of PepsiCo India's previously franchised territory of the State of Chhattisgarh, Bihar and Jharkhand along with two manufacturing units at Cuttack (Odisha) and Jamshedpur (Jharkhand)
-Varun Beverages Entered into a strategic partnership for selling and distribution of the larger Tropicana portfolio that includes Tropicana Juices (100%, Delight, Essentials), Gatorade and Quaker Value-Added Dairy in territories across North and East India
-Varun Beverages Established a green field production facility in Zimbabwe, an untapped market with huge potential
-National Best Employer Brand Award for 2018, by ET Now
-Varun Beverages Concluded the acquisition of PepsiCo India's previously franchised sub-territories of the State of Maharashtra (designated parts), Karnataka (designated parts) and Madhya Pradesh (designated parts).
-Varun Beverages Concluded the acquisition of West and South India sub-territories from PepsiCo
-Best FMCG Corporate Governance India 2019
-Varun Beverages Ltd. has recommended the issue of Bonus Shares in the ratio of 1:2.
-Varun Beverages acquires 20% stake in Lunarmech Technologies
-Varun Beverages recommended the Bonus Issue of Equity Shares in the proportion of 1 (One) Equity Share of Rs. 10/- each for every 2 (Two) Equity Shares
-Varun Beverages received Business Leader Awards for Best Corporate Governance Practices2022.
-Varun Beverages has issued Bonus Shares in the Ratio of 1:2.
-The Company has splits its face value from Rs. 10/- to Rs. 5/-.
-The Company has splits its face value from Rs. 5/- to Rs. 2/-.
-Company started commercial production of carbonated soft drinks, juices, preform and shrink-film at its production facility at Supa, Maharasthra.