Ozone World Limited was originally incorporated as
Private Limited Company on 5th October, 1989 in the name of "AnandElefin
Private Limited" as per Certificate of Incorporation issued by
Registrar of Companies, Gujarat. Subsequently the Company was converted
into Public Limited Company on 20th October, 1994 as "AnandElefin
Limited". The name of the Company was subsequently changed from
AnandElefin Limited to "Anand Lease and Finance Limited" on 20th
October, 1994. The name of the Company was further changed from Anand
Lease and Finance Limited to "Ozone World Limited" on 5th September,
2013 vide Certificate of change of name issued by Registrar of
Companies, Gujarat, Dadra & Nagar Haveli.
The Company was incorporated to carry out the
business activities related to hire purchase, leasing and finance. The
Company came out with the public issue of 25,00,000 Equity Shares of Rs.
10/- each at par in the year 1996. in 1996. The Company obtained its Certificate of
Registration No. 01.00227 dated 27th April, 1998 from RBI to carry on
the business of Non-Banking Financial Institution under Section 45-IA of
the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934.
In September, 2008, the company was taken over by the present
promoters Mr. Jayeshkumar Patel &others in compliance of Securities
and Exchange Board of India (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and
Takeover) Regulations, 1997. After takeover of the Company, the main
objects of the Company were altered to carry out the business activities
related to real estate and trading of goods. Further the Company has
voluntarily surrendered the registration of Non-Banking Finance Company
(NBFC) to Reserve Bank of India and accordingly, the Reserve Bank of
India had cancelled the said registration in February, 2013.
- The company has changed its name from Anand Lease & Finance Ltd. to Ozone World Ltd.
-Company name has changed to Vasudhagama Enterprises Ltd. from Ozone World Ltd.