1. In respect of Balance sheet
- The confirmation from parties who are under the head Loan and
Advances, Sundry Debtors, Sundry Creditors, Franchisee Deposits are not
available and therefore have short realization will have negative
effect on financial results.
- The investment in partnership firm on account of capital and loan and
advances has been taken as Book Value and recovery of said outstanding
cannot be as per certificate.
2. In respect of Profit & Loss A/c
- The Interest payable to Banker has not been provided and such amount
payable comes to Rs. 121.78 lacs. The interest payable to NBFC has not
been provided and such amount payable comes to Rs. 5.64 lacs.
- The non provision of the above interest resulted in increase in
profit by Rs. 127.42 lacs.
3. Impairment of Assets:-
The impairment in value of fixed assets has not been ascertained by the
management and hence amount cannot be quantified.
4. Inventory:-
Valuation and verification of inventories is as taken, valued and
certified by the management. The realizable value of stock cannot be
ascertained and hence short-realization will have negative effect on
financial results.
5. Capacity & Production:- N.A.
6. Previous year's figures have been regrouped / reclassified
wherever necessary to confirm to current year's classification.
7. Significant accounting policies and practices adopted by the
management are disclosed in the statement annexed to these financial