3.15 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets,
Provisions are recognized when the Company has a present obligation (legal or constructive) as a result of a past event, it is probable that the Company will be required to settle the obligation, and a reliable estimate can be made of the amount of the obligation.
The amount recognized as a provision is the best estimate of the consideration required to settle the present obligation at the end of the reporting period, taking into account the risks and uncertainties surrounding the obligation. When a provision is measured using the cash flows estimated to settle the present obligation, its carrying amount is the present value of those cash flows (when the effect of the time value of money is material).
Contingent assets are disclosed in the financial statements by way of notes to accounts when an inflow of economic benefits is probable.
Contingent liabilities are disclosed in the Financial Statements by way of notes to accounts, unless possibility of an outflow of resources embodying economic benefit is remote.
3.16 Financial instruments
Financial assets and financial liabilities are recognized when Company becomes a party to the contractual provisions of the instruments.
Financial assets and financial liabilities are initially measured at fair value. Transaction costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition or issue of financial assets and financial liabilities (other than financial assets and financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss) are added to or deducted from the fair value of the financial assets or financial liabilities, as appropriate, on initial recognition. Transaction costs directly attributable to the acquisition of financial assets or financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss are recognized immediately in profit or loss.
3.17 Financial assets
All recognized financial assets are subsequently measured in their entirety at either amortized cost or fair value, depending on the classification of the financial assets.
• Cash and cash equivalents
The Company considers all highly liquid financial instruments, which are readily convertible into known amounts of cash that are subject to an
insignificant risk of change in value and having original maturities of three months or less from the date of purchase, to be cash equivalents. Cash and cash equivalents consist of balances with banks which are unrestricted for withdrawal and usage.
• Financial assets at amortized cost
Financial assets are subsequently measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method if these financial assets are held within a business whose objective is to hold these assets in order to collect contractual cash flows and the contractual terms of the financial asset give rise on specified dates to cash flows that are solely payments of principal and interest on the principal amount outstanding.
• Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income
Financial assets are measured at fair value through other comprehensive income if these financial assets are held within a business whose objective is achieved by both selling financial assets and collecting contractual cash flows, the contractual terms of the financial asset give rise on specified dates to cash flows that are solely payments of principal and interest on the principal amount outstanding.
• Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss
Financial assets are measured at fair value through profit or loss unless it is measured at amortized cost or at fair value through other comprehensive income.
• Impairment of financial assets
The Company assesses at each balance sheet date whether a financial asset or a group of financial assets is impaired. Ind AS109 requires expected credit losses to be measured through a loss allowance. The Company recognizes lifetime expected losses for trade receivables that do not constitute a financing transaction. For all other financial assets, expected credit losses are measured at an amount equal to 12 month expected credit losses or at an amount equal to lifetime expected losses, if the credit risk on the financial asset has increased significantly since initial recognition.
• De-recognition of financial assets
The Company derecognises a financial asset when the contractual rights to the cash flows from the asset expire, or when it transfers the financial asset and substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the asset to another party.
On de-recognition of a financial asset in its entirety, the difference between the asset’s carrying amount and the sum of the consideration received and receivable is recognized in the Statement of Profit and Loss.
3.18 insurance Claims
In case of total loss of asset, on intimation to the insurer, either the carrying cost of the asset or insurance value (subject to deductible excess)whichever is lower is treated as claims recoverable from insurance company. In case insurance claim is less than the carrying cost of the asset, the difference is charged to statement of profit and loss.
In case of partial or other losses, expenditure incurred / payments made to put such assets back into use, to meet the third party or other liabilities(less deductible excess) if any, are accounted for as claims receivable from insurance company. Insurance Policy deductible excess are expensed in the year in which corresponding expenditure is incurred.
As and when claims are finally received from the insurance company, the difference, if any, between the claim receivable from insurance company and claims received is adjusted to statement of profit and loss.
All other claims and provisions are booked on the merits of each case.
3.19 First-time adoption - mandatory exceptions and optional exemptions
Overall principle
The Company has prepared the opening balance sheet as per Ind AS, as of April 1, 2016 (the ‘transition date’) by recognizing all assets and liabilities whose recognition is required by Ind AS, not recognizing items of assets or liabilities which are not permitted by Ind AS, by reclassifying items from previous GAAP to Ind AS, as required under Ind AS, and applying Ind AS in measurement of recognized assets and liabilities. However, this principle is subject to the certain exception and certain optional exemptions availed by the Company as detailed below.
