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07 March 2025 | 12:00

Industry >> Steel - Alloys/Special

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ISIN No INE694W01024 BSE Code / NSE Code 541702 / ASHNI Book Value (Rs.) 5.91 Face Value 1.00
Bookclosure 13/09/2024 52Week High 8 EPS 0.09 P/E 41.54
Market Cap. 39.69 Cr. 52Week Low 3 P/BV / Div Yield (%) 0.66 / 0.00 Market Lot 1.00
Security Type Other


You can view the entire text of Notes to accounts of the company for the latest year
Year End :2024-03 

• Segment Reporting :

The Company's operating segments are established on the basis of those components of the Company that are evaluated regularly by the Executive Committee (the 'Chief Operating Decision Maker' as defined in Ind AS 108 -'Operating Segments'), in deciding how to allocate resources and in assessing performance. These have been identified considering nature of products and services, the differing risks and returns and the internal business reporting systems.

The Group has four principal operating and reporting segments;

• Steel

• Trading of goods

• Others

• Capital Management

The Company manages its capital to ensure that entities in the Company will be able to continue as going concerns while maximizing the return to stakeholders through the optimization of the debt and equity balance. The capital structure of the Company consists of net debt (borrowings offset by cash and bank balances) and total equity of the Company.

Fair value hierarchy

The following section explains the judgments and estimates made in determining the fair values of the financial instruments that are recognized and measured at fair value through profit or loss. To provide an indication about the reliability of the inputs used in determining fair value, the Company has classified its financial investments into the three levels prescribed under the accounting standard. An explanation of each level follows underneath the table.


Level 1 hierarchy includes financial instruments measured using quoted prices (unadjusted) in active market for identical assets that the entity can access at the measurement date. This represents mutual funds that have price quoted by the respective mutual fund houses and are valued using the closing Net asset value (NAV).

Level 2 hierarchy includes the fair value of financial instruments measured using quoted prices for identical or similar assets in markets that are not active.

Level 3 if one or more of the significant inputs is not based on observable market data, the instrument is included in level 3. This is the case for unlisted compound instruments.

There are no transfers between any of these levels during the year. The Company's policy is to recognize transfers into and transfers out of fair value hierarchy levels as at the end of the reporting period.

C. Fair value of financial assets and liabilities measured at amortized cost

The Management has assessed that fair value of loans, trade receivables, cash and cash equivalents, other bank balances, other financial assets and trade payables approximate their carrying amounts largely due to their short term nature. Difference between carrying amount of Bank deposits, other financial assets, borrowings and other financial liabilities subsequently measured at amortized cost is not significant in each of the years presented.

For financial assets and liabilities that are measured at fair value, the carrying amounts are equal to the fair values.

Financial risk management

The Company's board of directors has overall responsibility for the establishment and oversight of the Company's risk management framework. The board has established the Audit Committee, which is responsible for developing and monitoring the Company's risk management policies. The Committee holds regular meetings and report to board on its activities. The Company's risk management policies are established to identify and analyses the risks faced by the Company, to set appropriate risk limits and controls and to monitor risks and adherence to limits. Risk management policies and systems are reviewed regularly to reflect changes in market conditions and the Company's activities. The Company, through its training and management standards and procedures, aims to maintain a disciplined and constructive control environment in which all employees understand their roles and obligations.

The audit committee oversees how management monitors compliance with the Company's risk management policies and procedures, and reviews the adequacy of the risk management framework in relation to the risks faced by the Company. The audit committee is assisted in its oversight role by internal audit. Internal audit undertakes both regular and ad hoc reviews of risk management controls and procedures, the results of which are reported to the audit committee.

This note explains the sources of risk which the entity is exposed to and how the entity manages the risk.

(a) Credit risk

Credit risk is the risk of financial loss to the company if a customer or counterparty to a financial instrument fails to meet its contractual obligations. The company is exposed to the credit risk from its trade receivables, unbilled revenue, investments, cash and cash equivalents, bank deposits and other financial assets. The maximum exposure to credit risk is equal to the carrying value of the financial assets. The objective of managing counterparty credit risk is to prevent losses in financial assets.

>ngoing basis. If customers are independently rated, these ratings are used. Otherwise, if there is no independent rating, risk :ontrol assesses the credit quality of the customer, taking into account its financial position, past experience and other factors :or trade receivables, provision is provided by the company as per the below mentioned policy for the F.Y. 2023-24 :

(b) Liquidity risk

Liquidity risk is the risk that the Company will encounter difficulty in meeting the obligations associated with its financial liabilities that are settled by delivering cash or another financial asset. The Company's approach to managing liquidity is to ensure, as far as possible, that it will have sufficient liquidity to meet its liabilities when they are due, under both normal and stressed conditions, without incurring unacceptable losses or risking damage to the Company's reputation.

Liquidity Table

The Company's remaining contractual maturity for its non-derivative financial liabilities with agreed repayment periods is given below. The tables have been drawn up based on the undiscounted cash flows of financial liabilities based on the earliest date on which the Company can be required to pay. The tables include both interest and principal cash flows. The contractual maturity is based on the earliest date on which the Company may be required to pay.

(c) Market Risk

Market risk is the risk arising from changes in market prices - such as foreign exchange rates and interest rates - will affect the Company's income or the value of its holdings of financial instruments. The Company is exposed to market risk primarily related to interest rate risk and the market value of the investments. Thus, the exposure to market risk is a function of investing and borrowing activities.

- interest rate risk

Interest rate risk is the risk that the fair value or future cash flows of a financial instrument will fluctuate because of changes in market interest rates.

Company's borrowings are Interest free, So there has been no exposure arise regarding Interest Rate Risk.

(d) Price Risk Exposure

The Company's exposure to securities price risk arises from investments held in mutual funds and classified in the balance sheet at fair value through profit or loss. To manage its price risk arising from such investments, the Company diversifies its portfolio. Further these are all debt base securities for which the exposure is primarily on account of interest rate risk. Quotes (NAV) of these investments are available from the mutual fund houses. Profit for the year would increase/decrease as a result of gains/losses on these securities classified as at fair value through profit or loss.


- As informed by the management that the loans are interest free, which in our opinion is violation of Section 186 (7) of the Companies Act, 2013.

- Confirmation of the concerned parties for the amount due to them and/or due from them as per accounts of the company are not received. Necessary adjustments, if any, will be made when accounts are reconciled or settled. Balance of sundry debtors and creditors, loans and advances accepted and given in the balance sheet are subject to confirmation.

- In the opinion of board of directors the value of loans and advances and other current assets have a value on realization in the ordinary course of business at least equal to the amount at which they are stated in balance sheet.

- As per National Company Law Tribunal, Ahmedabad Bench Order Dated 29/05/2017 T.P. No. 38/NCLT/AHM/2017, New segment of Trading & Investment Business has been added (Demerged from Lesha Industries ltd).

- There is carry forward of losses, the company need not to recognize deferred tax assets in the event of non-availability of convincing evidence as to future income.

- The previous year's figures have been reworked, regrouped, rearranged and reclassified wherever necessary. Amounts and other disclosures for the preceding year are included as an integral part of the current year financial statements and are to be read in relation to the amounts and other disclosures relating to the current year.