(Rupees in Lakh)
Particulars 31st March, 2014 31st March, 2013
(6 Months)
Estimated amount of contracts
remaining to be
executed on capital account Nil Nil
Bills discounted with Banks Nil Nil
Bank Guarantees outstanding Nil 9.63
Service tax under dispute 3.30 3.30
Excise Duty under SEZ clearance 353.44 353.44
Note: The above disputed liabilities since been transferred while
transferring Aluminium Extrusion Business Division by way of slump
sale. However, the appeals are still pending in the Company's name.
2. In terms of Accounting Standard (AS-11) "changes in Foreign
Exchange Rates" on transaction of monetary items at the year end
exchange rate, there is notional exchange gain / (loss) of Rs. 64,143
which has been accounted in the Profit and Loss Account.
1. Shri R.K.Aggarwal
2. Smt.Urmila Agarwal
3. Shri Rajat Agarwal
4. Shri Utsav Agarwal
5. Smt.Tanushree Hazarika Agarwal
6. Rockstrong Investments Private Limited
7. Sunbright Investments Private Limited
8. Elegant Enterprises
9. Rajkumar Aggarwal, Karta
10. Rajkumar & Sons (HUF)
11. Bhoruka Fabcons Private Limited
12. Maverick Infotec Private Limited
13. Bhoruka Aluminium FZE
4. There are no Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises to whom dues are
outstanding for more than 45 days at the year end as determined to the
extent such parties have been identified on the basis of information
available with the Company.
5. Adequate provisions as required by Accounting Standard 15
employees benefits has been made and no further liability on this
account is envisaged.
6. Previous year's Figures have been regrouped/restated wherever
necessary to conform to Current period's classification. However,
current period being of twelve months, to that extent, previous year's
figures are not comparable.