(r) Provisions and contingencies
A provision is recognized when the Company has a present obligation as a result of past event. it is probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation and a reliable estimate can be made of the amount of the obligation. Provisions are not discounted to their present value and are determined based on the best estimate required to settle the obligation at the reporting date. These estimates are reviewed at each reporting date and adjusted to reflect the current best estimates.
- HDFC Bank Limited Emerging Enterprise Group Working Credit Term Loan of Rs.1.53 Cr which is repayable in 135 equal Monthly Installments. The loan account number 85264908 is carring at the interest Rate of 9.10% P.a. The company has transferred their bank loan to HDFC Bank Limited in the Month of September 2021. The remaining maturity period is 104 Months from Balance sheet Date.
- HDFC Bank Limited Emerging Enterprise Group Working Credit Term Loan of Rs.1.50 CR which is repayable in 84 Monthly Installments. The loan account number 87538116 is carring at the interest Rate of 9.10% P.a. The remaining maturity period is 72 Months from Balance sheet Date.
- HDFC Bank Limited Emerging Enterprise Group Working Credit Term Loan of Rs.2.50 CR which is repayable in 85 Monthly Installments of Rs.4,02,227/-. The loan account number 87614337 is carring at the interest Rate of 9.10% P.a. The remaining maturity period is 73 Months from Balance sheet Date.
Security-Primary :
Hypothecation charge on Pari passu basis Residential Property suitated at 43/41, Delhi West Punjabi Bagh, Delhi-110029
Hypothecation charge on Pari passu basis Industrial Land suitated at Khevat No. 1003 Khata No.1124 Min, Kila No. 130// 23/2 (1-3) 135//1(7-12), 2(8-0),3(8-0),4(8-0),5/1 (1-4), 6/3(1-4),7(8-0), 8(8- 0), 9(8-0), 10(7-12) out of the total land admeasuring 66 kanals 15 marla In Village Barhana, Tehsil Beri District Jhajjar, Haryana
Security-Collateral :
Hypothecation charge against Inventories, Trade Receivables.
-ICICI Bank Limited Secured against Includes hypothecation against motor car. The loan account number LAGUR0004756583 is repayble in 36 equal monthly installment of Rs. 84,250/- each. The remaining maturity period is 25 Months from Balance sheet Date.The loan is carring at the interest Rate of 8.95% P.a.
-HDFC Bank Limited Secured against Includes hypothecation against motor car. The loan account number 146371104 is repayble in 60 equal monthly installment of Rs. 41,509/- each. The remaining maturity period is 56 Months from Balance sheet Date.The loan is carring at the interest Rate of 8.80% P.a.
Secured Loan from Non Banking Financial Institutions
-Kotak Mahindra Prime Limited Secured against Includes hypothecation against motor car. The loan account number CF18379602 is repayble in 60 equal monthly installment of Rs. 20,229/- each. The Loan is full and final paid on dated 12.05.2023.The loan is carring at the interest Rate of 8.06% P.a.
-Kotak Mahindra Prime Limited Secured against Includes hypothecation against motor car. The loan account number CF20021387 is repayble in 60 equal monthly installment of Rs. 33,763/- each. The remaining maturity period is 35 Months from Balance sheet Date.The loan is carring at the interest Rate of 7.33% P.a.
-Mercedes-Benz Financial Services India Pvt Ltd Secured against Includes hypothecation against motor car. The loan account number 10152833 is repayble in 60 equal monthly installment of Rs. 99,772/- each. The remaining maturity period is 45 Months from Balance sheet Date.The loan is carring at the interest Rate of 7.32% P.a.
- HDFC Bank Limited Overdraft Facility Secured against Includes hypothecation of residential property at 43/41, West Punjabi Bagh. The loan accont number 87204242 of Rs.8.35 Cr is repayble in 186 equal monthly installment of Rs. 8,39,478/- each. The loan is carrying at interest Rate of 9.10% P.a. The remaining maturity period is 167 Months from Balance sheet Date.
- HDFC Bank Limited Emerging Enterprise Group Working Credit Term Loan of Rs.1.53 Cr which is repayable in 135 equal Monthly Installments. The loan account number 85264908 is carring at the interest Rate of 9.10% P.a. The company has transferred their bank loan to HDFC Bank Limited in the Month of September 2021. The remaining maturity period is 104 Months from Balance sheet Date.
- HDFC Bank Limited Emerging Enterprise Group Working Credit Term Loan of Rs.1.50 CR which is repayable in 84 Monthly Installments. The loan account number 87538116 is carring at the interest Rate of 9.10% P.a. The remaining maturity period is 72 Months from Balance sheet Date.
- HDFC Bank Limited Emerging Enterprise Group Working Credit Term Loan of Rs.2.50 CR which is repayable in 85 Monthly Installments of Rs.4,02,227/-. The loan account number 87614337 is carring at the interest Rate of 9.10% P.a. The remaining maturity period is 73 Months from Balance sheet Date.
Security-Primary :
Hypothecation charge on Pari passu basis Residential Property suitated at 43/41, Delhi West Punjabi Bagh, Delhi-110029
Hypothecation charge on Pari passu basis Industrial Land suitated at Khevat No. 1003 Khata No.1124 Min, Kila No. 130// 23/2 (1-3) 135//1(7-12), 2(8-0),3(8-0),4(8-0),5/1 (1-4), 6/3(1-4),7(8-0), 8(8- 0), 9(8-0), 10(7-12) out of the total land admeasuring 66 kanals 15 marla In Village Barhana, Tehsil Beri District Jhajjar, Haryana
Security-Collateral :
Hypothecation charge against Inventories, Trade Receivables.
