1. Terms/rights/restrictions attached to equity shares:
The company has only one class of Equity Shares at par value of Rs 10
per share.
Each holder of equity shares is entitled to one vote per share and
entitled for pro-rata dividend.
Year ended Year ended
31.3.2014 31.3.2013
Rs. Rs
2. Contingent Liabilities &
Commitments (to the extent not
provided for):
A. Claims against the Company /
Disputed Liabilities not
Acknowledged as Debts
(a) Custom Authorities demand in
respect of which the Company is in
appeal 4,000,000 4,000,000
(Amount deposited under protest -
Rs. 500000)
(b) Directorate of Revenue show 5,601,507 5,601,507
cause notice contested by the
(c) Income Tax demand in respect
of which the Income Tax Department
is in appeal 1,873,290 1,873,290
(d) Income Tax demand for AY
2012-13 557,380 -
(e) TDS Demands for various
financial years 69,700 -
B. Guarantees
Performance Guarantee given by
the Bank on behalf of the Company
to Third Parties 31,768,104 14,504,410
Margin Money against the above 8,791,004 4,875,000
3. Estimated amount of contracts, remaining to be executed on capital
account (net of advances) - Nil (Previous Year - Nil)
4. In the opinion of Board of Directors the assets, other than fixed
assets and non-current investments, have a value on realization in the
ordinary course of business at least equal to the amount at which they
are stated in the Balance Sheet.
5. Segment Information for the year ended 31st March, 2014.
a. The Company is organized into two main business segments, namely:
1. Diagnostic Services - includes Scanning, Ultrasound and X-ray.
2. Trading and Other Activities- Includes Sale of Trading Goods,
Servicing and Installation of Medical Equipments.
The segments have been identified and reported taking into account, the
nature of products and services, the differing risks and returns, the
organisation structure and internal financial reporting systems.
b. Segment Revenue, Results, Assets and Liabilities include the
respective amounts identifiable to each of the segments and are
determined as part of the process of preparation of the financial
statements. The Segment Revenues and Results do not include Interest
Income, Interest Expenses and Provision for income Tax and Deferred
Tax, and these have been grouped under the head "Unallocable".
c. Segment Assets exclude Miscellaneous Expenditure & Income Tax
Assets. Segment Liabilities exclude Income Tax Liabilities.
6. Related Party Disclosures, as required in terms of Accounting
Standard [AS] -18' are given below. Relationships (Related party
relationships are as identified by the Company and relied upon by the
A. Key Management Personnel:
i) Dr. Gautam Sehgal, Managing Director
ii) Dr. (Mrs.) Versha Sehgal, Director
iii) Dr. Vivek Sehgal, Director
iv) Mrs. Radhika Sehgal, Director
(Dr. Gautam Sehgal, Managing Director, is related to Dr. (Mrs.) Versha
Sehgal, Director, Dr. Vivek Sehgal, Director and Mrs. Radhika Sehgal,
B. Enterprises Over which Key Managerial Personnel are able to
Exercise Signficant Influence:
i) Ved Med Software & Trading Private Limited
ii) Cardiovas Medical Private Limited
iii) Dr. A. D. Sehgal & Sons (HUF)
iv) A Small Gift Shop
7. As per Revised Accounting Standard 15 "Employee Benefits" the
disclosure as defined in the Accounting Standard are enumerated below.
The Company has classified the various benefits provided to the
employees as under:
I. Defined Contribution Plan-Provident Fund:
During the year, the Company has recognized the Employer's Contribution
to the Employees Provident Fund Organization amounting to Rs. 5,03,961
(Previous Year Rs. 3,43,120).
II. State Plans-Employer Contribution to Employees' Pension Scheme
During the year, the Company has recognized the Employer's Contribution
to the Employees Pension Fund amounting to Rs. 50313 (Previous Year Rs.
III. Defined Benefit Plans-Gratuity:
Gratuity Report under the revised Accounting Standard 15 for the year
ended 31.3.2014 in respect of Trustees -ADS Diagnostic Ltd Employees
Group Gratuity Scheme was done in respect of the aforesaid defined
benefits using the following assumptions:
8. Previous year figures have been reworked/regrouped/rearranged
wherever necessary to conform to those of current year.