Your Directors take pleasure in presenting their 34th Annual Report and Audited Accounts of the Company for the year ended 31st March, 2024.
The summarized financial results for the year ended 31st March, 2024 are as follows:-
Rupees in Lacs
Total Income
Profit/(Loss) before Exceptional items and Tax
(-) 2.63
Exceptional Items :
- -
(-) 0.01
(-) 0.01
Profit before tax
-) 2..64
Less: Tax Expenses
Profit/Loss(-) for the Year
Balance Loss (-) brought forward from previous year
(-) 219.31
(-) 216.67
Balance carried to Balance Sheet (Loss)
(-) 206.88
(-) 219.31
Keeping in view the accumulated losses and the negligible profit for the year under review, the directors are unable to recommend payment of any dividend for the year under review.
As regards "Notes to Accounts”, the directors wish to clarify that the loan has been advanced to Diadem enterprises Pvt. Ltd duly complying with the relevant provisions of the Companies’ act, 2013 and is within the permissible limit laid down under the provisions of the said Act. Pending deployment of funds in other Projects, the company could earn interest to meet its day to day expenses and other liabilities. The loan is repayable on demand. The Company is in the process of identifying Projects wherein it can invest its funds for the long term for the benefit of its shareholders.
Your Company has achieved a total income of Rs.115.80 lacs and the Profit before Exceptional items and Tax has been Rs.12.93 lacs. Your Company has paid a tax of Rs.0.50 lacs for the year under review. The net profit after Tax for the year is Rs.12.43 lacs. Your Company has an accumulated loss of Rs.206.88 lacs for the Financial Year ended 31.03.2024.
The new management has identified Packaging Materials business as a new area. The new management has the expertise and experience to run this type of business.
At the ensuing AGM Smt. Matli Srutha Keerthi (DIN:07159336)retires by rotation and is eligible for re-election. Resolution seeking approval of shareholders for re-appointment of this director forms part of the Notice.
Shri Kranthikumar Chimakurthi and Shri Vamsidhar Reddy Mandipati continue as Independent Directors. The shareholders have appointed both of them as Independent Directors in the last AGM from the respective date of expiry of their term by ordinary resolution. As per Regulations, the second term of Independent Directors must be approved by Shareholders by Special Resolution. Accordingly, the Board has appointed Shri Kranthi Kumar Chimakurthi and Shri Vamsidhar Reddy Mandipati as Independent Directors subject to approval of shareholders in the forthcoming AGM by Special Resolution for a term of four years w.e.f. 9th Aug.2024 and 8th Nov., 2024 respectively. The Board recommends passing the Special Resolutions. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 149 of the Act, the independent directors have submitted declarations that each of them meets the criteria of independence as provided in Section 149(6) of the Act along with Rules framed there under and Regulation 16(1)(b) of the SEBI Listing Regulations. There has been no change in the circumstances affecting their status as independent directors of the Company. During the year under review, the non-executive directors of the company had no pecuniary relationship or transactions with the Company, other than sitting fees and reimbursement of expenses incurred by them for the purpose of attending meetings of the Board/Committee of the Company. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 203 of the Act, the Key Managerial Personnel of the Company as on 31.03.2024 are Shri. Pavan Kumar Matli, Whole Time Director, Shri.E.D.Mohanan Menon, Company Secretary and Shri Nandhivarman G, Chief Finance Officer. The performance of the Board was evaluated by the Board after seeking inputs from all the directors on the basis of criteria such as the board composition and structure, effectiveness of board process, information and functioning, etc. In a separate meeting of Independent Directors, performance of non-independent directors, the Board as a whole and the Chairman of the Company was evaluated.
The current policy is to have an appropriate mix of executive, non-executive and independent directors to maintain the independence of the Board and separate its functions of governance and management. As of March 31,2024, the Board had five members, consisting of a Whole Time Director, two non-executive and non-independent directors and two independent directors. One of the directors of the Board is a woman. The details of Board and committee composition, tenure of directors, areas of expertise and other details are available elsewhere this Report.
The policy of the Company on directors'' appointment and remuneration, including the criteria for determining qualifications, positive attributes, independence of a director and other matters, as required under sub-section (3) of Section 178 of the Companies Act, 2013, is available on our website
During the Financial Year ended 31.03.2024, Board Meetings held on 18.04.23, 26.05.23, 11.08.23, 23.08.23, 10.11.23 and 14.02.24 and Independent Directors held a separate meeting on 30th March, 2024.The maximum interval between any two meetings did not exceed 120 days, as prescribed by the Companies Act, 2013.
Your Company has a policy of appointing adequately qualified persons only to the Board keeping in view the requirements of listing agreement with the stock exchanges and the Corporate Governance guidelines.
