Share Capital
1.1 Shareholders holding more than 5% of Share
1) Out of the above Equity shares-
(A) 3,36,600 Equity Shares issued as fully paid up bonus shares on
30/09/1992 by capitalisation out of Profit and Loss A/c aggregating to
Rupees 33,66,000/-.
(B). 6,41,520 Equity Shares alloted as fully paid Bonus shares on
30/07/1994 aggregating to Rupees 64,15,200/- by capitalization of
Rupees 15,66,080/- out of profit and loss a/c and Rupees 38,49,120/-
out of revaluation reserve and Rupees 10,00,000/- out of general
2) Amount originally paid up on Forfeited Equity shares is added in the
Subscribed & Fully Paid Up Equity Shares capital amount.