1. In the opinion of the Board of Directors, Current Assets, Loans & Advances, have a value on realization in ordinary course of business at least to the amount at which they are stated.
2. Balances standing to the debit or credit of Sundry Debtors, Sundry Creditors, Unsecured Loans and Loans and Advances are subject to their confirmation.
3. There is no outstanding payment due to the S.S.I. units.
4. Previous year’s figures have been re-grouped and re-arranged wherever doing so was considered necessary.
5. Details of Auditor’s Remuneration
Current Year Previous Year
Statutory & Tax Audit fee Rs. 22,000/- Rs. 20,000/
Income-tax and allied works Rs. 5,500/- Rs. 5,000/
6. Related party disclosure is in compliance with AS18 of I.C.A.I Related Parties Key Management Personnel:
(1) Mr. Mahendra Kumar Baid (Managing Director)
(2) Mrs. Sobhag Devi Baid (Director)
(3) Mr. Ravi Bohra (Chief Financial Officer)
(4)Ms. Surbhi Rawat (Company Secretary)
Baid Leasing and Finance Co. Ltd.
Transaction ‘Executed in normal course of business at arm’s length price.