During the Financial Year under reporting, Audit Committee met on18.04.23, 26.05.23, 11.08.23, 23.08.23, 10.11.23 and 14.02.24.Stake holders Grievances Committee met on 10.04.23, 12.07.23, 09.10.23 and 10.01.24. Nomination and Remuneration Committee met on 26.05.23, and 23.08.23. Share Transfer Committee met on 11.05.23.
Shri Kranthikumar Chimakurthi and Shri Vamsidhar Reddy Mandipati continue as Independent Directors. The shareholders have appointed both of them as Independent Directors in the last AGM from the respective date of expiry of their term by ordinary resolution. As per Regulations, the second term of Independent Directors must be approved by Shareholders by Special Resolution. Accordingly, the Board has appointed Shri Kranthi Kumar Chimakurthi and Shri Vamsidhar Reddy Mandipati as Independent Directors subject to approval of shareholders in the forthcoming AGM by Special Resolution for a term of four years w.e.f. 9th Aug.2024 and 8th Nov., 2024 respectively. Special Resolutions for their re-appointment form part of the Notice. The Board recommends passing the Special Resolution. The Company has received necessary declaration from each independent director under Section 149(7) of the Companies Act, 2013, that he / she meets the criteria of independence laid down in Section 149(6), Code for independent directors of the Companies Act, 2013 and of the Listing Regulations.
Independent directors held a separate meeting on 30th March, 2024 to review the operations, evaluate other directors and assess the flow of information to shareholders and regulatory compliances.
All new independent directors inducted into the Board attend an orientation program. Further, at the time of the appointment of an independent director, the Company issues a formal letter of appointment outlining his / her role, function, duties and responsibilities.
As on March 31,2024, the Board had four committees: the Audit Committee, the Nomination and Remuneration Committee, the Share transfer Committee and the Stakeholders Relationship Committee.
During the year, all recommendations made by the committees were approved by the Board.A detailed note on the composition of the Board and its committees are as under:
Shri. Krantikumar Chimakurthi an Independent Director continues as Chairman and Shri. Vamsidhar Reddy Mandipati, another Independent Director and Mr. Pavan Kumar Matli, Whole time Director continue as Members w.e.f. 08.11.2018.
Audit Committee met six times during the Financial Year 18.04.23, 26.05.23, 11.08.23, 23.08.23, 10.11.23 and 14.02.24. Shri.E.D.M.Menon, Company Secretary is Secretary to the Committee.
The role and duties of the audit committee have been defined by the Board of directors and generally cover the areas mentioned under SEBI LODR Regualations, 2015 besides other terms as may be referred to the Committee by the Board of Directors from time to time.
Shri. Vangallu KodandaRam, Director continutes as Chairman w.e.f.12.08.2020 and ShriMatliPavan Kumar, WTD, and Shri Vamsidhar Reddy Mandipati, Independent Director continue as Members. Stakeholders Grievances Committee met four times during the Financial Year on 10.04.23, 12.07.23, 09.10.23 and 10.01.24. Shri EDM Menon, Company Secretary is the compliance officer. The Company has attended to all valid requests for transfer received during the year ended 31st March, 2024 and no such transfer is pending.
Shri. Vamsidhar Reddy Mandipati, Independent Director continues as Chairman and Shri.KrantikumarChimakurthi and Shri.Vangallu Kodanda Ram continue as Members. The Committee met twice during the Financial Year on 26.05.23 and 23.08.23 to review the remuneration of Directors, Executives and others.
The Share Transfer Committee has been formed to look into share transfer and related applications received from Shareholders, with a view to accelerate the transfer procedures. Shri Matli Pavan Kumar, WTD continues as Chairman and Shri V. Kodanda Ram and Dr. Matli Sruthakeerthi continue as Members. The Committee inter-alia considers applications for transfer, transmission, split, consolidation of share certificates and cancellation of any share certificate in compliance with the provisions in this regard. As per Regulation 40 of Listing Regulations, as amended, shares of the Company can be transferred only in dematerialized form with effect from, 1st April, 2019, except in case of request received for transmission or transposition of securities. The Committee is authorised to sign, seal or issue any new share certificate as a result of transfer, consolidation, splitting or in lieu of share certificates lost, defaced or destroyed. The Committee meets as and when there are matters to be considered by them. One meeting of Share Transfer Committee was held on 11.05.23.
The Company has advanced a loan of Rs.150.00 lakhs to M/s. Diadem Enterprises Pvt Ltd., Chennai at an interest rate of 10% p.a. This loan is repayable on demand. M/s. Diadem Enterprises Pvt.Ltd. is the manufacturer of multi colour labels for various products. Other than this, your Company has not given any loan, provided any guarantees or made any investments in any other company.
