The above preference shares are non convertible, cumulative and redeemable at end of 10 years from the date of allotment i.e. 29.01.2014 and 22.08.2014 or earlier at the option of the company. Dividend @ 10% is payable on these shares.
Details of shares in the company held by each shareholder holding more than 5% of shares is as under:
* Rupee Term Loans are secured by first equitable mortgage of immovable assets both present and future and hypothecation of moveable assets (save and except book debts) charged to rank pari-passu inter se and subject to prior charges created in favour of the company's for working capital loans and assets exclusively charged.
** Assets purchased under Hire Purchase Finance Schemes are hypothecated to the financers.
There are no amounts due or payable towards principal and interest to suppliers covered under Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006.
Includes liabilities of Rs. 69.33 lacs (previous period Rs. 154.43 lacs) in respect of capital goods.
Amount payable to related party Rs. 12.15 lacs (previous period Rs. 26.50 lacs).
There are no amounts due and outstanding to be credited to Investor Education and Protection Fund as on 31.03.2016. Amount payable to related party Rs. 24.79 lacs (previous period Rs. 5.72 lacs).
Addition to plant and machinery include exchange fluctuation Rs. 48.15 lacs (previous period Rs. 4.66 lacs)
* Represents additional depreciation for the period up to 31st March, 2014 on revision of useful life of fixed assets adjusted against opening balance of retained earnings.
* This pertains to long term liability only. Actual payments (under the various heads) incurred over the intervaluation period are not included.
The Estimates of rate of future salary increase takes into account inflation, seniority, promotion and other relevant factors on long term basis. The discount rate is generally based upon the market yields available on Government bonds at the accounting date with a term that matches that of liability. The above information is certified by the actuary.
1 Related Party Disclosure:
A Names of related parties and description of relationship
(i) Key managerial personnel
Shri Ambrish Jaipuria, Executive Director
(ii) Enterprises over which key managerial personnel of the company and their relatives have significant influence Cosmo Films Ltd.
Sterling Oxide Ltd.
Gayatri & Annapurna Super Sadiq Enterprises Pvt Ltd.
Andheri Properties & Finance Ltd.
Pravasi Enterprises Ltd.
2 It is the management's opinion that since the company is exclusively engaged in the activity of manufacture of components of electrical & electronic products which are governed by the same set of risks and returns the same are considered to constitute a single reportable segment in the context of Accounting Standard on "Segment Reporting" issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.
The company has taken forward cover for hedging the business related exposures due to imports which are not speculative in nature. As, the contracts are specific to a particular liability, the liability has been booked at the contract rate and no further profit / loss is anticipated.
5 Capital work in progress includes capital advances of Rs 2.92 lacs (previous period Rs. 0.27 lacs)
6 Figures for the previous period have been regrouped / rearranged wherever considered necessary.