Note 30: Contingent Liability
There is no Contingent liabilities pending to be disclosed in financial statements except as under-:
a) TDS Defaults Rs 2.09 Lakhs (P.Y. 1.59 Lakhs)
b) Bank Guarantee issued and outstanding as on the Period end 31st March 24 - Rs 50.30 Lakhs. (P.Y. 25.63 Lakhs)
c) Capital commitment of Solar System Plant 49.20 Lakhs against which advance payment made against PO of Rs. 42.50 Lakhs(P.Y.35.91 Lakhs) and (d) GST Demand of 16.10 Lakhs for the FY 2020-21.
Note 31: The title deeds of all immovable properties are held in the name of the Company. Accordingly, there are no Immovable Properties which were not held in name of the Company As on 31st March. 2024. except as disclosed in Audited Financial
Note 32: Micro. Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act. 2006 :•
The Company is in the process of compiling information from its suppliers regarding their status under the above act and hence disclosure, if any, of the amount unpaid as at the year-end together with the interest paid/payable as required has been given to the extent information available
Note 33 Related Party Disclosure (AS >18) •
Related Parties has been identified by the management and all trasnaction are on arm length Basis and reported in Annexure A Note 34 Realization-:
In some cases debit or credit balances of parties in respect of Sundry debtors, sundry creditors are subject to confirmation. In the opinion of the Board, the current Assets. Loans and Advances are of the Value stated if realized in ordinary course of
business. The provision for all known Liabilities as adequate and not in excess of the amount reasonably required.
Note 35 Since the Company is not availing the working capital limit of More than 500.00 Lakhs, therefore additional disclosure with regard to stock and book debt statement/Quaretrly Returns submitted to working capital lender and their comparison with books of accounts is not applicable to the Company.
Note 36 During the year, there is no transactions with Struck off Companies.
Note 37 There is no capital work in progress as on the end of year, therfore no disclosure as required by schedule III is given.
Note 38 During the year ended on 31.03.2024, there is no proceeding initated or pending against the company for holding any Benami Property as per the Benami Transactions (Prohibition) Act, 1988 (45 of 1988) and the rules made thereunder, therfore no disclosure as required by schedule III is given.
Note 39 During the year or as on the end of year 31.03.2024, Borrower has not been declared as willful defaulter.
Note 40 Various Financial Ratio, alongwith details of Numerator and denominator etc, and the reason for deviation more than 25% as compared to previous year has been disclosed in Annexure B attached.
Note 41 As on the 31st March 2024, there is no charge pending for creation or satisfaction at MCA portal
Note 42 The Company has not received any funds from any person(s) or entity(ies), including foreign entities (Funding Party) with the understanding (whether recorded in writing or otherwise) that the Company shall;
i. Directly or indirectly lend or invest in other persons or entities identified in any manner whatsoever by or on behalf of the Funding Party (Ultimate beneficiaries), or
ii. Provide any guarantee, security or the like to or on behalf of the Ultimate Beneficiaries.
Note 43 The Company does not have any transactions which is not recorded in the books of accounts but has been surrendered or disclosed as income during the period in the tax assessments under the Income Tax Act, 1961 ( such as, search or survey or any other relevant provisions of the Income Tax Act, 1961
Note 44: Foreign Exchange earnings, expenditures and Hedge and unhedge status of Balance receivable and payable is as
Note 45: Details of C'SR
CSR Provisions of Companies Act 2013 is not applicable to the Company during the year.
Note 46: Director Personal Expenses
There are no direct personal expenses debited to the profit and loss account. However, personal expenditure if included in expenses like telephone, vehicle expenses etc. are not identifiable or separable.
Note 47: No dividend were declared and paid by the company during the year and previous year.
Note 48. The Company has not utilised the borrowings received from banks and financial institutions for the purpose other than for which it was taken during the period of restatement.
Note 49 Figures have been rounded off to the multiple of Lakhs. Previous year's figures have been regrouped, recast and rearranged wherever necessary to make them comparable with the current year figures.
Chartered Accountants FRN - 146264W
Kashyap P. Mody Hemanshu Batavia
DIN No : 01717036 DIN No : 05118012
Managing Director Whole Time Director & CFO
CA Ravi K Jagetiya M. NO. 134691
Place: Mumbai Krishna Rathi
Date: 29th May, 2024 Company Secretary
Place: Mumbai PAN: CDXPR9096R
UDIN: 24134691BKADDR4363_