For Operational reasons, your company’s Regd. Office was shifted to No.34, Andal Nagar, BaluchettyChatram, Kancheepuram Taluk, Kancheepuram Distt. Pin Code 631 551w.e.f. 01st Oct., 2023
The Company is fully aware of its corporate social responsibility. Your company is not presently involved in any manufacturing activity and is making very negligible profit. As it is involved in trading activities in a limited way right now, it has very limited employees. When it expands its operations it will earmark a part of its revenue for social initiatives in and around the area of its operations.
The Company will have a risk management policy as and when it restarts its trading/manufacturing operations in a large scale. Company’s risk will be covered adequately by insurance policies in the long term.
Your Company has not accepted or invited any fixed deposits including from the Public and, as such, no amount of principal or interest was outstanding as of Balance Sheet date.
At the 32nd AGM held on 28th Sept., 2022 the Members approved appointment of M/s.K.GopalRao& Co, Chartered Accountants, Chennai (Firm Registration No.000956S with the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India). Resolution to
appoint them as Statutory Auditors for a term of five years from the conclusion of the 32nd Annual General Meeting until the conclusion of the 37th Annual General Meeting to be held in Sept., 2027. Resolution to approve their remuneration for the financial year 2024-25 forms part of this notice.
The Audit Report is enclosed with the financial statements in this Annual Report.
Pursuant to provisions of section 204 of the Companies Act, 2013 and Companies (appointment of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014 the Board of Directors of the Company has appointed Mr.T.Durga Prasad, Practising Company Secretary, Chennai, Membership No.6316 (Certificate of Practice No.154581) to undertake the Secretarial Audit of the Company for the Financial Year ended 31st March, 2024. The Secretarial Audit Report in the Prescribed Form No.MR-3 dated 22rdAugust, 2024 is annexed as Annexure 'C'. Mr.Durga Prasad has been re-appointed as Secretarial Auditors for 2024-25 also.
It was also decided to appoint MrT.Durga Prasad, Practising Company Secretary and Secretarial Auditor of the Company as Scrutinizer to conduct the E voting process in a fair and transparent manner for Company's forthcoming AGM.
1. Delay in filing forms
Wherever necessary additional fees have been paid for delayed filing.
2. BSE Penalty
BSE has levied a penalty of Rs.4720 for delayed filing of Shareholding Pattern which was paid on 22.03.2024.
3. Re-Appointment of Independent Directors
ShriKranthi Kumar Chimakurthi and Shri Vamsidhar Reddy Mandipati, Independent Directors for the second term was done by way of Ordinary Resolution.
The independent Directors were entitled for a second term of five years as per Regulations. The company has included Special Resolutions in the Notice for holding the 34th AGM for re-appointment of these Independent Directors for the residual term of four years.
The Secretarial Auditors'' Report is enclosed to the Board’s report, which forms part of this Integrated Annual Report.
In accordance with the Rules, Mr.G.Nandhivarman from Chennai has been appointed as Chief Finance Officer of the Company during the Financial Year 2014-15. He continues as Chief Financial Officer. Mr.Nandhivarman is experienced and adequately qualified to look after the financial affairs of the Company.
The Board has adopted policies and procedures for ensuring the orderly and efficient conduct of its business, including adherence to the Company's policies, safeguarding of its assets, prevention and detection of fraud, error-reporting mechanisms, accuracy and completeness of the accounting records, and timely preparation of reliable financial disclosures.
There are no significant and material orders passed by the regulators or courts or tribunals impacting the going concern status and the Company's operations in future.
In accordance with the Companies Act, 2013, the annual return in the prescribed format is available on Company’s website. SECRETARIAL STANDARDS
The Company complies with all applicable secretarial standards issued by the Institute of Company Secretaries of India. POLICIES
Various policies adopted by the Company on Dividend , Directors Appointment and Remuneration, Independent Director, Whistle blower, materiality of events etc. are available on the website of the company.
To comply with the Regulatory requirements, Mr.Vijaya Sujanakar, Management Consultants, having his office at VGN Dynasty, Flat No.E-216, Melpakkam, Chennai - 600077 was appointed an Internal Auditor of the Company from Financial
Year 2017-18. Audit Committee has noted that Mr.A.Vijaya Sujanakar is a person with extensive experience in Accounting, Taxation and Internal Audit matters. He has agreed to continue as an Internal Auditor of the company for the financial year 2024-25 also.
There are no employees whose particulars are to be furnished pursuant to Section 197(12) of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 5(1) of the Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014.
There are no particulars which are required to be furnished pursuant to Section 134 of the Companies Act, 2013 as the production activities of the Company remained suspended during the year under review. The company has neither earned nor utilized any foreign exchange during the year under review.
