(ii) Rights, preferences and restrictions attached to shares
The Company has single class of equity shares having par value of Rs. 10/- per share. Accordingly, all equity shares rank equally with regard to dividends and share in the Company’s residual assets. The equity shares are entitled to receive dividend declared from time to time.
27 Disclosure pursuant to Accounting Standard - 15 ‘Employee Benefits’
(i) Defined contribution plans
The Company makes contributions, determined as a specified percentage of employee salaries, in respect of qualifying employees towards Provident Fund, which is a defined contribution plan.The company has no obligations other than to make the specified contributions.The contributions are charged to the Statement of Profit and Loss as they accrue.The amount recognised as an expense towards contribution to Provident Fund for the year aggregated to Rs 11.74 Lakhs (31 March 2023: Rs 5.66 Lakh).
(ii) Long term benefits
Expenses towards compensated absences aggregating Rs 5.16 Lakhs (31 March 2023: Rs 4.82 Lakhs) is recognised as an expense and included in “Employee benefits expense”.
(iii) Defined benefit plans
a. General description
Gratuity (Defined benefit plan)
The Company has a defined benefit gratuity plan. Every employee who has completed five years or more of services is eligible for a gratuity benefit on death or resignation or retirement at 15 days salary (last drawn salary) for each completed year of service.
The estimates of future salary increases, considered in actuarial valuation, take account of inflation, seniority, promotion and other relevant factors, such as supply and demand in the employment market.
Assumptions regarding future mortality are based on published statistics and mortality tables of Indian Assured Lives Mortality (2012-14) urban table. The calculation of the defined benefit obligation is sensitive to the mortality assumptions.
Other Disclosures
The outstanding balance as on 31st March 2024 in respect of some of the Trade receivable, Trade payable, Loans and Advances, unsecured loan and deposits are subject to confirmation from the respective parties and consequential reconciliation / adjustments arising therefrom, if any. The Management , however , does not expect any material variation.
Other information with regards other matters specified in Schedule III of the Companies Act, 2013 is either Nil or is not applicable to the Company for the year ended 31 March 2024.
Previous year’s figures have been regrouped / rearranged wherever necessary to conform to current year’s presentation.
a. Due to increase in Trade receivable and Cash and Cash Equivalents.
b. Due to lower profit and increased shareholders’ equity.
c. Significant increase in turnover & minor inventory holding at current year end.
d. Due to increased purchases and lower payables.
e. Net Working Capital Increase due to higher Cash & Cash Equivalents.
f. Due to increased turnover and lower profit.
g. Due to lower profit and increased capital employed.