The company was incorporated on 1st July 1976 as a private Ltd. company & was converted into a Public Ltd. company on 12th December 1988.
The company is a part of the Venkateshwara Hatcheries (VH) Group of companies, pioneers in the field of poultry farming.
The company is engaged in Poultry Breeding & Farming & also in the manufacture of Animal Health products & S.P.F. Eggs (Specific Pathogen Free Eggs) used in the manufacture of Human, Animal & Poultry vaccines.
It has a technical collaboration with SOAFAS INC. USA.
The SPF Eggs Division have an installed capacity of 3,00,000 SPF eggs per annum which commenced commercial production in May 1985. It is the only commercial producer of SPF Chicken embryos in India.
The company has set up a 100% export oriented unit at Pune for export of hatching eggs to the general curency areas. The capacity of this unit is 30,000 broiler breeders. This unit was commissioned in June 92.
2000 - The Registrar of Companies of Andhra Pradesh has approved the
change of name of Western Hatcheries Ltd to Venky's (India) Ltd.
with effect from June 21.
- Mr. B. Venkatesh Rao has received the Quality Summit Gold Award.
This is the first Poultry Company in the world to receive this
prestigious awards.
-Changes its trading symbol from 'WESTHATCH ' to 'VENKEYS' w.e.f September 17, 2003
-Venky'S (India) Limited has informed that the equity shares of the company have been delisted from HSE w.e.f. December 2, 2003
-Venky'S (India) Limited has informed that the equity shares of the company have been delisted from Banglore Stock Exchange Limited w.e.f. December 10, 2003.
-Venky'S (India) Limited has informed that the equity shares of Venky's (India) Ltd have been delisted from Madras Stock Exchange Limited w.e.f. January 7, 2004.
- Venky'S (India) Limited has informed that "Mr. A. G. Bauskar, Chief Financial Officer has been appointed as Company Secretary and has been re-designated as "Chief Financial Officer and Company Secretary" of the Company by the Board of Directors at its meeting held on 26th July, 2007.
-Venky'S (India) Limited has recommended a dividend of Rs 3.50 per equity share - 35 %
-Venky'S (India) Limited has recommended a dividend of Rs 3.50 per equity share - 35 %
-Venky'S (India) Limited has recommended a dividend of Rs 4 per equity share - 40 %
-Venky'S (India) Limited has recommended a dividend of Rs 5 per equity share - 50 %
-Venky'S (India) Limited has recommended a dividend of Rs 5 per equity share - 50 %
-Venky's (India) has recommended a dividend of Rs. 5/- per equity share (50%).
-Venkys (India) has recommended a dividend of Rs. 5/- per equity share (50%).
-The Company has allotted the Bonus Shares to its shareholders in the Ratio of 1:2.
-Commencing commercial production for 3rd Solvent Extraction Unit.