1952 - The company was incorporated on 6th February, at Calcutta, under
the name and style of Johnson Pumps India Ltd. The main
objective of the company is to manufacture vertical pumps,
horizontal pumps, grey iron castings and sluice valves.
- 31,800 shares held by Mecnell & Magor Ltd., 20,000 shares by Pump
Investment Inc., USA and 29,000 shares by resident Indian Cos.
1980 - The land and buildings at Panihati and Ghaziabad were revalued.
- Clivia Investments Ltd., is a wholly owned subsidiary of the
1983 - The name was changed to Worthington pumps India Ltd. on 29th
1984 - The company entered into a licence agreement with Worthington
Pump Inc., New Jersey, U.S.A for the manufacture of solid
handling pumps, stock pump and horizontal spilt casing
centrifugal pumps.
- The company entered into another technical collaboration
agreement with Hyward Tyler Ltd., England (HTL) for the
manufacture of vertical submersible pumps made by the company.
- Equity shares subdivided. During February 1985, 8,92,000 No. of
equity shares of Rs. 10 each issued at par. Of these, 2,20,800
No. of equity shares reserved for firm allotment to Pump
Investment Inc., USA, 1,02,800 No. of equity shares for Macneil &
Magor Ltd. Calcutta. The balance 5,68,400 No. of equity shares
issued to the public.
1985 - Despite an increase in sales and income, profits declined due to
steep rise in cost of inputs and interest burden for on-going
capital projects.
- The company manufactured large size submersible motors as per
Hayward Tyler design. Pump sets with special features for
dewatering of mines were under execution to serve import
- The Company achieved a breakthrough in S.E. Asia, Brazil and
North America, with the support of Worthington International,
1986 - Considerable additions were made to the range of horizontal and
submersible pumps. During the year, the company executed an
order for the US market.
1987 - Operations at the Company's main plant at Panihati in West Bengal
was affected by lock-out from 3rd November.
- Steps were taken for manufacture of precision components for
1988 - The lock-out was subsequently lifted after a bi-partite agreement
signed by the union and management on 18th April.
- 700 forfeited shares reissued. 12,75,000 rights shares then
allotted at par in prop. 3:4. Another 63,750 No. of equity
shares issued to the employees but only 310 shares taken up. The
balance 63,440 shares allowed to lapse.
1989 - Backlog of orders accumulated at Panihati which was under
lock-out was reduced and current orders were executed with better
margins. Order book position was good. An order for 90" CW
pumps was received for Talchar Super Thermal Power Station.
1991 - The performance would have been still better but for the set-back
due to the Ghaziabad unit of the company remaining under lockout
from 7th November.
- The Company proposed to upgrade the manufacturing facilities to
cater to the requirement of process pumps and also to improve
efficiency, productivity and quality assurance.
1992 - During the year the company executed an order for 5 nos. of 90"
vertical turbine pumps for National Thermal Power Project at
- The Company initiated a process of gradual upgradation of its
manufacturing facilities and strengthened the production
facilities for horizontal pumps.
- 9,91,770 Rights equity shares allotted for cash at par in
proportion 1:3.
1993 - During the year Company supplied two more 92" siz vertical
turbine pump to NTPC's Taleher Super Thermal Power Project.
1994 - The Company undertook a expansion and modernisation plan at
Ghaziabad foundry with the objective of producing pump castings
and components of international quality and of larger single
piece weight castings.
1995 - During the year under review the Company obtained its ISO 9001
Certification from TUV CERT Germany being the first Pump Company
in the Eastern Region to have received ISO Certification.
1996 - The name of the company was changed to WPIL Limited with effect
from 17th September.
1997 - The company has been awarded the Certificate of Export Excellence
during the year in recognition of its continued good export
- The Company has commenced its first phase of
expansion/modernisation in Panihati Plant to augment production
capacity for medium and large size pumps.
- Pump manufacturer WPIL Ltd, formerly Worthington Pump India
Ltd, has entered into a technical agreement with Riva Hydro of
Italy for manufacturing concrete volute casing pumps in the
- WPIL has also signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with
EMC of Germany for submersible pumps
1998 - Having achieved ISO-9001 certification for both the Panihati
and Ghaziabad plants.
1999 - Ghaziabad Plant has received re-certification of ISO 9001 in the
month of March.
