(a) As per the information and explanation given to us the Company does
not have the policy of providing post employment benefits and hence no
provision is made for liabilities for retirement benefits.
(b) Contingent Liabilities
Name of Nature of Amount Rs. Financial
status Dues In Lacs Year to
Income tax Tax on 5.56 1999-2000
Act,1961 assessment
u/s 143(3)
Income tax Tax on 98.28 2000-2001
Act,1961 Assessment
u/s 143(3)
Income tax Tax on 11.34 2006-2007
Act,1961 Assessment
u/s 143(3)
Income tax Tax on 0.19 2011-2012
Act,1961 Assessment
u/s 143(3)
Name of Forum where
status dispute is
Income tax Gujarat High
Act,1961 Court
Income tax ITAT
Act,1961 Ahmedabad
Income tax ITAT
Act,1961 Ahmedabad
Income tax CIT (Appeals)
(d)The balances shown in the Balance sheet under the head of Creditors,
Debtors and Loans and Advances are each subject to confirmation from
respective parties and are subject to adjustment, if any, on receipt of
(e) The Company has not received any intimation from Suppliers
regarding their status under Micro and Medium Enterprises Development
Act, 2006 and hence disclosure , if any, relating to amounts unpaid as
at year end together with interest paid/payable as required under the
said Act have not been given.
(f) The Figures for the previous year have been rearranged and
regrouped wherever considered necessary so as to confirm to the current
year classification.
(g) The amount remitted during the year in foreign currencies on
account of dividend is Rs. NIL
* C.I.F. Value of Imports is Rs. NIL.
* Earnings in Foreign Exchange is (FOB) is NIL
(h) The amounts have been rounded off nearest Rupee.