• De-recognition of financial assets and financial liabilities
The Company has applied the de-recognition requirements of financial assets and financial liabilities prospectively for transactions occurring on or after April 1,2016.
• Business combinations
The Company has elected not to apply Ind AS 103 Business Combinations retrospectively to past business combinations that occurred before the transition date of April 1,2015
• Classification of debt instruments
The Company has determined the classification of debt instruments in terms of amortized cost criteria based on the facts and circumstances that existed as of the transition date.
• Impairment of financial assets
The Company has applied impairment requirement of Ind AS 109 prospectively from the transition date.
• Deemed cost for property, plant and equipment and intangible assets
The Company has elected to continue with the carrying value of allof its property, plant and equipment and intangible assets recognized as of April 1,2016 measured as per the Previous GAAP and use that carrying value as its deemed cost as of the transition date.
• Non-current assets held for sale
The Company has measured non-currentassets held for sale at the lower of carrying value and fair value less cost to sell at transition date in accordance with Ind AS 105.
4. Critical Accounting Judgments, Assumptions and Key Sources of Estimation Uncertainty
Inherent in the application of many of the accounting policies used in preparing the financial statements is the need for management to make judgments, estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, the disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities, and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses. Actual outcomes could differ from the estimates and assumptions used.
Estimates and underlying assumptions are reviewed on an ongoing basis. Revisions to accounting estimates are recognized in the period in which the estimates are revised and future periods are affected.
Key source of judgments, assumptions and estimation uncertainty in the preparation of the financial statements which may cause a material adjustment to the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities within the next financial year, are in respect of useful lives of property, plant and equipment, employee benefit obligations, provision for income tax and measurement of deferred tax assets.
4.1 Assumptions and key sources of estimation uncertainty
Information about estimates and assumptions that have the significant effect on recognition and measurement of assets, liabilities, income and expenses is provided below. Actual results may differ from these estimates.
• Useful lives of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets
Management reviews its estimate of the useful lives of PPE and intangible assets at each reporting date, based on the future economic benefits expected to be consumed from the assets.
• Defined benefit obligation (DBO)
Management’s estimate of the DBO is based on a number of critical underlying assumptions such as standard rates of inflation, mortality, discount rate and anticipation of future salary increases. Variation in these assumptions may significantly impact the DBO amount and the annual defined benefit expenses.
• Provision for income tax
Significant judgments are involved in determining the provision for income taxes, including amount expected to be paid/recovered for uncertain tax positions.
• Recognition of deferred tax assets
The extent to which deferred tax assets can be recognized is based on an assessment of the probability of the Company’s future taxable income against which the deferred tax assets can be utilized. In addition, significant judgment is required in assessing the impact of any legal or economic limits or uncertainties.
(ii) Terms / Rights attached to equity shares
The Company has one class of equity share having at par value of Rs.10 each per share. Equity share holder are entitled to one vote per share. The company declares and pays dividends in Indian rupees. The dividend proposed by the Board of Directors, if any is subject to the approval of the shareholders in the ensuing Annual General Meeting.
The Company also has one class of preference share at par value of Rs.10 each per share, which are Compulsory convertible preference share.
During the year ended 31 March 2024, the amount of Rs. Nil (31st March 2023 Rs. Nil) per share dividend recognized as distributions to shareholders.
In the event of Liquidation of the company, the holders of equity shares will be entitled to receive remaining assets of the company, after distribution of all preferential amounts. The distribution will be in proportion to the number of equity shares held by the shareholders.
(iii) No shares are held by the holding company, the ultimate holding company, their subsidiaries and associates.
(iv) The company has not issued any bonus shares or for consideration other than cash and had not bought back any shares during the period of five years immediately preceeding the reporting date
(v) Details of shares held by each shareholder holding more than 5% shares in the company:
Note 34 Taxes on income
(i) Deferred tax assets has not been recognised as there is a no reasonable certainty that sufficient future taxable income will be available against which such deferred tax assets can be realised.
(ii) Provision is not made for current tax in view of the carry forward business losses.
Note 35 Segment Information
The Company is engaged in the business / operations of manufacture, sale and servicing of professional electronic equipment. Though the Company has a range of products, they all fall within the single segment of electronic equipment. It is considered view of the management that the Company has no reportable segments envisaged in the accounting standard (Ind. AS108) “Segment Reporting” issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.