2000 - The company has proposed to allot 20,00,000 No. of equity shares
at Rs. 10 per share to Dufflaghur Investments Ltd and 20,00,000
No. of equity shares at Rs. 10 per share to Natex Investment &
Marketing Ltd. by way of preferential allotment basis.
-17 sets 36" size inclined pumps with drives and accessories to Department of Irrigation, Ministry of Agriculture and forestry, Government of Lao pdr for 4 irrigation pumping stations in Vientiane province against the largest single order
-Supplied vertical turbine pumps for bechtel - hunter valley project and Melbourne port in Australia
-Supplied stainless steel vertical mixed flow pump of 1200 m3/hr capacity and horizontal split case pumps of 2325 m3/hr capacity from Indah Kiat paper mill, Indonesia the largest paper mill in Asia.
-Supplied 3 nos 1530 m3/hr capacity vertical turbine pump with 375 kw motor for water supply and 3 nos diesel engine driven axial flow pumps of 2750 m3/hr capacity for flood control in Samarinda, East Kalimantan, Indonesia.
-Supplied 6 numbers vertical mixed flow pumps of 0.87 m3/sec capacity to royal irrigation department - Thailand (PAK PA NUNG MC1) through hydro engineering
-Supplied high head vertical turbine pumps in Fiji through sykes - Australia.
-Supplied complete ni-al-bronze vertical turbine pumps for fire fighting applications to Elough Engineering - Australia (through peerless Australia).
-Executing some prestigious contracts for vertical turbine pumps of Alstom - France in special stainless steel construction like duplex stainless steel.
-Special design vertical turbine pumps of Alstom - France in special stainless steel construction like duplex stainless steel.
-Supply of high head Vertical Turbine Pump to McFlo Technologies, Malaysia a/c MELACCA DURAIN TUNGGAL PROJECT - 2 nos of 1581 m3/hr @ 83 mtr
-Several Vertical Turbine & Submersible (in SS316 & Duplex Stainless Steel) pumps and Large End Suctions Pumps in Netherlands (Through IPG & Roodhart)
-Supplied Super Duplex Stainless Steel Pumps to Oman
-Supplied 2 nos L36M pumps (7200 m3/hr per pump) in Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (Through Hydro Engineering - Bangkok)
-First major supply in Saudi Arabia - 6 nos 2 stage 42 inch and 2 nos 14 inch size Vertical Pumps (5 of which are in Duplex Stainless Steel) to Jubail Chemical Industries - Saudi Arabia
-Supplied VT Pumps in Chile & Argentina - First time to Latin America
-Vertical Mixed Flow and Horizontal Split Case Pumps to Kaduna Water Board through OSAKA STEELS LIMITED - NIGERIA
-Supply of Duplex Stainless Steel Vertical Pumps (42 inch & 18 inch size - 4000 m3/hr & 1000 m3/hr capacity) and Horizontal Split Case Pumps (4000 m3/hr & 200 m3/hr capacity) to Chemanol - Jubail, Saudi Arabia
-Supply of 10 sets (5 each of 2000 m3/hr & 3000 m3/hr capacity) Horizontal Split Case Pumps to TCI Sanmar - Egypt
-Order for 4 nos of 7600 m3/hr & 1 no of 2952 m3/hr capacity Vertical Mixed Flow Pumps in Duplex Stainless Steel MOC from TURKEY for Dry Dock
-Order for 4 nos of 1250 m3/hr capacity Vertical Mixed Flow Pumps in Stainless Steel MOC from Cement Plant in Lebanon (Sea Water Intake Pump)
-WPIL Ltd has recommended Dividend @ Rs 1 Per Shares
-WPIL Ltd has recommended Dividend @ Rs. 2 Per Shares
-WPIL Limited starts operation in Thailend as WPIL (Thailand Co. Ltd.)
-WPIL Limited acquires majority stake in Sterling Pumps Pty Ltd, Australia
-WPIL Limited acquires Mathers Foundry Limited , UK
-WPIL Limited acquires APE Pumps and Mather+Platt , South Africa
- Board has recommended a Dividend @ Re. 2/- per Share.
- WPIL Ltd has acquired 100 per cent stake in Thane based pump manufacturer Mody Industries Pvt Ltd
- Board has recommended a Dividend of Rs. 2/- per Share on 79,67,080 Equity Shares.
-WPIL has approved the proposal for acquisition of an Alloy and Stainless Steel Castings Foundry in Nagpur.
-The Company has splits its face value from Rs. 10/- to Rs. 1/-.