-ICICI Bank Limited Secured against Includes hypothecation against motor car. The loan account number LAGUR0004756583 is repayble in 36 equal monthly installment of Rs. 84,250/- each. The remaining maturity period is 25 Months from Balance sheet Date.The loan is carring at the interest Rate of 8.95% P.a.
-HDFC Bank Limited Secured against Includes hypothecation against motor car. The loan account number 146371104 is repayble in 60 equal monthly installment of Rs. 41,509/- each. The remaining maturity period is 56 Months from Balance sheet Date.The loan is carring at the interest Rate of 8.80% P.a.
Secured Loan from Non Banking Financial Institutions
-Kotak Mahindra Prime Limited Secured against Includes hypothecation against motor car. The loan account number CF18379602 is repayble in 60 equal monthly installment of Rs. 20,229/- each. The Loan is full and final paid on dated 12.05.2023.The loan is carring at the interest Rate of 8.06% P.a.
-Kotak Mahindra Prime Limited Secured against Includes hypothecation against motor car. The loan account number CF20021387 is repayble in 60 equal monthly installment of Rs. 33,763/- each. The remaining maturity period is 35 Months from Balance sheet Date.The loan is carring at the interest Rate of 7.33% P.a.
-Mercedes-Benz Financial Services India Pvt Ltd Secured against Includes hypothecation against motor car. The loan account number 10152833 is repayble in 60 equal monthly installment of Rs. 99,772/- each. The remaining maturity period is 45 Months from Balance sheet Date.The loan is carring at the interest Rate of 7.32% P.a.
NOTE: 35
Segment Reporting
Operating segments:
Trading Division -Plants / Iron Products / Ultramaxx Batteries / S S Utensils Manufacturing Division - Aluminium Extruded Profile
Identification of segments:
The chief operational decision maker monitors the operating results of its business segments separately for the purpose of making decisions about resource allocation and performance assessment. Segment performance is evaluated based on profit and loss of the segment and is measured consistently with profit or loss in these financial statements. Operating segments have been identified on the basis of the nature of products.
Segment revenue and results
The expenses and income which are not directly attributable to any business segment are shown as unallocable expenditure (net of unallocable income). Segment assets and liabilities:
Assets used by the operating segments mainly consist of property, plant and equipment, trade receivables, cash and cash equivalents and inventories. Segment liabilities include trade payables and other liabilities. Common assets and liabilities which cannot be allocated to any of the segments are shown as a part of unallocable assets/liabilities.
(i) The figures for the corresponding previous year have been reclassified/regrouped wherever necessary, to make them comparable.
(ii) The Company does not have any transactions with struck off companies.
(iii) These financial statements have been prepared in the format prescribed by the Schedule III to the Companies Act, 2013. Previous years figures have been recast / restated wherever necessary to make them comparable with figure of current year.
(iv) The Company does not have any Benami property, and no proceeding has been initiated or pending against the Company for holding any benami property.
(v) The Company does not have any changes or satisfaction which is yet to be registered with Registrar of Companies (ROC) beyond the statutory period.
(vi) The Company has not traded or invested in crypto curency or virtual currency during the financial year.
(vii) The Company does not have any transaction which is not recorded in the books of accounts that has been surrendered or disclosed as income during the year in the tax assessments under the Income Tax Act, 1961(such as, search or survey or any other relevant provisions of the Income Tax Act,1961).
(viii) The Company doesnot declared as a wilful defaulter by any banks or any other financial institution at any time during the financial year or after the end of the reporting period the date when the financial statements are approved.
(ix) All accounts are rounded-off to the nearest lakhs with two decimals, unless otherwise stated.
(x) The social security code enacted in year 2020 has been deferred by a year. When enacted, this code will have an impact on Company's contribution to Provident Fund, Gratuity and other employee related benefits. The Company proposes to do an assessment at an appropriate time and make appropriate provisions accordingly.
(xi) Certain figures apparently may not add up because of rounding off, but are wholly accurate in themselves.
(xii) Figures have been rounded off to the nearest Lakhs of rupees.
(xiii) The Company have not advanced or loaned or invested funds to any other person(s) or entity(ies), including foreign entities (intermediaries) with the understanding that the Intermediary shall
- directly or indirectly lend or invest in other persons or entities identified in any manner whatsoever by or on behalf of the company (Ultimate Beneficiaries) or
- provide any guarantee,security or the like to or on behald of the Ultimate beneficiaries.
(xiv) The Company does not receive any fund from any person(s) or entity(ies), including foreign entities (Funding Party) with the understanding (whether recorded in writing or otherwise) that the Company shall directly or indirectly lend or invest in other persons or entities identified in any manner whatsoever by or on behalf of the Company (Ultimate Beneficiaries) or
- provide any guarantee, security or the like to or on behalf of the ultimate beneficiaries.
Sub Note:
The proceeds from Initial Public Offer issue during the year for the purpose of meeting working capital requirements and general corporate purposes were utilized collectively towards business objects of the company.
The accompanying notes form an integral part of the financial statements
As Per Our Separate Report of Even date attached For GOYAL NAGPAL & CO
Sd/- Sd/-
Amit Gupta Bharti Gupta
Chairman-Cum-Managing Director Director
DIN: 00255618 DIN: 08189660
CA Virender Nagpal Partner
M. No.416004 Sd/- Sd/-
Udin: 24416004BKBTUH7548 Surbhi Gupta Harpreet Singh
Place : New Delhi Company Secretary CFO
Date : May 30, 2024 PAN: BYOPG0720J PAN: DFWPS1535A