Provisions involving substantial degree of estimates in measurement are recognized when there is a prese^pbli^ation as a result of past events and it is probable that there will be an outflow of resouj&ek'JAj^closure for contingent liability is made when there is possible obligation or a present dblf^jop^fiat may, but probably will not, require an outflow of resources. Where there is a possible 3 present obligation in respect of which the likelihood of outflow of resources is remote, \TO PWwsitMi cfceljsclosure is made.
ix.Earnings Per share
The basic earnings per share (“EPS”) are computed by dividing the net profit/ (loss) after tax tor the vlr avaiS for the equi^ shareholders by the weighted average number of equtty share outstanding during the year For the purpose of calculating diluted earnings per share, net profit/(loss) available for equity shareholders a„d the weighted average number of outstanding during the year are adjusted for the effeets of all dilutive potent,al equ.ty shares.
x. Cash and cash equivalents: -
r h anH cash eauivalents for the purpose of cash flow statement comprise cash on hand and cash at bank including fixed deposit with original maturity period of less than three months and short term highly liquid investments with an original maturity of three months or less.
xi. IPO expenses amortization: -
IPO Expenses included in Miscellaneous Expenditure are being and shall continue to be written off over a period of 5 years from the year in which it was incurred.
xii. Government grants/subsidies: -
Government grants are not recognized until there is reasonable assurance that the Company will comply with the conditions attaching to them and that the grants will be received. (::°™ent grants are recognized in profit or loss on a systematic basis over the periods in which the Company recognizes as expenses the related costs for which the grants are intended to compensate is netted off
from the related expenses.
Si“‘LUases other thau finance lease, are operating leases, and the leased assets are not recognized on the Company’s Balance Sheet. Payments / rental income under operating leases are recognized in the Statement of Profit and Loss on a straight-line basis over the term of the lease.
xiv.Segment Reporting:
The accounting policies adopted by the Company for segment reporting are in line with the accounting standard on Segmental Reporting.
Business Segment: The Company is in the business of trading of animal feed and providing risk management service and accordingly has two reportable business segment viz. Trading and ‘Service’ which constitutes the primary segment.
Segment Expenses, Segment Assets, and Segment Liabilities have been allocated to segments on the ba^is of their relationship to the operating activities of the segment. Revenue, expenses, ass liabilities which relate to the Company as a whole and are not 00 00
32) Debtors Outstanding and Provision for Doubtful Debts
As on the date of balance sheet company is having more than 180 days outstanding of Rs. 5,041.41 and further, the company has not made any provision for the doubtful debts for the year under reporting.
33) Difference in GSTR 2A and Books of Account
As per the working there is less input available of Rs. 41,782 in the reconciliation of GSTR 2A for IGST and Books, however the company is in touch with the Suppliers who has not filed their returns due to ongoing pandemic situation and national lockdown. However, suppliers have confirmed the company that the same will be sorted out once lockdown lifted.
34) Mismatch in 26AS and Books of accounts
There is short TDS reflection of Rs. 0.42 Lakhs in 26AS portal due to non updation of TDS returns by customers. However company is in touch with customers to get the reflection in 26AS.
39) Employee benefits:
a. Defined contribution Plans:-
Retirement benefits in the form of provident fund (where contributed to the regional PF Commissioner) are a defined contribution scheme. The contribution to the provident fund is not applicable to the Company.
b. Defined Benefit plan:-
Gratuity payable to employees in accordance with the provisions of The Payment of The Gratuity Act, 1972 is a defined benefit plan as per Accounting Standard (AS) - 15 “Employee Benefits” as per Actuarial valuation certificates.
During FY 2021-22 Net actuarial gain amounting to Rs. 2,53,993 for the gratuity liability debited to Profit and loss account.
40) Leases: -
(a) The company has one office premises under operating lease that are renewable on a periodic basis at the option of both the lessor and lessee.
