Arcee Industries Limited was incorporated in the year 1992. The company
is engaged in the activity of manufacturing of Rigid PVC Pipes.
The Equity Shares of the Company is listed in BSE Limited. Mumbai.
1. Deferred Tax
Deferred Taxation Assets and Deferred Taxation Liabilities have been
calculated as per AS-22 issued by the 1CAI. Deferred Taxation Assets
has been taken in to consideration as the management is assured
that the company will generate sufficient profits in future to derive
full benefit of current unabsorbed depreciation and losses. This
assurance is based upon company's track record and the future outlook
of the PVC pipe industry.
2. Contingent Liabilities on account of (Amount in Rs.)
2013-2014. 2012-2013
Bank Guarantee 6,00,000 5,00,000
3. Disclosure under Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development
(MSMED)Act, 2006:
Dues in respect, Micro and Small enterprises are being regularly met as
per agreed terms and, as such, there remains no liability towards
interest. Principal amounts remaining payable in respect of such
parties, as at 31st March, 2014, amount to Rs. 4,77,115/- (Previous
Year Rs. 28,89,350/-)
4. Certain balances representing Debtors and Creditors, are subject to
reconciliation and receipt of confirmations from parties, pursuant to
confirmation requests sent by the company.
5. Figures for the year have been rounded-off to the nearest rupees.
6. Figures for the previous year figures have been
reclassified/regrouped wherever required.