Change in ratio by more than 25% as compared to the ratio of previous year.
1 Current ratio has increased from 0.70 times in FY 2022-23 to 1.04 times in FY 2023-24 due to regrouping of non - current inventory & non - trade receivable in current inventory & current trade receivable.
2 Debt - Equity ratio has increased from (2.54) times in FY 2022-23 to 2.56 times in FY 2023-24 due to increase share capital by issue new share against loan from director.
3 Return on equity ratio has increased from (12.08)% in FY 2022-23 to 14.08% in FY 2023-24 due to increase in share capital and increase in profit.
4 Inventory turnover ratio has increase from 0.62 times in FY 2022-23 to 1.41 times in FY 2023-24 due to increase in material consumption.
5 Trade receivable turnover ratio has increase from 1.95 times in FY 2022-23 to 4.36 times in FY 2023-24 due to decrease in average trade receivable.
6 Net profit ratio has decrease from 4.65% in FY 2022-23 to 2.88% in FY 2023-24 due to decrease in net credit sales.
7 Return on capital employed has increase from (24.51)% in FY 2022-23 to 7.66% in FY 2023-24 due to regrouping of non -current inventory & non - trade receivable in current inventory & current trade receivable.
8 Return of investment has increase from 4.85% in FY 2022-23 to 45.93% in FY 2023-24 due to increase in investment.
Fair value hierarchy
Level 1: Level 1 hierarchy includes financial instruments measured using quoted prices. This includes listed equity instruments and mutual funds that have quoted price. The fair value of all equity instruments which are traded in the stock exchanges is valued using the closing price as at the reporting period. The mutual funds are valued using the closing NAV and listed equity instruments are being valued at the closing prices on recognised stock exchange.
Level 2: The fair value of financial instruments that are not traded in an active market (for example, traded bonds, over-the counter derivatives) is determined using valuation techniques which maximize the use of observable market data and rely as little as possible on entity-specific estimates. If all significant inputs required to fair value an instrument are observable, the instrument is included in level 2.
Level 3: If one or more of the significant inputs is not based on observable market data, the instrument is included in level 3. This is the case for unlisted equity securities, contingent consideration and indemnification asset included in level 3.
There are no transfer between level 1,2 and 3 during the year.
Note 40 Other Statutory information
(i) The Company do not have any Benami property, where any proceeding has been initiated or pending against the Company for holding any Benami property.
(ii) There are no transactions and outstanding balances with companies struck off under section 248 of the Companies Act, 2013 or section 560 of Companies Act,1956.
(iii) The Company do not have any charges or satisfaction which is yet to be registered with ROC beyond the statutory period.
(iv) The Company have not traded or invested in Crypto currency or Virtual Currency during the financial year.
(v) The Company have not advanced or loaned or invested funds to any other person(s) or entity(ies), including foreign entities (Intermediaries) with the understanding that the Intermediary shall:
(a) directly or indirectly lend or invest in other persons or entities identified in any manner whatsoever by or on behalf of the company (Ultimate Beneficiaries) or
(b) provide any guarantee, security or the like to or on behalf of the Ultimate Beneficiaries
(vi) The Company have not received any fund from any person(s) or entity(ies), including foreign entities (Funding Party) with the understanding (whether recorded in writing or otherwise) that the Company shall:
(a) directly or indirectly lend or invest in other persons or entities identified in any manner whatsoever by or on behalf of the Funding Party Ultimate Beneficiaries) or
(b) provide any guarantee, security or the like on behalf of the Ultimate Beneficiaries,
(vii) The Company have not any such transaction which is not recorded in the books of accounts that has been surrendered or disclosed as income during the year in the tax assessments under the Income Tax Act, 1961 (such as, search or survey or any other relevant provisions of the Income Tax Act, 1961.
For R. Bhargava & Associates For and on behalf of the Board of Directors of
Chartered Accountants Aplab Limited
FRN : 012788N
R. Bhargava Amrita P. Deodhar Rajesh K. Deherkar
Partner Chairperson and Managing Director CFO & Company Secretary
M. No. :- 071637 DIN No :- 00538573 M.No. A10783
Place :- Thane Place : Navi Mumbai
Date :- 30th May 2024 Date : 30th May 2024