(b) There is najjiinimum lease payment as per the operation lease under non -cancellable lease term.
42) Contingent liabilities not provided in respect of:-
a. Disputed TDS demand of Rs 76,37,460/- against which company will preferred an appeal / Rectification within allowable time, management is of opinion that the demand is likely to be either deleted or substantially reduced accordingly no provision has been made.
b. As informed by management there is no litigation pending against the Company which has bearing on financial status of the Company.
c. Income tax related cases of past years. The details of the same have also been specified in the CARO report, for the period under audit.
451 £2W CSR amount as pet Section 135 of the companies Act,
2013 read with Schedule VII. The average profit preceding 3 years are of Rs. 1, , ,
and thus company doesn’t not make any provision.
461 During the Financial year 2019-20 company has issued 13, 30,000 Warrants and each carrying a rig t to 46> SZrita to one S Share per Warrant a, a price of Rs. 30/- per Warrant. An amount eq„,valent to 25% of the Warrant Price has been paid and the balance 75% of the Warrant Price shall be payab y fhe against each Warrant a. the time of allotment of Equity Shares pursuant to of the options attached to Warrant(s) to subscribe to Equity Sharefs). The amount pmdagmnstW™^ has been adjusted in reserves of company since company has not received balance 75% of the warrant
47) Segment Information:
a) The Company has identified two reportable segments viz ; Trading of CVD and R’J Service Segments have been identified and reported taking into account nature of products and services the8differing risks and returns. The accounting policies adopted for segment reporting are in line with the accounting policy of the Company with following additional polices for segme. t
bl Revenue and Expenses have been identified to a segment on the basis of relationship to operating a£fes of the segment. Revenue and Expenses which relate to -«JP™ - » -
allocable to a segment on reasonable basis have been disclosed as Unallocable .
cl Segment Assets and Segment Liabilities represent Assets and Liabilities in respective Segments. Investments, tax related assets and other assets and liabilities that cannot be allocated to a segment on reasonable basis have been disclosed as “Unallocable In I IrKcl
d) Inter segment pricing are at Arm’s length basis.
d)As per Accounting Standard on Segment Reporting (AS-17), the Company has reported Segment information on consolidated basis.
48) The company has given advances of Rs. 11,92,83,423/- to its suppliers since year and during the year there is no settlement of advances paid to suppliers.
49) There have been delays in payment to some suppliers and service providers. The management has expressed that this has been done to manage working capital flows better, as there are delays in receipt of payments from clients as well.
There is salary outstanding of Rs. 58.85 Lakhs as on 31.03.2021 out of which subsequently company has paid Rs. 6.76 Lakhs. The management has expressed an opinion that due to the visible slowdown in macro economic conditions in the last quarter of the FY, the senior management of the Company, including the Directors, had taken a conscious decision to delay their own salaries and this constitutes a major portion of the pending salaries.
50) In the opinion of the management, current assets, loans, advances and deposits are approximately of the value stated, if realized in the ordinary course of business. The provision of all known liabilities is adequate and not in excess of the amount reasonably necessary.
51) Additional information pursuant to Schedule III of the Companies Act, 2013 has not been furnished as the same is either Nil or not applicable.
52) There is no impairment loss on fixed assets on the basis of review carried out by the Management in accordance with Accounting Standard (AS)-28 ‘‘Impairment of Assets”
53) Previous year’s figures have been reclassified/regrouped, wherever necessary to make the same comparable with the current year’s figures.
As per our report attached for and on behalf of the Board
For RAK Champs & Co. LLP CRP Risk Management Limited
Chartered Accountants A
FRN: 131094W /^PS>v \ ^ A x A
Mr. Ramanath Shetty \ wayCd Razaz Hites hA§jraflf^
(Partner) nAjm---VjjManaging Director Director and CFO
M. No.: 218600 pIN: 02497549 DIN: 06399098
Place: Mumbai
Dated: 31st December 2022