The shares of the Company are listed with BSE Ltd., Mumbai. Jaipur Stock Exchange Ltd., Jaipur and Delhi Stock Exchange Assn.Ltd., Delhi have been derecognized by SEBI. Stock Exchange Regulations are complied with from time to time. Demat facilities are available with NSDLand CDSL. INE Number is INE709D01012 for CDSLand NSDL.
As per SEBI/BSE directive no Shares of your company can be transferred in physical form. Therefore, Shareholders are requested to Demat their holdings without delay.
As per SEBI directive all shareholders may update with the company/Registrars their Aadhar Number, PAN Number and Bank Account Details.
M/s.LinkIntime India Pvt. Ltd, Noble Heights, 1st Floor, Plot No. NH 2, LSC, C-1 Block, Near Savitri Market, Janakpuri, New Delhi-110058, Phone: 91 11 49411000| Extn-7106, Fax: 91 11 4141 0591 continue to be Company’s Registrar and Share Transfer Agents. All Members are requested to contact them for any kind of share related matters.
A detailed report on Corporate Governance is annexed hereto and forms an integral part of this Report PREVENTION AND PROHIBITION OF SEXUAL HARASSMENT OF WOMEN AT WORK PLACE
Your Company has no woman employee as of now as the company is on the lookout for new projects. The company will have adequate mechanism as laid down under the Rules for prevention and prohibition of sexual harassment of women as and when it employs women.
In terms of the provision of Reg.34 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations & Disclosure Requirements Regulations, 2015, the Management’s discussion and analysis is set out in this Annual Report and forms an integral part of this Report.
Pursuant to the relevant Provisions of the Companies’ Act, 2013, all unclaimed/unpaid dividends are required to be transferred by the company to IEPF established by the Govt. of India after the completion of seven years. Since your company has not declared any dividends over the last 20 years, there are no funds to be transferred to the IEPF.
During the year under review, neither the Statutory Auditor nor the Secretarial Auditor has reported to the Audit Committee under section 143(12) of the Companies’ Act, 2013, any instance of fraud committed against the Company by its Officers or Employees.
The company has implemented Whistle Blower policy to enhance the vigil mechanism as envisaged in the Companies act, 2013, and the Rules prescribed under the (SEBI LO &DR) Reg. 2015 with a view to enable the Directors, employees and all stake holders of the company to report their genuine concerns without fear of victimization and to have direct access to Chairman of the Audit Committee.
Pursuant to the provisions of the Act and the SEBI Regulations, the Board has carried out the annual performance evaluation of its own performance, as well as the evaluation of the working of its Audit and Nomination & Remuneration respectively. A separate exercise was carried out to evaluate the performance of individual Directors. The Chairman of the Board of Directors and the Chairman of Nomination & Remuneration Committee met all the Directors to get an overview of the functioning of the Board and its constituents interalia on the following broad criteria i.e. attendance and level of participation, independence of judgment exercised by Independent Directors, interpersonal relationship, composition of the Board & committees, experience & competencies, performance of specific duties & obligations, contribution at the meetings and otherwise, governance issues etc.
The Directors were satisfied with the evaluation results, which reflected the overall engagement and effectiveness of the Board and its Committees.
Electronic copies of Annual Report 2023-24 and the Notice of the 34th AGM are sent to all the Members whose email IDs are registered with the Company/Depository Participants. Pursuant to guidelines and regulations, Annual report is being to all shareholders in soft copy only. However, physical copies will be forwarded to all those shareholders who make a request for the same. Those who have not registered their email IDs, may please do so at the earliest.
In pursuance of Section 134(5) of the Companies’ Act, 2013, the Directors hereby confirm that while preparing the Annual Financial statements the Company has adhered to the following:-
1. In the preparation of the said financial statements the company has followed the applicable standards, referred to in Section 133 of the Companies’ Act, 2013.
2. The Company has followed the said Accounting Standards and has been applying them consistently and has made judgment and estimates that are reasonable, prudent and are in the interest of the company’s business, so as to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the company as at 31st March, 2024 and the Profit/Loss of the Company for the said period.
3. The Directors have taken proper and sufficient care, for the maintenance of adequate accounting records in accordance with the provisions of the Companies’ Act, 2013 for safeguarding the assets of the Company and for preventing and detecting fraud and other irregularities.
4. The Directors have prepared the financial statements on a going concern basis.
5. The Directors have laid down internal financial controls which are adequate and are operating effectively.
6. The Directors have devised proper systems to ensure compliance with the provisions of all applicable laws and such systems are adequate and operating effectively.
By Order of the Board of Directors Sd/-
Place: Chennai Chairman
Date: 22nd August, 2024