1. Contingent Liabilities and Commitments - NIL-
2. Related Party Transactions
a) List of Related Parties
Subsidiary Companies Netocol Systems and Solutions Pvt Ltd
Associates Companies controlled Akshara Infracon India Pvt Ltd
by key management personnel /
relatives who are
substantially interested
Key managerial personnel Mr. A Prabhakara Rao A
Mr. Suresh Babu G
Mr. Venkateshwar Reddy Parne
Ms. Laveena Panjwani
3. Value of Imports and Exports - NIL
4. Balances under Trade Receivable, Trade Payables, are subjected to
confirmation and reconciliation from respective parties.
5. Segment Reporting
There are no separate reportable segments (business and/or
geographical) in accordance with the requirements of Accounting
Standard 17 - 'Segment Reporting' issued by the Institute of Chartered
Accountants of India.
6. Previous year figures have been regrouped wherever if thought
necessary in conformity with the current year groupings. Paise have
been rounded off to the nearest rupee. Notes on financial statements,
Cash Flow Statement and statement on accounting policies form an
integral part of the balance sheet and profit and loss statement.