1. The secured term loans are secured against
Particulars Security
1. Term loan 1 @15.75% - Personal Guarantee of Directors
2. Working Capital Term Loan - Equitable Mortgage of:
3. Funded Interest Term Loan a) Company's property at Moxi, Savli
I @9.50%
4. Funded Interest Term Loan b)Residential property at Gautam nagar
II @9.50% &JeevanJyotsoc Lalbaug Vadodara
- First charge on all Fixed assets
2. Contingent Liability
Rs, lacs
PARTICULARS AS AT 31.03.2015 AS AT31.03.2014
Income Tax 10.83 10.51
3. The company has not received any intimation from the suppliers
regarding their status under the Micro, Small and Medium enterprise
development Act 2006 and hence disclosures, if any relating to amounts
unpaid as at year end together with interest payable as required under
the said Act have not been given.
4. Balances of sundry Receivables, Payables, Loan and Advances are
subject to confirmation and Cash Balances are verified by the
Management of the company.
5. Disclosure of related party transaction as required by Accounting
Standard -18 issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India:
Key Management Personnel and their relatives as on 31.03.2015 are as
Relationship Name
Whole-time Director Mr B.K.Bodhanwala
Managing Director Mr A.B.Bodhanwala
Non-Executive Director Dr M.A.Bodhanwala
Additional Director Mr.G.S.Thanky
Company in which Director is interested Dhara Petrochemicals R
Firm in which director is interested VR Industries
Note: Related parties and their relationship is as identified by
Management and relied upon by the auditors.
6. Previous year's figures have been regrouped, rearranged or recast
wherever necessary.
8. Excise Duty shown under 'expenditure' (note 2.21) represents the
aggregate of excise duty borne by the Company and difference between
excise duty on opening and closing stocks of finished goods.