Amount in Rs.
PARTICULARS As at 31 st March
2014 2013
(i) On account of pending appeals of
Central Excise 38,051,782 38,051,782
a) Job work incorrect adoption of value
vide ref:V/73/15/61/2004-CXADJ/8/02/05
for Rs.20226475/-
b) Wrong availment of Cenvat credit vide
ref.V/73/15/100/2005-CX ADJ/25/01/06
for Rs.16506601/- c) Removal of
waste & scrap without payment of duty vide
ref: V/Ch.73/15/55/2006-CX ADJ/29/01/09
for Rs.1318706/-
(ii) Non Filing of ER-6 Return for the
Year 2012-13 - -
V/Ch.73/15/27/2013 CX.Adj dt.14/08/13
(iii) Electricity tax on electricity bill
Pondy Rs.13.10 lacs 1,310,000 1,310,000
(iv) LC Outstanding as on 31.03.14 34,983,123
a) Balance in Sundry Debtors/ Creditors and advances are subject to
b) Previous Year's Figures have been re-arranged and re-grouped
wherever necessary.
c) Tax deducted at source from the payment to contractors, Professional
charges, Comission, intrest and Salaries have been deposited.
d) In view of insufficient information from the suppliers regarding
their status as SSI units the amount due to small scale Industrial
Undertakings cannot be ascertained.