1. The net worth of the company will completely eroded *n the year
2002-03 and the company became a sick industrial undertaken-p unfed
the provision of The Sky In du Stria-1 Company (Special pro vis un )
Act Lass SICA}. Consequently it filed the necessary reference with the
Eagar For JnduB-1 nil and Financial Recon Sturdiest f BIFR] As
required undersea. However they said refine candid not he admitted as few
secured tenders initiated proceeds under Securitization and
Reconstruction out Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest
Act 2002 (SR-Fascia) The company they said action of secured lenders &
others before the High court of Bombay which perm med secured lenders if
take only symbolic possession of line assets charged and permitted the
company To continue the operation and also to Fate an appeal before the
Dub Li Recovery Tribunal (CRT). In terms of the sad order .the company
has continued its operation all these years inducing the year under
review The company also filed an appeal before DRT which is pending
disposal In addition.
Arrears of fixed cumulative dividend (inducing dividend distribution
tax] on preference shares From their respective dates of allotment till
their dates of redemption/year end; On 15%cumulative nonconvertible
redeemable preference shares, As. 15,441,911/- (asset 30th September,
2003, Rs.9.262,02 fro fit.
2. Particulars and terms of redemption of non-convertible preference
shares are as under:
60,000,000/ 14% preference shares of Rs, luck-each, aggregating to Rs,
60.000.000/- have been a Hutted on 26th May, 1599 to the industries
Development Sank of Intec a, redeemable on pa r after expiry of since
years from allotment, i.e. 25th May, 2005;
* 500,000 14% preference shares of Rs. 10Q/ each, aggregate to fact.
50,000,000/- have been a Hooted on 15th October, 1397 to 5I00 ML
Limited, redeem able on par after expiry of five years from allotment,
i.e. 30th October, 2002.
* 2 00,000 1 5% preference shares of Rs. 10Q/-each, aggregating to Ks.
20,000,000/-have been a Hooted 30th Septembers, 1996 to fate regret
Limited, redeemable on par after expiry of five years from allotment, i.
e. 15th September, 2002;
- 100,000 15% preference shares of Rs.100/- each aggregating to
Rs.10,000,000/- have been allotted on 12th July 1997 to BOB Assets
Management comapany limited redeemable on per after expiry of three
years (extended by a further period of three years) from allotment i,e.
11th July 2003;
- 50,000 15% preference shares of Rs.. 10}/- each, aggregating to As.
5,00,000/ , have been a Hutted on 2nd 1997 to The Rainmaker Bank Limited,
earn able on par after expiry of six years from allotment, i.e. 1st
June, 2003;
- 30,100 15%preference Shares of Rs,1000/- each, aggregating to Rs.
3,010,000/-, have been a Hated on June, 1997 to various individuals,
redeemable on par after expiry of six years from. allotment, i.e. FIT
June, 2003;
- 31,170 15% preference shares Of Rs. 100/-each, aggregating to As,
3,170,00q/- have been a Hotted on 3th July, 1397 to LIMITED estimable
par after expiry of six year from allotment, i.e. July, 2003.
3. Contingent Liabilities Not provided for in respect of
a. Provision for Gratuity (net included as it is incremental liability)
b. Claims giants the Coin any not acknowledged AS DEBTS Rs
C. Liabilities In respect of Sales Tax Mumbai.-|MVAT ) assessment
disputed a appeal its, 1,65,92,315/-for the period 1.4.2005 to
31,3.2006 and Sales tax of Puce (M VAT) , Daman Vat and other State .
d. The Income tax as seamen's of the company been completed up to
Assessment Year 1999-200 and block assessment up to 1995 and block
assessment I39G-2001 The demand raised by the Income Tax Department in
respect thereof is Rs 111.57 lacs and Rs2272.27 lacs which are under
dispute. The Commissioner of income-Tax (Appeals) The disputed matte
safe pending in appear
e. liabilities in respect of Dam an Sect city Board disused
f. Liabilities s In res petal of Dam an rampancy dispute n
g. Liabilities in respect of GIDOC disputed.
h. Liabilities in respect of Excised Department/CESAT disputed & appeal.
i. Liabilities in respect of Customs disputed for appeal.
j. Liabilities in respect of DGFT Disputed & appeal
k, Liabilities in respect of Gati disputed & appeal
(formerly known as I disputed & pending matter in Bombay high court
I. Liabilities in respect of 138 Case filed by IFQ disputed appeal
j. Liabilities in respect of DGFT Disputed & appeal
p. Liabilities in res pert of CDS L& IM SOL
q. Liabilities in respect of d elastic he-; of Shares at Ahmadabad
Stock Exchange & Ddhi Stott exchange
f. Liabilities if res petal Of List fees with BSE & NSE and penalty
fill rasped. 10 non filing of reports
s. Liabilities in respect of redemption of Debenture and Interest
t. Liabilities in respect of Vishal 8 under disputed & appeal in
Daman Court
u. Liabilities in respect of Lab our Court Daman
u. Liabilities in respect of 5EBI & ROC
w. Liabilities in respect of redemption of debenture held by & LIC
x. Liabilities in respect of Factory License/ Weights & Measurement
4. As Per the best estimate of the management, no provision is
required to be made as per Accounting Standard IA5-29} Provisions,
Continent Li abilities and Co neck gent Assets notified by 1 he
Companies (Accounting Standard) Rules, 2006, In respect of present
oblation as a result of past event that could lead to probable
Outflow of resources, which would be required to settle the obligation.
5. In the opinion of the Management, the Current Assets, Loans and
advances have a value on realization in the ordinary coulee of
business, at least equal to the amount at which they are state in the
balance sheet. The provision far ail known liabilities is adequate and
not in excess of what is required.
6. No borrowing costs have been capitalized turning the year,
7. In respect of amounts as mentioned under Section 205C of the
Companies Act, 1956, then were no dues required to be credited to the
Investor Education and Protection Fund as on March 31, 2013.
8. The Company is a Small and Medium Size Company (SMC) as defined in
the Genera! instruction in respect of Accounting Standard notified
under the Companies Act, 19 56. Accordingly, the Company has complied
with the Accounting Standards as applicable to Small and Medium Sized
9. Previous ear's figures have been regrouped, whenever necessary.